
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DXD 19

(Olivia's POV)

As I lay on the cozy sofa with my eyes closed, Andrew stood over me, clutching the dragon soul thingy. "Go ahead," I said, bracing myself for the inevitable agony that was to come.

As soon as Andy implanted the orb into my soul, excruciating pain consumed me once again. Although I was determined to endure the pain without vocalizing it, I let out a muffled scream as a roar reverberated throughout my spiritual realm, causing me to feel like every part of me was on fire. Despite having a high level [Pain Tolerance], the anguish I felt seemed to originate from the depths of my soul, completely bypassing the skill's ability to nullify pain. However, the system intervened swiftly, and the pain dissipated in no time.

[Detecting a 'Guest' trying to interface with the user's soul realm.]

[Chances for the system to be compromised: 0.0001%.]

[Chances deemed too high...]

[Reclassifying guest as: 'Threat'...]

[Activating defensive measures...]

[Scanning the threat...]

Breath ragged and with a death grip on Andrew's hand, which I hadn't even realized I had grabbed, I activated [Meditation] and entered my spiritual realm.

Once inside, I saw that Andrew was already there, completely mesmerized by what he was witnessing. I joined him at his side and beheld the sight of a magnificent white dragon with gleaming golden horns before us. The dragon's roars grew weaker by the second as it fought against the restraints that had bound it.

"Fascinating," murmured Andrew, gazing at the brilliant aura that enveloped the captive dragon that dominated most of the horizon.

[Useful skills detected...]

[Recalculating approach...]

[Stripping the threat of its ego...]

As I gazed at the text before me, a gray magical circle materialized beneath the dragon's feet, and I knew that its suffering was soon to come to an end. The dragon's anguished cries were swiftly replaced by feeble whimpers that tore at my heart. It was a pitiful sight as the magnificent creature was gradually dismembered, its soul transformed into energy and compressed into a radiant sphere of white particles that shimmered above the magical circle.

[Threat eliminated...]

[Enhancing the user's soul energies...]

Just like last time, the particles erupted in a stunning burst of light, twirling and swirling in a captivating dance that seemed almost mystical. They appeared to be caught in a hypnotic whirlpool, their energy nourishing my soul realm effortlessly, enhancing its size and reinforcing its stability.

[Integrating skills...]

However, the tranquility was abruptly shattered by a new notification and the sudden flash of two lightning bolts. The thunderous booms of their echoes reverberated throughout the realm. The green particles were violently scattered, replaced by two blazing white orbs that towered on ten-meter-high pedestals, pulsating with an immense amount of power and potential.

[Skill: [Reflect] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Albion's Legacy] unlocked.]

[Quest: [Fall of the Emperors] Completed 7,500 WP(x4) Received]

Andrew turned to me, his face adorned with a broad smile that conveyed his elation. I could sense his excitement through our connection, but I couldn't fathom the reason behind it. Seeing my perplexed expression, he grinned even wider and explained, "I comprehended the magic circle that was beneath the dragon." He said it with such pride. It took me a few moments to grasp the implications, and it sent shivers down my spine. Andrew now possessed the ability to consume souls to expand his own.

Uncertainty gripped me as I contemplated Andrew's newfound ability. He was already treading on the edge of darkness, and I feared he might succumb to its seductive allure. With this power, he could forsake his morality and consume entire worlds to fuel his growth. I knew I had to tread carefully and steer him in the right direction.

"Andrew," I said, trying to hide my concern with a wry smile. "Please promise me that you won't use this spell on innocent people."

He responded with a halfhearted shrug. "Sure, it's not like I have any reason to do so. Only souls of equal or greater strength can truly nourish a soul. Even if I consumed an entire world, it would barely be a drop in the bucket."

While his response did ease some of my concerns, it also revealed his thoughts. Andrew had already contemplated consuming entire worlds but ultimately dismissed the idea as unworthy of his effort. I was torn between conflicting emotions - whether to laugh or cry - and in the end, I opted to release a deep sigh and adopt a 'wait and see' approach, hoping that he wouldn't turn to pure evil.

Even if Andrew were to turn evil, I wasn't sure if our bond would change. I might be angry and punish him by banishing him to the sofa, but deep down, I knew I wouldn't stop loving him.

His earlier words still lingered in my mind, revealing his bleak outlook on life, painted in shades of gray. Although I couldn't say for certain if his pessimistic perspective was accurate, it did prompt me to reflect. Albion, the white dragon, had given his life and soul to strengthen me, and with that newfound strength, I could potentially save numerous lives. While it wasn't an even exchange, one soul for another, in the grand scheme of things, Albion's sacrifice may have saved countless others, and his legacy will live within me.

[Albion's Legacy LVL: MAX]

- Allows the manifestation and manipulation of Draconic Aura, with defensive and offensive capabilities.

- Allows the user to divide and absorb the opponent's strength, decreasing their combat potential while increasing the user's own.

- Allows the user to reduce the existential nature of organic and inorganic matter and energies, potentially erasing them from existence.

