
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DanMachi 18

It's Saturday morning and both Olivia and I are standing right in front of Tyler's workshop. We didn't agree on a specific time for when to arrive, so we came over first thing in the morning.

I knock on the door, and contrary to what happened last time we were here, Tyler opens it moments later. I'd say money really motivated the guy. Behind him, an annoyed-looking Sofia was standing with crossed hands, while tapping her feet on the ground.

"Ha! Good, you're right on time!" He says after a quick laugh. "Come in!" Then he ushers us in.

"Good morning to you too, Tyler. Hi Sofia." I say with a smile as I walk in.

"Eh, good morning-" But then stops. "You know, you never introduced yourselves last time." He says rising his eyebrow.

"Hmm... Sorry about that." I say scratching the side of my head.

"Hi, Tyler, hi Sofi! He's Andrew and I'm Olivia." Pops up from behind my back and waves, my trusty assistant.

"I see you still as cheery as ever, if you ever grow tired of that guy, you know where to find me." he says with a wink, to which Olivia just rolls her eyes in an exaggerated manner, then grabs onto my arm and pull me to her side.

"Nope, not happening." She says and sticks her tongue out.

"Ha! One can only hope!" Tyler just laughs it off.

I ignore the little banter, knowing all too well Olivia can handle herself, and even without [Nexum] I know her feeling for me would be hard to change.

"Enough." I say after a sigh. "Let's see the armor."

"Right, right. Follow me." He says and brings us to the side room. There, on two heaps of clothes stood our new equipment.

Tyler walks up to the left pile, picks it up with one hand a gives it to Olivia.

"Missy, this is for you. I'm pretty sure your guy would kill me, before he let me see you undressed, so please go with Sofi to the room next to this one. She will help you try it on."

"Thanks, and yeah I'm pretty sure he would do that." She says with a small giggle.

Olivia and Sofia leave for the adjacent room, and I give a look at Tyler. "So, my armor?" I ask the gawking smith.

"Ah yes!" He turns around picks up the right heap and throws me the, surprisingly light, full set of armor. "As you can see, it's really light, it's made out of mostly Valgang Dragon hide and scales, same as your girls. It's really durable, and light and will protect all of your vitals while giving you the mobility you asked for. I padded it so it won't even make noise while you're moving around. Try it on."

The first part of the armor was a long-sleeved shirt, made out of some kind of stretchy black leather, it clings to my skin, but at the same time, it didn't feel stuffy or suffocating. As I moved my arm while wearing it I felt the air on my skin. I gave Tyler a curious look and he answers my unasked question.

"Yeah it lets through the air, it comes from one of my skills." He says with a smile. "That top would keep you warm in cold weather and would let air through when you feel hot. The material is hard enough to stop anything below level six from piercing it."

"Nice." I say with a nod.

I proceed to pick up the next piece of armor, the pants. They were made out of the same material as the shirt and had a large bent dragon scale placed in front of the knees. I put it on and move around in it. It was extremely comfortable and the knee guard didn't impend my movements or my crouching. I nod with satisfaction then pick up the boots, they came up all the way to my upper shins, just a few centimeters under the knee guard, and were made out of some kind of leather. They were sturdy, and at the same time really comfortable.

"That one is Amphisbaena leather, water resistant, the inner lining will keep your feet warm in cold environments, while at the same time keeping it cool in warm ones. Again, I used my skill on that one. If you take care of it, it should last you a few years." He says.

Next, I pick up the chest guard, made out of two separate pieces, the front and back, connected with a large leather shoulder strap and multiple leather straps on the side. The whole thing was made out of large pieces of dragon scales that had red-colored channels running through them. The chest piece went all the way down to my nether region, leaving a large gap for my legs, and had large bent scales shielding the sides of my hip. The inside of it was padded with some kind of fur, keeping it from rubbing against my undershirt and making movement in it almost fully silent.

I put it on with Tyler's help, as tightening the straps was kind of a pain in the ass. I made a few movements confirming that the armor was a perfect fit and didn't cause any discomfort

The last few parts of the armor were the shoulder guards, gloves, and cape. The shoulder guards were made out of the same bent dragon scale, as the knee and hip guards, but this time there were three of them placed on each other. They started near my neck and went down all the way to the middle of my biceps. They were strapped to my arm and my chest piece and moved perfectly with me, not causing any discomfort of impending my movements. The gloves were made out of the same material as the boots, they were fingerless for a better grip, and came up all the way to my elbows.

Lastly, the cape was an ordinary-looking black cape with a red flame stitched onto its backside, it was our familias status emblem. The cape looked really nice and all, but it was impractical in a fight.

"The cape was ordered by your goddess, it's not really for fighting, but I will survive a few backstab attempts." He says after he noticed me looking at it. I just pick it up and deposit it into my inventory.

With the full armor equipped, I felt its weight on me and it was almost negligible, my movements were at one hundred percent, and the armor didn't grind up against me. Just as my tests were done, there was a loud knock on the door to this room.

"Were done. Come in!" Yells out Tyler. Sofia, followed by Olivia in her new set of armor enters the room.

