
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs


(Andrew POV)

As Yasaka gracefully exits the room, her long blonde hair follows her every move, and her tails dance in sync with her steps. The sight is simply mesmerizing, and despite not being under a charm or spell, I can't help but find the MILF incredibly alluring. She exudes a certain charisma and confidence that only comes with age and experience.

I am so captivated by Yasaka's presence that I find myself gawking at her firm backside, taking in every curve and detail. However, my staring doesn't go unnoticed, as Olivia hits me for the second time since we've been sitting here.

"I've noticed you've been more aggressive lately," I say, rubbing the spot where my Olivia hit me. "Unsurprisingly, your abuse actually raised my regeneration skills by a level."

"Then stop gawking at Yasaka's ass," Olivia responds sternly, crossing her arms with a cute huff.

"I was just captivated by her tails," I try to excuse myself, to no avail.

"Like I would believe that," She says, giving me a deadpan look.

"Sorry, sorry... But did you know there's a legend that if you touch one of her tails, you'll get cursed?" I attempt to change the subject.

"Are you trying to change the subject again?" Olivia's eyes widen as she grabs my ear and pulls it towards her. "Thanks for reminding me. Why was my face wet after you used your time ability?"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I recall the mustache I drew on her face. "You had a smudge on your face!" I say, laughing before sending her the image through [Link].

Olivia's eyes go wide and she starts screaming. "Andrew! What the hell! When did you draw that on my face?"

"When you started meditating in the library. I was surprised Index didn't comment on it," I reply, still laughing.

"You fucker! I'll remember this!" Olivia exclaims before her façade breaks and joins me in laughter.

The moment we calm down I turn back to her and wiggle my eyebrows.

"Let's get back to talking about tails," I say with a grin and cast an illusion on us, as there were still a few eyes observing us. I pull out a lock of golden hair from my inventory, and Olivia looks at me in shock, clearly not expecting me to have such an item.

"You didn't!" she exclaims, eyeing the hair in my hand.

"Oh, but I did," I reply proudly. "I've already created the race, and these are for you. I must warn you though, so don't be surprised, it comes with some interesting abilities. However, I wouldn't equip it just yet. There are only two of their kind in this region, maybe even in the world, and I don't want to risk being noticed if we are into their house."

She nods in understanding, taking the hair from my hand and quickly converting it into a race card.

[Kyuubi no Kitsune] [DxD]

+2 STR, +2 DEX, +3 AGI, +4 VIT, +3 CHAR per Global Level

- Gain the skill [Shapeshift], allowing you to shapeshift your true appearance into a human form.

- Gain the skill [Fox Fire], granting you the ability to create and manipulate an extremely hot flame able to affect even souls.

- Gain the skill [Dreamwalking], granting you the ability to enter the dreams of others.

- Gain the skill [Nature's Connection], allowing you to form a strong connection with the natural world, including the ability to sense and manipulate the energies of ley lines.

(A/N: I took some creative liberties with the race, and pulled some skills from folklore, as she could be considered something akin to a demigod)

"Holy shit. When did you get it?" She whispers in awe.

"Time Manipulation is quite an incredible ability," I reply with a chuckle.

She nods but, her confusion deepens as she better inspects the abilities, "Do you think [Shapeshift] can handle multiple races?"

I answer her with a casual shrug, "Why not? If it can transform a massive nine-tailed fox into a human, then it should work with mixed races too."

"Perfect," she exclaims with a smile. "I can't wait to try it out."

"Same," I say with a smile, "I'm gonna take out a sandwich, want anything?"

"Maybe later." She replies.

As I reach for a sandwich in my inventory, my mouth watering at the thought of its delicious contents, the sound of a creaking door interrupts me. Five maids enter the room, each carrying a plate adorned with a variety of delectable breakfast dishes. The aroma of bacon, eggs, and fresh fruit fills the air, and I feel my stomach rumbling with hunger.

"Seems like Yasaka didn't forget about your comment," I say with a snort and quickly dismiss the illusion that has been hiding us from view, revealing our true selves to the opulent room. The maids place the plates on the table, arranging them with precision, and then, all but one, proceed to leave the room with a bow. The remaining maid, clad in a pristine uniform with a delicate lace apron, gracefully steps forward, her eyes lowered in respect, ready to cater to any of our needs.

"Could you fetch us some tea? And after that, could you check with the staff if we can visit the mansion's library?" I ask the maid politely. She nods respectfully and exits the room to carry out her tasks.

As the maid leaves, I turn towards Olivia and cannot help but say, "I really need to get you to wear a maid's uniform."

Olivia looks at me with a puzzled expression and asks, "Are you serious about wanting me to wear something like that?"

"Oh, absolutely," I reply, unable to suppress a smile as I imagine her in a skimpy French maid outfit with a feather duster in her hands.

