
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

In-Between 7

Olivia took a few minutes to compose herself and made her way to the crafting room. As she crossed the threshold, her sleepy expression transformed into one of pure awe. Time seemed to stand still as she stood there, absorbing the incredible sight before her. The magnitude of the room was overwhelming, resembling a small city that could easily accommodate multiple stadiums in each spatial axis. The possibilities that lay within its grandeur sparked a mix of excitement and wonder in Olivia's eyes.

Her gaze was inevitably drawn to the anchor positioned at the room's center. Its intricate crystalline structure emanated pulsating energy, captivating her attention like a magnetic force. Slowly, she approached it, her hand reaching out to touch its surface as if seeking confirmation of its reality.

"Incredible," She murmured, her voice filled with a sense of awe. "I can hardly believe what you've accomplished here."

A smile spread across my face, pride swelling within me as I witnessed her reaction. "And it's not even turned on yet," I responded a glimmer of excitement in my eyes.

Turning towards me, her determination shining through, Olivia's fatigue was replaced with newfound energy. "So, what do I need to do?" she asked, her voice filled with unwavering conviction.

"I only need a single boost for now, after that, you can just stand back and look pretty," I playfully remarked, flashing a wider smile as I teased Olivia. In response, she playfully slapped my shoulder, enjoying the banter.

"And this is why I got out of bed," Olivia grumbled, shaking her head slightly. Despite her grumbling, a shy smile adorned her face as she readily complied with my request without any hesitation.

With a surge of energy, I activated [Mana's Blessing], instantly tripling my stats. As Olivia's boost merged with mine, my basic stats skyrocketed to five times their normal levels. My mana capacity and regeneration reached an impressive 350 million, their power coursing through my channels.

The surge of mana within me intensified, coursing through my being and converging into the anchor with a mesmerizing rhythm. Each pulse of mana resonated like the beating of a heart, traversing the intricate matrices of enchantments woven within the anchor. Gradually, one by one, the enchantments began to activate, their magic surging forth in response.

Suddenly, with a resounding boom, a shockwave radiated in all directions, shattering the very floor beneath us.

The re-ignition of Mai's essence has commenced.

The pulses of mana gained momentum, their speed accelerating to such an extent that even my heightened senses couldn't discern individual pulses anymore. Instead, they melded into a constant, unbroken flow of power.

Mana swiftly gathered within the inner walls, surging through the conduits and channels that adorned them. With lightning speed, it journeyed towards every protrusion, each one eagerly absorbing billions of points of mana. As every surface became saturated with this potent energy, a resounding explosion of mana erupted, causing the Library to tremble in response, and at long last, Mai was reawakened.

A grin of anticipation spread across my face as I initiated the activation of [Soul Cohesion]. The air surrounding the anchor shimmered, imbued with an ethereal energy that crackled and danced as if reality itself were folding in on itself.

[The property of the Library has been damaged...]

[Dimensional barrier integrity at 99.9999*%...]

[Issuing a fine of 1,000,000 WP...]

[Fine overwritten...]

But as the skill came into effect, an unexpected sense of dread washed over me. The air distorted and glitched, mirroring the chaotic display of system messages that flooded my screen. The words appeared and disappeared in a rapid succession of flickering and flashing, creating a disorienting spectacle.

My heart raced with a mixture of fascination and concern as I tried to comprehend the erratic nature of the glitches. The familiar interface of my system had transformed into a fragmented and distorted mess, causing an unsettling feeling to settle in the pit of my stomach.

[Dimensïonal barriêr dam4gêd...]

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[Fine overwritten...]

[Fiñe ðverwri†ten...]

[Fiñe ðvêrwri††en...]

[£ïñₑ ⱽvêrwrêₙ...]

[ᶠᵢᴺₑ ₒⱽₑᴿᵂᴿᵢᵀₜᴱₙ...]

The world around me convulsed with an unyielding force, causing the very foundations to tremble. The lights flickered and then vanished, plunging the room into an enveloping darkness. The walls crumbled and disintegrated, their once sturdy structure reduced to rubble. In that fleeting moment, an abyss-like void materialized, swallowing all sense of stability.

A bone-chilling chill swept through me, sending shivers down my spine. It was as if an unseen presence had cast its gaze upon me, a presence that emanated an unsettling aura of malevolence. The feeling lingered for an instant, filling me with a primal fear, before a blinding flash of light erupted, momentarily blurring my vision.