Olivia's armor was much simpler, but at the same time, it looked amazing on her. She had black boots coming up all the way to her lower shin, and black leather skin-tight pants with knee guards just like mine. She had a black thigh-high wavy leather dress with a turtle neck and a corset. The dress had its sleeves ending at her hands and making a loop around her fingers, keeping the sleeves from ever sliding up. Her hands were covered with gloves, the same shade of red, as the scales on her corset, and said corset was made out of numerous smaller Valgang Dragon scales. It covered and protected her chest while keeping her boobs in place. The corset was kept up by leather shoulder straps, that were hidden by smaller, but similar to mine, shoulder guards. She made a little twirl and her dress fluttered, showing off her legs and that leather-clad ass in the process, and holy shit did that look so good. I'll have to get her some leather pants for every day or bedroom use.

"You look amazing." I say when I return to my senses.

"The lads right, the armor looks really good on you." Compliments Tyler with a nod. "Feeling any discomfort anywhere?"

"Thanks." She says with a small smile. She moves around a bit, does a high kick then crouch. "And no, the armor fits perfectly and is really comfortable."

"Ha! That's great to hear. I was worried I made it too loose, or too tight."

"Nah, it's perfect. Thank you, Tyler." She says then gives him a small smile.

I turn towards him and ask. "So how much do we owe you?"

"You already paid 100 million, so it will be an additional 86 million." I nod and start removing and placing the remaining payment on a nearby table. When done, we prepare to leave, but Tyler stops us.

"When you need any kind of maintenance, come and find me. It shouldn't happen often, but some of the smaller scales might shatter after receiving an impact. They are there to absorb and disperse impact, and not to stay pretty."

"Okay, we'll keep it in mind. Thanks, both of you." I say and wave to Tyler and Sofia as we exit the shop. Our old clothes were packed into a bag. I grab onto Olivia's hand and [Void Step] into our garden.

Just as we arrive I pull her in a tight hug. She places her head on my chest, as my hands wander under her skirt and tightly squeeze her ass. A muffled moan escapes her mouth.

"We need to get you some skin-tight leather pants for bedroom use." I say with a wolfish smile. "Your ass looks and feels godly in it." I pull up her chin and place a fierce kiss on her lips. Our make-out session, this time, was interrupted by the newest member of our familia. Who, the both of us forgot, we left in the garden to practice.

"Could you do that somewhere else?" Says the annoyed Pallum girl with a crimson blush.

Letting go of my girl, I clear my throat and with a wry smile I say "Sorry, didn't notice you there."

She turns her head to the side with a pout, but nods, accepting the apology.

"After lunch, Olivia and I will go on a solo dive into the dungeon, and will probably come back late at night. You'll have to inform Hestia when she comes back home, so she doesn't freak out."

"Alright." She says with a nod.

"Okay then let's go back to your training. Today, we will be focusing on your dodges. Olivia will use a wooden sword, while I'll be firing off slow water balls in your direction. For each direct hit, you receive we'll have your training extended by five minutes." I say with a wicked smile and her eyes go wide.

"That's torture!" she protests but Olivia is already in front of her singing her sword.

"Less talking, more dodging!" Olivia yells at her with a smile, upset that we were interrupted in our pink moment. An evil laugh escapes my throat as I fire off two separate water spells in Lili's direction.

The training went on for quite some time, well, only till Lili fell to the ground from exhaustion. She was soaking wet, not only from sweat, but the numerous water spells that hit her, and breathing roughly.

"Good job, little one." I say petting her head. She had no strength left in her, so after I cast [Clean], I picked her up a princess carry, making her blush and look away. I deposited her onto the living room sofa and joined Olivia in the kitchen to prepare our lunch and dungeon dive rations.

About an hour later, Olive and I find ourselves in the dungeon on floor 40. At this level even I can start gaining experience. I switched to my High-Elf race to gain a huge overall stat boost, while Olivia went with her Cat Person race, to boost her agility. Mentioning the race reminded me, that we both got the Pallum race a few days back.


+1 DEX, +1 PER, +2 LUCK per Global Level

- Your strength stat gains additional attribute points based on your height (1cm = 1 point).

Doesn't seem to do much, but if we add the Shift System upgrade, we could gain a few hundred stats in strength, just by equipping it, but that does require us to buy additional race slots.

[Race System | Upgrade Name: Shift| Description: Select an active race card and shift your appearance to it. Must have at least two races active. | Price: 1,000 WP]

When I shifted to my Pallum race for the first time, my fears of being picked up and doted on like a child came true. With my shift, my size went down all the way to 120 cm, my face took on a childish appearance and my muscles just vanished. I still had all my stats and still could exert my full strength, but my body mass just vanished. Yeah, that shift alone broke physic, who cares about the conservation of energy?

When Olivia saw me for the first time in that form, she squealed in happiness, picked me up, hugged me, and swung me around for an hour. I will never admit it to her, but being planted between her boobs carried around and hugged tightly, in my small form, felt incredibly comforting and relaxing. My mind was pulling memories from my childhood when I was just a kid and my mother carried me around. My insane amount of intelligence, allows me to remember the already forgotten memories. I almost let loose a tear but pulled myself together.

