
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

HP 9

As the knock on the door reverberates through the apartment, a wave of my hand turns off the lights while another lights up all the candles, creating a flame that provides light but no heat at all. I move to the door to greet my long-awaited guest.

Olivia adorned a pure white top, showing an ample amount of cleavage, and a similarly colored knee-high skirt, while her wavy long hair was done in a ponytail. She gave me a glance and without a word jumped in my embrace wrapping her legs around my back and her arms around my neck. Her full cherry-colored lips met mine and didn't want to separate. Our tongues fought for dominance, while I wrapped my arms around her back, and with a mental tug on telekinesis, slammed and locked the door.

The food was left on the kitchen table, while we made our way to my bedroom, a discreet wave of my hand lit up the candles inside of it, just before we entered. She didn't care for the ambiance, but separated from my lips, bit the side of her own, then with ragged breaths she said.

"I think we waited long enough." She grabbed the side of the top and unceremoniously dropped it to the side, accompanied by her bra.

"Agreed." I said just before I gave her perky nipples a playful bite. A yelp accompanied by a moan resounded in the bedroom before she grabbed onto my head and captured my lips again. While she was distracted, a translucent film of magic, created by [Muffliato], covered the walls of the room, trapping all the noise inside of it.

Even knowing that she liked it rough, I didn't want our first time to be remembered like that. So instead of just throwing her on the bed, choking her on my cock then slamming myself deep within her, I moved slowly. My hands trailed her perfect body, mapping out every inch of it and rising goosebumps along the way.

A shudder leaves her body as my hand gently trails along her back as I carefully place her on the bed and remove my shirt, then I resume passionately kissing and exploring her body. My hand trailed downwards, gently caressing her inner tights then switch directions and slowly reach under her skirt, brushing against her already damp panties. We delve deep into our carnal desires, the food in the kitchen completely forgotten, as our lovemaking extended way into the morning.

Cuddled up I wake up to an already awake Olivia staring at me.

"Morning." I greet her and place a quick peck on her lips, however, the way she greets me, makes my mental processes come to a complete halt.

"I love you." She says making me pinch myself to check if I'm dreaming. "I'm not expecting an answer right now, I just wanted you to know." She says as a blush blooms on her face as she snuggles up to me. Still shocked by the revelation, I don't answer her instead I choose to stay silent while I think this through. Meanwhile, I pull her into a tight hug, making her wiggle her naked body in my embrace. This was out of my expectation, as all of this was a completely different thing than the 'I love you' she said last night, during her moment of blissful ecstasy.

'Fuck.' I curse inwardly and break the promise I made to myself. [Mind Arts] activates and a single thread gently enters her mind, uncovering her current thoughts. The results, however, immediately calm me down. What she said was true, she wanted to be with me, but didn't require a halfhearted answer out of me right now, and to be honest with myself, I didn't know how to describe the feeling I had towards her. Yes, she has become a stable part of my life, but did I love her? I didn't know, not yet.

I could just lie and say 'I love you', but for some reason that didn't feel right. The girl was everything I wanted in a relationship, and I didn't want to ruin it with shallow words. As the silence stretches out, I finally respond.

"Olive, I love being in your company and you need to know that you mean the world to me, but I'm not ready to say those three worlds, not yet." I didn't lie, she did mean a lot more to me than anything in the current world, but before I say anything to her I need to clear up my feeling. I knew I wasn't a good man and I wasn't planning to change any time soon, while at the same time, I felt that this girl was too pure to be with someone like me. I sighed inwardly, I needed time.

My answer made her stop wiggling in my embrace and basking in my scent, and she looked deep into my eyes while saying. "Knowing that I mean so much to you is enough, just please don't make me wait forever." She says while giving me a quick peck and resuming her previous position between my arms. We kept embracing each other, but soon our blissful silence in the bed is interrupted by two rumbling stomachs.

"We didn't eat anything last night." I comment. "Take a shower, while I reheat the food, alright?" I ask the embarrassed girl next to me.

"Alright." She nods and while keeping the bedsheet covering her body, her eyes trail around the room trying to locate her discarded clothes. "By the way where did you get those candles? They've been up all night long and they still seem to be going strong."

'Fuck!' I inwardly curse. Then while making my deception skill gain a level I say. "Downtown, pretty pricey place, but I'll show it to you when we have time." I say while discretely waving my hand and extinguish all the candles on the other side of the bedroom door, and making the ones in the bedroom appear as if they've burnt halfway through.

"I'll be in the kitchen, come when you're prepared." I say before I exit the room with brisk steps, then quickly pick up the candles around the room and place them into a cupboard, then I turn to the food under a preservation charm still sitting on the table. The household charms book came to my rescue, by preserving the freshness of the food, which now only required a quick reheating. Fortunately, nothing had spoiled, and a simple heating charm did the trick just in time for Olive to finish her shower. We enjoyed a lovely breakfast together, followed by a lazy day on her apartment sofa since I didn't have a TV.