[Skill: [Mindguard] unlocked.]

As the light gradually dimmed and the room regained a semblance of normalcy, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something fundamental had shifted. The air was heavy with lingering uncertainty, and an undercurrent of unease coursed through my veins. My breaths came in rapid succession, and my heart raced, betraying the turmoil within me.

Before I could gather my thoughts and address Olivia's well-being, a captivating melodic voice, gentle and harmonious like a chime, reverberated through the very essence of causality. It seemed to originate from an otherworldly source, distorting the fabric of reality itself. The voice called out to me, uttering a single word that carried a weight of familiarity and profound connection: "Master~," and at that moment, everything shattered.

Reality fractured and splintered as if a delicate glass mirror had been shattered into countless fragments. The cube containing Mai blinked out of existence, vanishing into the ether, and reappearing in a newly formed dimension, separate and unbound from this very realm, existing under our complete and absolute control.

With a surge of relief, my system interface finally regained its stability, returning to its familiar state. The chaotic glitches and fragmented messages that had plagued the screen dissipated, replaced by the orderly display I had grown accustomed to. As my attention shifted to the notifications, a long-awaited message appeared, catching my eye.

[Permanent soulbond with the artificial soul-construct known as Mai, established.]

With Mai now a permanent part of my existence, intricately intertwined with the very essence of my being, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. Though she had once been an artificial soul construct, this soulbond had granted her permanence, solidifying her presence within reality.

Swiftly turning my attention to Olivia, who remained in the same spot, her face etched with confusion as she gazed at the spot where the anchor and Mai had vanished, I couldn't help but express concern. My voice carried a touch of worry as I asked, "Are you alright?"

She turned towards me, raising an eyebrow in response, her expression one of mild surprise. "Hmm? Why wouldn't I be?" Her head tilted slightly to the side, and she added, "I'm a bit tired, but that can wait. What happened to Mai?"

My confusion deepened, and I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer. "You didn't notice anything strange?" I inquired, searching for any hint that Olivia might have picked up on the abnormality, or at least sensed something.

She raised her hand to her chin, contemplating the question, her head tilting to the other side. With a hint of confusion in her voice, she responded, "Space seemed to warp around that cube thingy..." Squinting, she shrugged her shoulders. "But that's all I noticed. Why? And why do you look so pale and nervous?" Her gaze narrowed as she regarded me intently. "What did you do now?"

With a wry smile, I replied to Olivia's inquiry, "Nothing to my knowledge." Activating my [Mental Discipline] skill, I exerted control over my erratic emotions, preventing her from sensing the true state of my mind.

It was crucial to maintain composure and not let my inner turmoil show.

While I masked my unease, I couldn't help but wonder about the nature of what had transpired. Was it an attempt at some kind of mental manipulation, all just an elaborate illusion? Or was there something more to it? The sudden appearance of the skill followed by the return of reality to its complete state hinted at the former, but deep within, I harbored a disquieting feeling that what I had experienced was indeed real.

[Mindguard LVL: 1/100]

- Increases resistance towards mental instability, insanity, and psychological manipulation by 0.01% times Intelligence, making it more difficult for external influences to disrupt the user's mental stability and sanity.

- Provides protection against mind-altering spells, illusions, and psychic attacks, reducing their effectiveness by 0.02% times Wisdom.

- Provides partial immunity to the negative effects of madness or insanity, allowing the user to resist and recover from mental disturbances more effectively.

- Enhances the user's mental fortitude, allowing them to maintain a strong sense of self and resist being swayed or controlled by external forces.

As I grappled with these conflicting thoughts, a part of me yearned for confirmation, a way to definitively determine whether it had all been a product of my mind or an actual event that had taken place. Yet, for the time being, uncertainty remained, and I would have to navigate this mysterious situation with caution and discernment.

As I perused my notification logs, a sense of disbelief washed over me as I realized that the records of the glitched notifications, the Fines for damaging the Library's dimensional barrier, had vanished without a trace. It was as if they had never existed in the first place, further fueling the notion that perhaps this entire experience was nothing more than a product of my imagination.

With a deep sigh, I decided to set aside my lingering doubts for the time being. There were more pressing matters at hand. I reached out and clasped Olivia's hand, seeking a sense of grounding amidst the swirling uncertainty.

"Are you alright?" Olivia's voice carried genuine concern as she looked at me with worried eyes.