"Does the watch have that outfit?" she asks curiously, swiping through her watch's holographic display.

"Even if it didn't, I would design one just to see you in it," I reply with a smirk.

"Your fantasies never cease to amaze me." She says, shaking her head with a chuckle. "If you can make it through today without any incidents, I might consider it," she says with a playful wink.

Driven by the desire to see Olivia dressed up as a maid, I employed [Multitasking] and allocated a portion of my mind to maintain [Mind Discipline] throughout the day. This approach would not only rapidly enhance my skills in these two areas, but also, probably, prevent me from making any blunders.

After devouring a sumptuous five-star breakfast, the maid led us to the library section of the grand estate. Although I was initially excited to explore the library, I found it a bit underwhelming. It contained approximately two thousand books, covering diverse topics such as history, politics, and even agriculture. However, the section on magic was limited to just a single row of books, as the Youkai tended to use something called Senjutsu and Youjutsu more.

Despite this, I decided to use my [Arcane Book Thief] title to explore the magical section of the library. The title immediately notified me of a few valuable books hidden in plain sight, located in different rows, or even hidden in other rooms.

Walking down the row, I ran my fingers along the spines of the books, absorbing the knowledge they held within them. As I did so, I activated my [Intuitive Aptitude] skill, which supported by my [Archive] skill, allowed me to immediately process the vast amount of data I had just acquired.

As I delved deeper into the books, I began to uncover some fascinating facts about the magical laws that governed this world. My [Archive] skill highlighted key points and interesting details that I might have otherwise missed, while my [Intuitive Aptitude] allowed me to easily grasp the fundamental concepts of this new form of magic.

I was overjoyed to discover that the basic type of magic in this world consisted of visualization and the ability to manipulate equations, as some of my existing skills were quite proficient in this area. Additionally, the cognitive enhancements that came with some of my skills, coupled with the increased speed of calculations gained from [Mathematics], would make it easier for me to grasp and use this new type of magic.

From what I could understand, in this world, magic was a natural force that flows through all living things in one form of mana. Humans who have learned to harness this energy and manipulate it to create powerful effects are called Mages, or Magicians. While mana in the other races, goes through some changes, taking up different properties, and changing how their magic works.

The Magicians' way of casting a spell, is for the caster to separate their mana into specific elemental affinities. These affinities can correspond to the different elements, such as fire, water, earth, and air, but could also be conceptual ones like, darkness, light, space, time, and many more. Each spell requires specific, or multiple affinities to be used, and the caster must choose the correct affinities before beginning the casting process.

To cast a spell, the caster must simultaneously form a magical circle that is specific to the spell they wish to use and begin chanting the spell's incantation. However, my Sorcerer class removed all requirements for chanting, so that part didn't affect me.

Additionally, the circles are made up of a combination of geometric shapes and runic symbols, each representing different aspects of the spell, and this is where things start becoming interesting. The geometric shapes are used to represent the physical factors in the immediate area, such as temperature, humidity, and terrain. The size, angle, and position of each geometric shape, had a different effect on the final spell, requiring the caster to take multiple things into account before calculating the spell's parameters, such as its power, range, or duration.

As the caster chants the incantation, they must visualize the spell's effects and concentrate their mana on the specific elemental affinity required for the spell. This causes the mana to flow into the circle, where it is manipulated by the runic symbols and released as the spell's effect.

Once the circle is complete, the caster can activate it by pouring their mana into it. The circle will then become a conduit for the caster's mana, allowing them to cast the spell without being in direct contact with the circle. The caster must still stand within a certain range of the circle in order to maintain control over it, however, for me, this meant that I would need to be within 800 meters of the spell circle, currently, to completely control it.

This magical system is incredibly powerful but not without its risks. If the caster makes a mistake in the calculations or incantation, the spell could backfire, causing damage to the caster or those nearby. Additionally, the process of separating mana into elemental affinities can be physically and mentally taxing, and overuse can lead to exhaustion or even death.

Furthermore, the casting of spells in this magical system requires not only skill and knowledge but also a deep understanding of the elements and their interactions. For instance, a spellcaster must know how fire and water interact to avoid creating a spell that causes steam, which might not be the desired effect.

Moreover, the caster must also take into account the physical and mental toll that spellcasting can have on their body. The separation of mana into elemental affinities can be incredibly exhausting, that might require rest and recovery time between casting sessions. Moreover, the constant visualization of the spell's effects and the intense concentration required for spellcasting can be mentally taxing, leading to mental exhaustion and potential risks of burnout.

As such, many spellcasters in this world spend years perfecting their craft, studying the intricacies of the elements and the nuances of magical circles and incantations. Some even choose to specialize in certain types of magic, becoming experts in one or more elemental affinities.

