
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

HP 11

As Monday night came along, I cast [Furtim] on myself and walked out of my office with no care for the world. I could have waited to get the map from the twins for my nightly excursions, but I was impatient. I wasn't planning on doing anything crazy, at least this time around, but true invisibility was quite the boon.

My trunk was placed around my neck and I walked to the seventh floor in search of a tapestry depicting a wizard trying to teach trolls how to dance ballet. If I ever get her into the world of magic, Olivia would probably like the image, so I place a mental memo to grab it and give it to her before I leave the world. Giving the image another glance I can't help but chuckle. Quite the absurd idea, but having an understanding of wizards, I was one hundred percent sure it was depicting a true story.

Locating the room wasn't difficult, but gaining entry proved to be a challenge. Despite numerous attempts to open the door, it remained stubbornly closed, up until I disabled [Furtim] and lowered my mental barriers. I suspected that the enchantment involved some kind of mind-reading ability. As it seemed that the room, or perhaps the entire school, couldn't detect me while under the spell, nor could it hear my thoughts, good to know.

Attempting to open the door for the Nth time in a row, but now without anything guarding my mind. I focus on the Room of Lost Things while going back and forth in front of the tapestry. The wall in front of it unravels, creating a door just the right size for me to enter.

As I step through the doorframe before the magic door disappears, I'm greeted by an overwhelmingly large room filled with ancient magical artifacts, broken furniture, and tattered clothes in varying stages of disrepair. Despite the stale air, a smile forms on my face at the sight of such a treasure trove. Hoping to weed out the less valuable items, I command the room to only display objects of worth, but to no avail. Letting out a sigh, I consider other options as my gaze lands on a ragged piece of fabric resting on a nearby chair. Without hesitation, I employ the Accio summoning charm to whisk it off the chair and right into my waiting hand.

"Good, this one works." I look in the direction of the other end of the room and verbally call out the spell. "Accio Galleons." A low rumble could be heard all around the room as thousands of lost galleons rise up, and at high speeds and moved toward me.

"Fuck." I curse then thinking fast I transfigurate the rag into a metallic basin and levitate it in front of me. "Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta." Like the sound of a gun, the impact the golden coins make against the basin, sends shivers down my spine. "Well, that wouldn't have been the prettiest death in history. I would probably have ended in one of those top ten videos." As the impacts of the galleons against the metallic basin slow down and come to a sudden stop, I chuckle to myself in relief. With the basin now safely on the ground, I begin to inspect its contents when suddenly, a lone galleon that had been lagging behind chooses that moment to appear out of nowhere and strikes me in the head with a resounding thud, knocking me flat onto the floor.

As I lay on the ground, contemplating the idea of burning down the castle and ending all life on the planet, as the stray galleon rolls up and falls next to my face as if asking for forgiveness.

"Haa... Okay, your forgiven..." I let out a sigh and get up, casting a healing charm on the bump forming on my head. I approach the metallic basin cautiously, wary of any more galleons waiting to ambush me. When no attacks come, I peer into the basin and am taken aback by what I see.

Thousands of galleons fill the basin, enough to buy a house or even a mansion. I pick up a few to check if they're genuine and then quickly convert them into UC, surprised to find that it goes smoothly. I repeat the process, summoning Sickles, Knuts, and other currencies of the mundane world, then check my Coin Purse, and I'm delighted to find that it now holds a comfortable 2,068 UC.

There is another thing in the room that will require my attention, and locating it wasn't truly really an issue. The Ravenclaw Diadem sat on a mannequin on the far side of the Room of Lost Things. I could destroy the soul shard hidden inside of it right now, but I knew Quirrell or better said his passenger, might grow suspicious if he suddenly feels part of his soul disappears. So instead of straight up destroying or moving the item, I left it where it was, while not forgetting to apply a tracking charm to it, for a good measure. I don't want to be in a situation where the diadem suddenly disappears from the face of the earth. With everything done in the Room of Requirement, I move outside and back to the hole I call the office, place down the trunk and after a nice long shower I go to bed.

Tuesday morning started like any other, I had breakfast with the rest of the staff in the great hall and went straight back to my office to wait for the seventeen and eighteen-year-old students to arrive. I was actually quite excited about this day, and hopefully, I can find a target for my experiment.

"Damn, hearing myself like this, I do sound like a predator... Whatever, with what I was planning, I'm probably going to be labeled even worse." I mumble under my breath.