I chuckled softly, trying to ease her worries, but my smile felt strained. "Oh yeah, I'm just peachy," I replied, my voice lacking conviction. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze, grateful for her presence at that moment.

With our connection established, I called out through the ethereal bond with Mai, "Mai pull us in," commanding her to draw us into the separate dimension she now inhabited.

In response to my command, the very fabric of space began to contort and twist around us. Reality itself seemed to bend to her will as we were pulled into the realm that Mai now resided in. The transition was seamless yet surreal as if we were crossing a boundary between worlds. The familiarity of our surroundings dissolved, replaced by a new environment governed by the influence of our newfound connection.

In the vast expanse of the separate dimension, Olivia and I floated weightlessly, surrounded by emptiness. Not a single particle or glimmer of light could be seen in this boundless void. With our newfound control over this realm, there was no need for direct mana infusion into the cube. Similarly, to what I did with the DXD world, the environment itself could absorb the energy, sustaining Mai's systems effortlessly.

With a clear intention in mind, I called out to Mai, instructing her to manipulate the surroundings. The empty space transformed before our eyes, morphing into a room that met our desired specifications. The once endless expanse now took the shape of an open observatory, devoid of a roof but featuring a comfortable atmosphere and temperature. The gravity shifted to a familiar 1G, resembling the conditions we were accustomed to.

Olivia, still bewildered by the sudden changes, glanced around and took in the new surroundings. Telescopes, star charts, and various space observation equipment adorned the observatory-like room, immersing us in an atmosphere of cosmic exploration.

I turned to Olivia, a smile playing on my lips, as I addressed her with a hint of excitement. "Mai has a new feature."

As the words left my mouth, a swirling mass of mana coalesced into the form of a woman. I had completely relinquished control over Mai's avatar, allowing her complete freedom in choosing her appearance. And she certainly didn't disappoint.

Before us stood a charming figure, dressed in an elegant maid uniform that accentuated her petite frame. Her white hair cascaded down just past her hips, and her captivating sapphire eyes sparkled with life. With a graceful movement, she lifted the sides of her skirt and executed a courteous bow. A radiant smile graced her face as she addressed us.


"Master, mistress," she greeted us, her voice gentle and melodious, laced with warmth and loyalty.

I couldn't help but be captivated by Mai's avatar. She exuded an aura of elegance and familiarity, her presence adding a touch of whimsy to our extraordinary surroundings. Olivia, too, seemed taken aback by the unexpected appearance, her eyes widening in surprise.

Returning Mai's smile, I replied, "Welcome, Mai. It's a pleasure to have you here with us. You look absolutely stunning."

Olivia glanced at me with a playful smirk, teasingly adding, "I must admit, you certainly have an eye for fashion, Andy."

Olivia's playful remark caught me off guard, causing a brief moment of embarrassment. However, Mai swiftly stepped in to clarify the situation, morphing her appearance multiple times to demonstrate her control over her avatar. "I have complete control over my body, I was the one who choose this appearance because I knew Master would appreciate it." She answered with a smile. However, her explanation brought a mixture of relief and amusement, though I couldn't ignore the glare from Olivia's direction.

Clearing my throat, I refocused my attention on the task ahead. "Moving on... Let's continue with the Dyson sphere project."

Olivia responded with an eye roll but complied, asking, "Alright, what do you need me to do?"

"I just need one more boost," I replied. "But don't worry, my regenerative skills will protect me from any true harm. I won't be in any real danger."

A wry smile played on her lips, but she ultimately nodded and followed my instructions. As she did, I could feel my power surge, augmenting my abilities twofold once again, pushing them to an unprecedented level of seven times their original strength.

As the immense power surged through my body, I could feel the energies resonating within me, my stats reaching unprecedented heights. The surge of vitality, intelligence, and wisdom brought a newfound clarity and understanding to my senses. The sheer magnitude of my mana regeneration was awe-inspiring, its radiance emanating from me like a beacon.

The excess, two hundred thousand mana, which my total capacity couldn't handle, cascaded outward, creating a brilliant display of shimmering lights that illuminated the surrounding space. Olivia and Mai gazed at me in astonishment, their eyes reflecting the sheer magnitude of the power I now possessed.

Olivia's voice broke the silence, tinged with a mix of wonder and concern. "Andy, are you alright? Your power... it's overwhelming."

As I observed the effects of the immense power flowing through me, I became aware of the toll it was taking on my physical form. The intense heat generated by the energy caused my body to smoke and emit thermal energies. The uncontrolled mana pulses added to the spectacle, creating an ethereal display of power.