Realizing that I would soon be leaving for a 'private' school and only able to come home on weekends, Olive wanted to spend every possible moment with me. So for the next nine days, we were inseparable and indulged in our carnal desires throughout the nights. To my surprise, I discovered a newfound enjoyment in fulfilling some of her secret fantasies, including spanking her curvaceous backside.

Our experiences together inspired me to develop a new spell focused on pleasure, arousal, and denial. Over the next week, while Olive was at work, I worked on morphing Crucio into a three-part curse that could be considered a new form of Dark Arts, maybe even worse than some of the forbidden three.

The first part of the curse prevented the target from achieving climax without the caster's permission, regardless of how hard they tried. The second part was even more wicked, providing constant pleasure or increased the arousal of the target, at the intensity controlled by the caster. But the third part was the most devious. Curses can have triggers, and for this one, I set thinking about something specified by the caster as a trigger, and the result of it was a sudden spike in arousal. This part was something that could be viewed as brainwashing or at specific events even as torture.

The best part was that curses had no upkeep, they attached themselves to their target and sapped away their mana to stay active. This spells upkeep was so low that even practiced curse breakers would have trouble locating it, and I was pretty proud of my devious creation.

I needed to test it, but I wasn't cruel enough to do it on Olive. Knowing that tomorrow I'll be teaching in a world where the age of adulthood was 17, I knew where I could find some perfectly 'willing' test subjects running around the school corridors. Actually, now that I think about it, I could have some fun and cast it on a few people and make a few random mundane things as their trigger. I felt like a fox entering a hen house. Blame it on the wizarding world for not developing their mind shield more.

I was actually pretty surprised that there weren't more Dark Lords running around, they gave so much power to children, and didn't expect them to turn evil. Well, that might tie into the fact that wizards were a cowardly bunch and also that there weren't a lot of competent wizards running around. Probably caused by generations of inbreeding.

The second thing that amazed me, however, was the fact that teen pregnancies, where the girls didn't remember how they got pregnant, weren't so frequent. With how backward the wizarding world was, I didn't think abortions were that common. So maybe it was the same reason as the prior one, the competency and the cowardly nature of them? I had stopped trying to understand wizards, as they often made no sense at all.

'Maybe it's the fact that the fathers could be discovered keeping them away?' That thought however had an obvious problem with it. From the top of my head, and I had the memories of hundreds of wizards stored in my mental library, I couldn't think of a single spell that could locate someone's parents. Rituals could do it, but you know, those were banned. So what was actually stopping the little assholes from learning obliviate, raping someone, and removing their memories?

The answer was nothing, and those from the 'Most Noble Houses' had the capabilities to do so. Their children tended to learn magic from a young age, even if it was regulated by the Ministry of Magic, but the nobles didn't care. However, they were really careful about one thing, inheritance, so even if they did end up assaulting someone, in addition to Obliviating her they had to apply a contraceptive charm, which could be detected, and for a strange reason part of the household charms book.

I wasn't very versed in medical magic, but do they even have any DNA analysis spells? Naturally excluding family trees, for obvious reasons, and blood arts, because that's right those spells are considered cruel and dark. Well, that didn't prevent me from learning them or Dumbledore from using them to spy on Harry... I could curse someone's blood for generations, with a simple ritual, a few ingredients, and a drop of his blood, but why go through all that bothersome process when you could just kill them?

My biggest issue with wizards, however, is how they don't give a flying fuck about investing in research. They could leave this forsaken planet, teleport spaceships around the universe, terraform planets on a whim, and breathe life into barren worlds. But what do they do? Fight in 'wand' measuring contests, fly on brooms, and believe in prophecies.

Oh, prophecies, the bane of the wizarding kind. Prophecies from my understanding are not self-fulfilling, they only show a possible future, not an actual one. In addition, with how vague they are, they can be interpreted in many ways, making the ones who believe in them, the ones who actually push them to completion. These idiots keep misunderstanding them and fulfilling them by trying to prevent them. I had to sigh as my tough process concludes.

I already packed up everything I needed, dropped off my keys at Mrs. Mabel, and after a bit of mental manipulation, because I really didn't have time or patience to listen to her stories, I said goodbye and left. As it was Sunday the 1st of September, Olivia was free, but after fifteen minutes of back and forth, I successfully convinced her that she doesn't need to see me off.

We had a long conversation earlier and she offered to let me move into her apartment, it was her own, bought from the money she inherited, and all in all, it did make a lot of sense. Paying for a separate apartment, just to keep up a façade, while living five out of seven days outside of London didn't make a lot of sense. So in the end, I agreed and to be honest this wasn't the fastest I've moved in with someone.