Just as the clock hits nine, I exit my office and greet the students all around. I go give the fifteen students the same introduction as I did to the fifth-year class while giving a quick glance to each individual in the room. My eyes land on a bob-cut redhead girl with freckles and large circular glasses. Her outfit donned the Ravenclaw colors, all filled in all the right locations. Her wavy hair reached all the way to her shoulders and her green eyes almost made me freeze mid-sentence. She was gorgeous, but what I found after entering her mind made her a perfect applicant for a test subject and maybe even a minion.

The girl, Emmeline Ashenford, from now on Emily, was studious, hardworking, and shy, soon-to-be eighteen-year-old muggleborn girl. Born on the 10th of September 1973, originating from a small village near London. With how the Hogwarts school system works, because of her late birthday, she had to start school a year later. She barely had any friends, and even with her above-average looks she had no experience with the opposite sex, as she was more invested in her studies than relationships. She held a deep admiration for those in positions of authority, yet also felt a sense of fear towards them. Her sexual fantasies revolved around mundane boring stuff. That had to be remedied... The perfect candidate for the Dark Lady project, my own little Bellatrix, was definitely her.

I repeated the same game I played with the fifth-year students, calling out the student's names and asking them questions about random events in human history, but this time I walked around the classroom and when I was behind Emily, I used telekinesis to roll off her quill from the table and quickly reached for it. I picked it off the floor and returned it to her hand, as soon as our hands touched, an almost invisible spark traveled between our fingers, and a system notification resounded in my mind.

I gave a girl a small smile, rising up my [Seduction] skill by a single level while making her blush and look the other way. Continuing the class, I gave a quick glance at my notification screen and I thanked [Acting] that it kept my true feelings hidden.

[Spell: [Voluptas] learned]

The trigger I set for Emily was thoughts of me, but for now, I kept it off, the only thing I did turn on was the lock on her climax. While I continued the class I seldom looked in her direction and when our eyes met I spiked her arousal levels by a few percent. I continued the class like normal, but kept track of the girl, she was slowly but visibly growing fidgety and frustrated, and she often shuffled in her seat. It was quite a fun experience, well at least for me.

Finally, the class ends, and surprisingly she wasn't the first one out of the class, she waited for everyone else to leave before she went on her way. The sneaky cleaning charm she cast on herself and the chair must have been the reason for her wait, but I don't judge her. Before she left, however, I entered her mind and made sure she doesn't drop the class, while at the same time making it so that she doesn't seek medical or other help for her current predicament. I was quite the devious man, maybe even worse than the Dark Lord of the past, if I had to say myself. Before she left I also turned on the trigger of [Voluptas], setting it at a reasonable percentage and activating the curse to always keep her arousal at a comfortable two percent. The climax lock was already in place, and I was wondering how long it would take to break her.

My day continued as normal, and as I had no more classes that day I spent the remaining day inside the school library, researching mostly on the subject of spells. The school library had so many books on spells, that I couldn't even attempt to count them. One intriguing thing that caught my attention, was that for some reason, wizards didn't seem to like ice spells. Don't get me wrong, there were some, for example [Glacius], that used ice affinity magic, but none had devastating effects like for example [Fiendfyre], the cursed flame.

That's why I chose my next spell to be focused on ice, I wanted the exact opposite of [Fiendfyre], a cursed ice that could bring anyone it touches to an eternal slumber. The rest of the day, I disassembled [Fiendfyre] into its base mana pathways, identified which one actually did what, and tried to merge it with [Glacius]. While the project might seem like an easy one, even with the [Spellcode] helping out, in actuality, it was a monumental task. Ice and Fire couldn't be controlled the same way, so I even had to add a few parts of [Aguamenti] into the mix to stabilize the spell.

It took most of the day to get where I was, and I still wasn't ready with it. At six thirty an elf came by, to remind me about Dinner, as I had completely lost myself in my research. Nodding to the little guy, I packed up my stuff, placed them safely inside of my inventory, and moved to the Great Hall. I was a bit late, but it didn't matter. I chatted with the other professors still present and dug in. During my meal, I did catch a young witch giving me quick glances from the Ravenclaw table. I had to stifle a chuckle, with how obvious she was, it will take time, but she will learn.

Wednesday came, and I could finally get my hands on the map. Just as my first class with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff finished, I called out to the Weasley twins to stay back for a moment.

"What is-" "-up prof?" They said, doing the stupid game where they finish each other's sentences.

"The sky." I reply with a deadpan look. "I don't have time for this so – Imperio." I cast the mind control spell and order them to get me the Marauder's Map. Not even ten minutes pass, and the two kids, return holding the map in their hands. After taking it from them, I cancel [Imperio] and hit them with an [Obliviate], removing all of their memories from the map, while making them think that this talk was about their pranking habits.