- These effects can be utilized consecutively, subject only to the target's tier and, if applicable, the strength of their soul.

[Reflect LVL: MAX]

- Allows the user to reflect or absorb any incoming attack or spell, subject only to the user's soul strength and the strength of the incoming attack or spell.

- The user can reflect the attack or spell back at the attacker, with its original strength or amplified by the user's energy.

- The user can absorb the attack or spell, converting its energy into energy that can be utilized for offensive or defensive purposes.

"Olive, are you okay?" Andrew's concerned voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times, trying to refocus on the present moment.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, confused.

"You were lost in thought, and you didn't even realize I was talking to you," he chuckled. "It's getting late, and your work should start soon. I want to get back to playing with the Sacred Gears. If everything goes according to plan, I'll have yours ready by tonight." He added before disappearing from my soul realm. I followed him outside, continuing our discussion.

"Do the Sacred Gears also have dragons in them?" I asked, my concern rising at the thought of experiencing that kind of pain again.

"No, the basic Sacred Gears don't contain full souls. Even Longinuses only possess a larger fragment of a soul and not the whole thing. The dragon soul you saw was just a fragment of its original and true soul. They weren't fearsome for no reason." Andrew reassured me.

"That sounds both fascinating and frightening at the same time. I can't even begin to imagine how strong they truly were if only a fragment of their soul has this much power." I shuddered at the thought, but Andrew didn't give me much time to dwell on the unsettling image.

"Time for the main event!" Andrew eagerly pulled out two gleaming daggers from his inventory, one as white as snow and the other as black as night. As he brandished them, a sense of unnerving energy emanated from the blades, causing me to instinctively take a step back.

"This one is Aurora's Light," he said, lifting the white dagger. "If you don't want to kill someone outright, this is the one to use. The moment you make a cut, you'll be able to drain vitality from your opponent and also channel your own vitality into them. It started as a Life Drain effect, but I embedded a concept that made it work both ways. The vitality you drain can be used to heal yourself during combat, or stored in the blade for later use. However, be careful, the dagger grows stronger with the amount of vitality stored, so use it wisely. It also has standard durability and sharpness enchantments, but I also added a restore-repair enchantment that allows it to regenerate to its original size by supplying mana, even if only the hilt survives a fight."

Andrew sheathed the white dagger and retrieved the black one with a wide smile. "This one is called Death's Kiss," he said. "The more energy you channel into it, the stronger its effect will be. You can change the properties of the dagger's effect with a single thought. I have listed about fifty poison effects it can have, but you may only want to use those that paralyze, prevent blood clotting, or corrode." He handed me the list, which I scanned quickly, my eyes widening at the extreme and deadly effects.

"Do I really need the ability to corrode souls?" I asked, grimacing at the thought. "And why would I want to use one that causes extreme pain to anyone I cut?"

Andrew sighed and gave me a wry smile. "It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it," he said. "But be warned, the dagger's corrosive attacks are extremely potent and can corrode even magic, so use it with caution. The rest of the enchantments are the same as the other dagger, with increased sharpness, durability, and the ability to regenerate if destroyed."

He sheathed the dagger and handed me both of them. As soon as I touched their hilts, I felt a deep connection forming with them. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention," he said with a smile. "They are soulbond weapons, which means, that in addition to only you being able to wield them, you can nourish and increase their power with your spiritual energies. Once you have them, they can never be lost unless you willingly let them go. Also, if they are completely destroyed, you won't suffer any backlash, I made sure of it." He said with a nod.

"These daggers are incredible, but also kind of terrifying," I said, eyeing them warily. "Do you think I really need such powerful tools?" I asked Andrew, giving him a questioning look. He shook his head in response. "You never know when they might come in handy. Besides, with your [True Cut] skill, you can already sever souls. Death's Kiss just adds another layer of versatility."

As he spoke the truth, all I could do was let out a sigh and accept it. Nonetheless, I couldn't linger here any further; there was work waiting for me. Therefore, I got up, handed Andrew back his sword, and gave him a swift kiss on the lips. Gazing into his eyes, I expressed my gratitude, "I'll treasure these weapons, thank you. However, I must go now. Let me know if you need any help."

"I do actually." His answer actually surprised me. "If the stuff from the Angels and the Fallen arrives, could you pick them up for me?" he asked, already immersed in a golden orb now covered in dozens of magical circles.

"Sure thing. Now, how do I get out of here?" I asked, looking around for an exit.

"Mai, open a doorway for her," he instructed without raising his head from the orb, and in an instant, the space in front of me shattered and I could see the inside of our living room.

"See you later, Andy!" I said, waving, though I was sure he didn't even notice my exit. I couldn't help but shake my head and chuckle at him. It was rare to see him so passionate about something. His dedication to expanding his understanding was admirable and lit a fire in me.

"I should really focus on Ki today." I nodded at the thought to myself as I headed out the door.

Making my way to the training grounds, I mulled over the astounding power I had witnessed within Andrew's soul realm. The entity that controlled it left me in awe and terror simultaneously, yet it also served as a reminder of how much I had yet to learn about myself and the world.