The strain on my body was evident. My skin began to crumble and disintegrate into dust, only to be rapidly regenerated by my exceptional health regeneration. It was a constant cycle of decay and renewal, a testament to the extraordinary vitality I possessed.

"Alright, let's begin the show," I declared with a smile, but as the words left my lips, an unexpected surge of ethereal power accompanied my voice. The sheer force of it dispersed Mai's avatar and caused Olivia to stumble backward. "Sorry," I whispered, sending out another wave of power, that finally took her off balance. Feeling a twinge of awkwardness as I rubbed the side of my chin.

As Olivia stood up and brushed off the dust, her mild glares serving as a reminder of my earlier mishap, I felt relieved knowing that she was unharmed. However, to err on the side of caution, I swiftly created a parallel instance of my mind, focusing on forming an additional protective barrier around her. This barrier was imbued with an abundance of mana, serving as an extra layer of safety to prevent any unintended harm.

With a wry smile and a nod, I redirected my attention away from Olivia and shifted my gaze upward. At the same time, Mai's avatar reformed beside Olivia, ready to assist us in our endeavor.

As my divine domain blazed to life, a surge of power surged through me, empowering my every thought. With a single command, an array of intricate alchemical circles materialized in the expansive void above, their symbols infused with a divine spark. The circles merged and coalesced, forming a majestic sphere that pulsed with ethereal energy.

In this wondrous creation, mana flowed in unfathomable quantities, measured in billions, as its essence underwent a profound transformation. The very fabric of mana transmuted, converting its boundless energy into matter—specifically, into the primordial element of hydrogen, the building block of stars.

As billions of tons of hydrogen erupted from the alchemical circles, they dispersed in space, coalescing into vast molecular clouds that drifted with ethereal grace. A parallel mind instance sprang into existence, and within the heart of this cosmic dance, guided and controlled the gravitational forces at play.

With a focused intent, the parallel mind instance exerted its influence on the hydrogen-rich gas, drawing it towards a central point within the alchemical sphere. Gravity's invisible hand worked tirelessly, slowly compressing and pulling the gas inward, causing it to condense and form a dense, compact core. This protostellar core emerged a nascent spark of celestial potential, ready to ignite and birth a star.

As the protostellar core continued to grow and its gravity intensified, the alchemical sphere had to be adjusted repeatedly to accommodate its expanding size. The gravitational forces at play within the core became stronger, counteracting the outward pressure and enabling the star to support its own weight.

With each passing moment, the temperature within the protostellar core soared, fueled by the increasing density of matter. However, as the core's gravity intensified further, I found it increasingly challenging to meet the growing demands for hydrogen. The moment matter was created within the star's influence; it was promptly devoured by the insatiable hunger of the nascent star.

As the protostellar core reached its peak of growth, I summoned forth the power within me, channeling a profound energy that resonated through the fabric of existence.

With a commanding voice, I uttered the words, "Let there be light."

In response to my proclamation, a blinding burst of radiant energy erupted from the newborn star, spreading its brilliance across the vast expanse of space. The intense light illuminated the darkness, casting a celestial glow upon the surrounding cosmic landscape.

[Title: [Creator] received.]

[Skill: [Creation] unlocked.]

With a resounding explosion that reverberated through the vastness of space, the ignition of nuclear fusion commenced within the core. The intense heat and pressure generated by the fusion reactions overcame the gravitational forces, triggering a chain reaction that released a tremendous amount of energy.

The alchemical circles and the remaining hydrogen were dispersed in the wake of this explosion, as the newborn star came alive, radiating its brilliant light and heat into the surrounding space. The fusion reactions within its core sustained a delicate balance between the inward pull of gravity and the outward force of the released energy.

I turned my attention back to Olivia, a smile playing on my lips as I approached her. With a gentle touch, I deactivated the last remnants of the energy boost I had received from her, feeling the power slowly subside within me.

Looking into her eyes, filled with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, I posed a question that held immense significance. "Would you do me the great honor of bestowing a name upon the first star of our universe?" My voice carried a sense of anticipation, eager to hear the words she would choose to etch into the cosmic tapestry.

Olivia's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze shifting between me and the brilliant star that now graced the cosmos. She paused for a moment, deep in thought, before a gentle smile adorned her face.

"Let's call it 'Elysium'," she said, her voice filled with a sense of reverence and wonder.