Overall, this magical system is a complex and nuanced form of magic, requiring both physical and mental stamina, as well as a deep understanding of the elements and their interactions. Only those who possess the skill and knowledge required can successfully wield its power, making it a coveted skill in this world.

Olivia, for instance, might struggle to separate her mana into the correct affinities or create precise circles and chants. She may need to undergo extensive training in order to master this system of magic. However, I doubt she will even be interested in it.

After scouring the library's other sections, I found myself at a loss for anything that piqued my interest. Turning to the maid who had been accompanying us, I noticed the discreet guards that were always in her company. As she noticed my gaze, she bowed her head respectfully and asked, "Milord, did you find anything you're interested in?"

Surprised, I did a double take, checking to see if my [Master] title had been equipped. After seeing that it was not, I let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry, there doesn't seem to be anything at my level in the library. Did Yasaka say when she'll be ready?"

The maid shook her head, her expression remaining neutral. "No Milord, all I know is that someone will be sent to notify us when she's ready with her tasks."

Nodding to show that I understood, I turned to Olivia and suggested, "Wanna go to the training grounds? We have some time to spare." At the same time, I activated [Link] and added, 'I also want to test out the capabilities of this magical system.'

Olivia agreed with a nod, and the maid led us to an empty training ground situated right by the mansion. As we walked, I could feel the anticipation building within me, eager to see how the magic of this world would fare against the magic of the worlds I visited prior.

As I snapped my fingers, intricate DanMachi runes emerged on the ground, enveloping it in a powerful aura. With a surge of energy, stone practice dummies rose up from the ground, their weight, and density reinforced by the magic.

The onlookers were stunned by the display of chantless magic, which was considered the hallmark of the most powerful magicians in this world. Their mouths hung open in awe as they watched the stones move and shift, controlled by my will and the strength of my magic.

With a newfound determination, I focused all my attention on the task at hand. Activating my mental skills, [Adapt] and [Focus] hummed to action, followed by [Archive] and [Intuitive Aptitude]. These skills worked together seamlessly, allowing me to analyze, adapt, and comprehend the information needed for successful spellcasting in this new magical system.

Unfortunately, my first attempt was a catastrophic failure. The ground shook, and the maid screamed as an explosion erupted before us, alerting the guards nearby. Although I was unscathed, it was clear that I had a long way to go in mastering this new magical system.

Undeterred, I made my second attempt, but it was even worse than the first. The explosion was much larger and more violent, causing the mansion to shake, and a wave of panic to spread. I cursed under my breath and hoped that Olivia wouldn't classify this as an incident.

I took a deep breath and refocused my attention on the basics of spellcasting. I repeated the process countless times, with [Intuitive Aptitude] guiding me closer and closer to the correct path. Despite my efforts, however, each of my spells failed in their own way, whether they exploded, misfired, or simply disappeared.

But I refused to give up. With newfound inspiration, I tried again, and this time, the spell circle finally formed. A small fireball shot out of the circle, directed at the target. Although it wasn't perfect, it was progress.

With each successful cast of the spell, my understanding of the new magical system grew exponentially. By the tenth spell, I could manipulate the size of the fireball with ease. Five spells later, I learned how to affect its temperature. As I continued to practice, the time it took me to comprehend new concepts decreased, and my control over the magic became more refined.

The seventeenth cast allowed me to comprehend shape manipulation, and by the eighteenth cast, I could manipulate the trajectory of the fireball mid-flight. By the twentieth, my understanding had evolved to a whole new level. I was able to create a ten-meter-high, brilliant white flame serpent that twisted and turned in the air, seemingly with a mind of its own. This newfound method of mana manipulation and spellcasting has resulted in a significant increase in the level of my [Mana Manipulation] skill, which has now reached level 112.

As I marveled at my creation, the guards around me stood in stunned silence, watching the serpent dance through the air. The maid who had been following me around was now cowering behind a nearby tree, her eyes wide with fear.

As I turned to Olive, a feeling of pride swelled in my chest and I beamed a smile at her. But my expression quickly faltered when I saw her unresponsive deadpan stare.

I immediately dispelled the spell and, after an awkward cough, nervously inquired, "What's wrong?" However, she only shook her head and threw her hands up in a gesture of surrender, and turned around without saying a single word.

After letting out a sigh, I murmured to myself, "I suppose there won't be any maid cosplay tonight..."

Fortunately, the awkward silence was broken by the appearance of a guard who delivered Yasaka's request for us to join her in the conference room. As we made our way to the main building, I commented, "It looks like Yasaka already took care of her enemies quickly." I glanced over at the pouting Olivia and gave her an affectionate pat on the head, hoping it would calm her down, as I really hoped to see her in that outfit.