Upon reaching the grounds, I directed my pupils, then retreated to the side to practice on my own. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, centering myself before commencing my training. I honed in on my Ki, sensing its flow throughout my being, connecting me with my surroundings. With each breath, each strike, every kick, I felt my might surging, growing ever more honed.

As I continued to train, I pondered Andrew's steadfast devotion to his studies. His dedication reminded me that in order to attain genuine power, I must remain committed to my own growth and training.

(Andrew's POV)

With Olivia's departure, I could once again center my focus on the important task at hand. The knowledge I gained from Azazel proved to be truly inspiring. Not only did it teach me how to create potent artifacts, but it also illuminated the methods by which they could be modified.

Standing before me was the Blade Blacksmith, encircled by countless magical circles which served to interfere with and alter the inner workings of the artifact. With my newfound comprehension of these artifacts, I held a deep appreciation for Yahweh's magnificent craftsmanship. The soul fragments within acted as a conduit, a governing system between the Sacred Gears and their wielders, enabling the users' desires to manifest into miracles.

While some may believe that the Sacred Gears and their soul fragments only served a single purpose, the truth was far more complex. These artifacts had the capability to siphon mana or vitality from their users and utilize it as fuel for their programmed functions. However, as the Sacred Gears contained soul fragments within themselves, they could evolve and transform over time. Under certain conditions, such as a high emotional state of the user, a failsafe could be triggered, leading to a second awakening or mutation of the Sacred Gear.

These mutations not only reprogrammed the underlying enchantments but also introduced new functionalities to the Sacred Gears, and that was the beauty in these artifacts. While normally their evolutions couldn't be directed or triggered, I was forcing it to do so.

Using magic, I established a temporary connection with the Sacred Gear and was currently trying to artificially mutate it by flooding it with a massive amount of mana and reprogramming certain fail safes to guide its evolution in a specific direction. I also employed [Mind Discipline] to simulate a severe threat and an intensely distressed emotional state that a user might experience.

Suddenly, a brilliant light engulfed the Sacred Gear before me, and I witnessed the unprecedented process firsthand. The soul shard pulsated as ethereal energies extended toward specific inscriptions and effortlessly rewrote them.

It was a fascinating sight.

Once I had examined Blade Blacksmith and verified that all of it was functioning correctly, including the newly unlocked feature, I put it aside and began scrutinizing the three remaining Longinuses that I possessed.

The three Longinus-class Sacred Gears - Annihilation Maker, True Longinus, and Dimension Lost – each held tremendous power. However, I couldn't help but feel that their reputation was somewhat overblown.

As I didn't require the True Longinus, I decided to absorb both Annihilation Maker and Dimension Lost into my soul. When I did so, my system responded in a similar manner to Olivia's, eliminating the egos of both Sacred Gears and converting their soul energies into sustenance for my soul. Ultimately, I acquired only two new abilities.

[Dimensional Wave Manipulation LVL: MAX]

- Allows the user to manipulate dimensional waves and utilize them in offensive and defensive applications.

- Allows the user to open and manipulate portals to different dimensions, providing a way to travel or reposition during combat.

- Allows the user to create and reinforce separate dimensions, providing a safe haven or prison for themselves or others.

- Enables the user to shift his body between different dimensions at will, evading attacks, and surprising opponents.

[Shadow Beast Creation LVL: MAX]

- Allows the user can harness the power of shadows to create physical forms of entities and objects, even copying their memories, physical traits, skills, and magical abilities.

- Allows the user to create unique shadow entities, with offensive and defensive capabilities, such as claws, fangs, and shields made of shadow energy and only limited by his imagination.

The skill I obtained from Dimension Lost was fascinating, as it enabled me to perform tasks similar to those I was already accomplishing with imagination-based spellcasting - teleportation between different dimensions within a world.

Despite considering merging the [Dimensional Wave Manipulation] skill with [Space-Time Manipulation] to enable travel between different worlds, I realized that doing so would result in the loss of too much skill functionality. My [Intuitive Aptitude] and intuition both warned me against this decision, and I ultimately refrained from merging the two skills. Instead, I decided to wait for a more suitable match to gain the ability to traverse different worlds, without the assistance of the Library.

On the other hand, the skill I acquired from Annihilation Maker was somewhat underwhelming. However, while examining my list of abilities, I came across an apt skill that I believed would complement it perfectly. As both abilities would be otherwise unused, I decided to merge [Shadow Beast Creation] and [Magical Stone Creation] to create a new skill - [Creature Create], something quite intriguing.

[Creature Create 2x LVL:1/100]

- Allows the user to harness the power of magic to create life in the form of creatures, imbued with magical cores that grant them abilities, traits, and life.

- The creatures created by the user possess intellect and instincts and are born with the knowledge of how to use their abilities.

- The creatures created by the user grow and evolve over time, gaining new abilities and becoming stronger.

- The user's creation ability is limited to creatures two tiers below them.