Lastly, I felt pretty annoyed after looking into their minds and seeing them plan to prank me. I cast [Voluptas] on both of them, but I didn't activate any part of it, not yet. Oh don't get me wrong I set up the trigger already. From now on the two idiots will get an awkward boner when they see each other. But there was no need for them to think I had something to do with all of this, so tomorrow at breakfast I will activate the trigger part of the curse, and watch their reactions from afar. Now that's what I call a good prank. Have fun explaining that to a curse breaker or a nurse.

Actually, I always hated the Malfoy kid, I should find him and make his think he is attracted to his own mother, or Snape, or wait maybe I should make it a specific wall in the castle, or an animal? So many choices...

The guys wake up from their dazzled state while I contemplate how to ruin little Malfoy's life, they say their goodbyes, then leave the premise. The rest of the day went by pretty fast, and the time for my first patrol has come. Using the map, I acquire earlier, it didn't take me long till I apprehended seven Slytherin kids, trying to sneak out past curfew. After taking away 10 points from each, I not only made them mad but also could see Snape raging. A win-win for me.

During the night, while I did notice a few Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff couples hanging out in broom closets I didn't disturb any of them, however, any Slytherin kid I noticed, was caught moments after they left their dorm, after that points were deducted and Snape was notified. Call it favoritism, but the little shits need to learn. The big bags under Snape's eyes in the morning were quite enjoyable to see.

Oh on the note of Slytherin, a bird told me the fake Harry got a pretty nasty swirlie from his housemates. Now you might be wondering what a swirlie is, and even I had to look it up, and by that, I mean read it from a student's mind. A swirlie refers to an act of bullying in which the victim's head is put into a toilet and then the said toilet is flushed. The poor fake new nickname is "Toilet Breath", created by oh-so-imaginative Malfoy Jr.

During the morning meal, didn't forget to turn on the trigger for the Weasley twins, then enjoy watching them awkwardly leave the great hall trying to hide their boners. Talking about boners, the Ravenclaw girl, Emily, was starting to form a lady boner towards me. Her periodic, shy, and quick glances my way, which kept forming a rose blush on her face, didn't escape my perception. I would appreciate it if she was a bit less obvious, not only to me but to everyone else. Sighing, I had to make her think that by doing this in the open, she was risking her status as a student at the school, and I could see her eyes suddenly widen, her back straighten up before looking away. One problem was solved.

The rest of the week went by without an issue, on Thursday I also had my patrol and I also focused only on the Slytherin guys, but to prevent others from thinking I'm only trying to catch Slytherin, I caught a couple doing the deed inside of a broom closet. Poor teens... Their ashamed expressions when the head of their houses berated them, was pure enjoyment to watch.

When Friday finally arrived I had my morning classes with the sixth year and similarly to the seventh and the fifth, there were only about twenty of them. I gave them the same treatment as the other classes, a stern introduction, and a quick verbal quiz, and then continued to give out a lecture about electricity. A topic that intrigued the kids, especially with all the illusions I've been creating.

Hmm... Maybe I should try focusing on that aspect of magic. Nah... not nearly as destructive, or wait, does any world have skills or spells that could make illusions reality? No, reality manipulation doesn't count...

On the topic of spells, I had some mild success with my [Fiendfyre] variant, the new spell was slowly coming along, and the mana channels were perfected, but I still didn't formulate the perfect image of the spell or the will required to cast it.

After finishing the one and only class I had today, I told Professor McGonagall that I'll be out till Monday morning and left the school's premises. The moment I walked out of the school's ward, I teleported right into Olivia's apartment, laid back on the sofa, and turned on the TV.

After lazing about for half a day, I started my preparations for making dinner, I haven't seen Olivia in a while and I wanted to surprise her. Remembering what her favorite food was, wasn't a challenge, but as she didn't have every ingredient at hand, I popped out to the nearby supermarket and bought everything I needed, then started working my magic in the kitchen.

A few hours later, the front door lock could be heard, I applied [Furtim] to myself and moved to the side, as soon as she entered the apartment and took a breath, the flagellant smell of the freshly cooked dinner assaulted her nose. She wondered who and what it was, and quietly moved towards her kitchen, but before her questions were answered, I dropped [Furtim] reached around her eyes, and said.

"Guess who?" She screamed in fright, turned around, and hit me on my chest but after her initial surprise, she jumped into my embrace and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you too." I say with a chuckle.

"But I missed you more." She mumbled, her face planted into my chest.

"I made your favorite."

"No way. You made Curry?" She asks, taking a deep breath and then excitedly running into the kitchen and shouting. "You made Curry!"