She was thrilled, and on Saturday we moved all of my stuff, excluding the trunk to her apartment. After I received a spare key and gave her a passionate smooch, I said my goodbyes and left the building. Finding an abandoned alley wasn't such a big task, and a teleportation later, I appeared in Hogsmeade. Yea that's right, I skipped the 9 fucking hour-long train ride, inside a small uncomfortable freaking compartment.

The mana-rich atmosphere welcomed me. I could practically feel the mana in the air vibrate in excitement upon my arrival. The air felt fresh and filled with potential, and the environment could be only described with a single word, magical.

Hogsmeade and Hogwarts were separated by about a ten-minute walk and a short stony path. The sky was clear and even from my current location, I could already see the towering spirals reaching toward the sky. The ancient castle was only a breath away.

As I approach Hogwarts Castle for the first time, I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the breathtaking sight before me. The castle was located on a large hill, overlooking a vast lake, and surrounded by dense forest. The first thing that catches my eye was the impressive stone walls, which rise high into the sky, stretching out as far as the eye can see.

As I draw closer, I notice the towering turrets and spires that jut out from the walls, giving the castle a regal, almost otherworldly appearance. The architecture was a blend of Gothic and Renaissance styles, with pointed arches, elaborate stonework, and intricately carved gargoyles perched on the roofline. The castle was with one word, magnificent.

As I neared the front gates, and the threshold of the school grounds, I could clearly sense some kind of thin foil of mana pass me. However, it doesn't take me long to identify what that feeling was, as the magic and the castle greeted me with excitement. It was a strange feeling, the castle was simultaneously alive and not, it did have some kind of pseudo-intelligence, and that was reflected in how playful it was with the moving stairs.

Wards were truthfully only a bunch of permanent enchantments, created for defending, or hiding places from prying eyes. They could also have additional features like danger sense, apparition prevention, and offensive array. From what I knew and now felt, Hogwarts wards only notified the teaching staff if a student was actually in grave danger. I could mentally command the castle wards to keep an eye on a specific student and notify me if there was something the magical castle considered wrong happening with them. Quite an interesting design, but it did have its flaws. As a non-truly sentient being, there weren't a lot of things the castle considered bad.

When I passed through the ward's threshold, the school staff was notified about my arrival, and that is why I could see Minerva McGonagall, standing right by the entrance.

"Good morning professor Thompson. It's good to see you again." The wrinkly old woman with her hair pulled back tightly in a bun and with sharp features giving her an almost hawk-like appearance, greeted me.

"Good morning professor." I greeted her back, but I couldn't stop wondering about her words. When did I meet her? I had no recollection of any of that.

"You'll have to excuse me for the last time we met, three months ago, I was in quite a hurry so I couldn't show you around." She says, shaking her head.

"No problem." I say then pick up on something she said. From her recollection we met three months ago, that was before the time I arrived into this world. There was no chance we met before today, so did the background system actually create a clone of me, or influence the memories of these people? I had no idea.

"I must ask, where is your lugged?" She asks looking behind me.

"No need to worry, I have an enchanted trunk."

"Alright, would you like me to give you a tour right now? You've arrived quite early. We're not expecting the children for another twelve hours."

"If you're free. I would appreciate it. The castle looks magnificent, and I feel like I would get lost quite easily."

"Why would I ask if it wasn't?" She giggles and then proceeds to guide me through the entrance. Strange, the older woman, wasn't as stern as described in the books or movies. Maybe it was because we always saw her from the perspective of the kids, and not an adult one. Minerva showed me the inner courtyard, the Great Hall, the kitchen, and the library, then explained how to avoid the whimsical staircases while guiding me to the astronomy tower, she even showed me some of the useful shortcuts. During all of that, she explained some things that I would need to keep an eye on, the fact that I will need to go on nightly patrols during the week, and finally informed me that my class schedule will be ready in the morning. We finally arrived at an empty classroom, connected to an office.

"This will be your classroom, just call Tilly, the house-elf responsible for decorations, if you need something changed around or adjusted." She said before calling out aloud Tilly's name. With an audible pop, the house elf appears right next to her and bows.

"Can Tilly help mistress McGonagall with something?"

"No Tilly, this is the new professor of Muggle Studies, professor Thompson, you'll need to help him with decorating his classroom before his classes start tomorrow." She says with a stern voice making the elf, nod its head rapidly. She turns towards me and with a smile on her face says. "I should get going, I need to prepare for the new students and the sorting ceremony. Don't forget that dinner starts at 18:00."

"Thank you for showing me around and for your help professor." I say giving her a bow with my head.

"Oh don't mention it." She says waving it off like the four hours she spent showing me around was nothing. "I hope you'll feel welcomed and that you'll have a wonderful time teaching here." She says before she leaves. A grimace almost appears on my face, but I remember the hyperactive elf right by my side, and a sigh leaves my mouth, well no time like now to redecorate the classroom.

"Alright, Tilly was it?" I ask and get a rapid head bobbing as an answer. "Great let's start with the tables; they should look a bit more modern. No not like that, ah let me just show you..."