On the other hand, Olive's transformation was not only cute but sexy as fuck. Her body was as curvaceous as in her human form. Her boobs barely shrank, and with her 110 cm height, they looked really out of place. She did try to seduce me in that form, but I clenched my teeth and kept it in my pants. Even with her figure, her size made her look like a child and it didn't sit well with me. After noticing I didn't feel comfortable with her in that form, she shifted back and we agreed that she won't shift into it, at least, not in the bedroom.

Back to the fortieth floor. Knowing we were going to be experiencing an arid and extremely hot environment I made a small enchantment that kept our body at an optimal temperature. The enchantment and the spell creation barely took a few minutes. I was getting better and better, with both enchanting and spell creation over time. I made the enchant modular, by adding Fire for heating, and a combination of Fire and Water runes, to create an Ice element rune, for cooling. The effect of the enchantment surrounded our bodies and kept us at the optimal temperature on these floors. It however couldn't stop any damage taken from a fire spell or falling into a pit of lava.

Yes, the 40 o 48 floors were volcanic territory. Liquid lava flowed throughout the whole area and fire-based creatures ruled the floors. Dragons, Fire Elementals, Phoenixes, Firebirds, Salamanders, and other fire-based monsters could all be found here.

Our first opponents were three dragons, two smaller red drakes, and one larger black dragon. The larger one was the size of an airplane, while the two smaller ones were the size of a truck. Only the black one had wings and they were about two football stadiums wide.

"Choose, big or small ones." I ask Olivia, as we dodge the three fire breaths aimed our way.

"I'll take the big one!" she shouts and blasts off toward the big guy.

Shrugging I cast [Alter Orb], pump it with mana and let it fire off multiple ice-based attacks toward the two smaller drakes. It impacts their skin and starts freezing the area around it, but the spell deals no significant damage to them.

"Tsk." I click my tongue, realizing the spell won't be strong enough to go through the scale's innate magic resistance. I keep the Orb active, while I summoned [Mistilteinn] in its water form, for the first time in the dungeon, and use infusion on it to add some ice element into the mix. The sword in my hand goes from dark blue to icy white in moments, and a cold mist starts spreading out of it. I dodge the swipe from the drake on my left and run towards the one to the right, who was preparing another breath attack. I push off the ground and with a swiping motion sink my sword deep into its neck, only for it to shatter midway through.

"Fuck!" I say as I land on the ground. With a quick tilt to the right, I'm barely missed by the next flame breath. I could feel the heat from it even with my cooling enchantment. Taking a deep breath, I summon ten darkness-based [Mistilteinn]'s, infuse them with death energy and fire them off in the direction of both drakes. One instantly dies, and the other barely still stands on his legs. It had five holes in its body and the will to fight. It tries to fire off another breath attack, only for it to exit the hole in his neck. Summoning another sword made out of darkness and infusing it with death energy, I sprint at the almost-dead drake. I crouch under its weak swipe and deliver a devastating blow to its already damaged neck, separating it from its body. I take a deep breath, as it falls lifelessly to the ground.

After turning around, I notice Olivia sitting on the already dead black dragon and clapping. Yeah, you guessed it right, she's using Severance. The dragon she was sitting on, only had a single wound, its head was cleaved in half.

"If we continue down, I'll have to make myself. These fuckers have magical resistance and can block some affinities." I say out loud.

"Sure." She says with a shrug "Do we need any resources from these guys?" She asks tilting her head.

"Let's take the cores, then on later floors we can get some dragon bones for crafting." She nods and we proceed to wait for the dungeon to reclaim the monsters. It was easier than digging through fifty tons of meat to find a small crystal.

[Fire Drake (Level 4) x2 slain 800 XP Received]

"How much experience did you get from that kill?" I ask Olivia after checking my kill notification.

"1,600 and that was enough to push me through my last class level."

"Nice, what classes do you have available now?" I ask curiously about her unlocks.

"Hmm... Rogue, Archer, Chef, Adventurer, Warrior, Mage."

"That's not a lot, what will you choose?"

"I'm planning on choosing Adventurer, it has some nice bonuses and the stats per level are really good."

"What does it do?" I ask even more curious. We cannot check the information on unlocked classes normally, only when we select a new class.

Adventurer (DanMachi) 0/50

+1 DEX, +1 AGI, +1 VIT, +1 PER, +1 LUCK per level

After maxing out a falna attribute, all other excelia gained in that attribute will be distributed to the others.

The user will always gain excelia no matter how weak of an enemy he kills.

The user doesn't need to perform a big feat to level up.

+10% increase in excelia accumulation.

After she told me about the bonuses and stats gains, I was kind of surprised. It was a really good class for this world, but its bonuses were useless outside of it. Still, it did boost our level-up progress, so if no other, better, option shows up for me, I was planning on picking it after I max my own class. With that out of the way, we refocused our efforts on the already closing-in monsters.