
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DanMachi 14

Olivia's birthday was coming up soon, so for Hephaisto's final task, I was planning on making a new sword for Olivia.

Mithril, Adamantium, and Orichalcum, all three of them have different melting points, so I start up three different instances of [Celestial Forge] and place the ores inside of them. I slowly rise the temperature of all three spells toward their melting points. I could feel the [Blacksmithing] skill guide me through the process perfectly. I ground up tier 6 magical stones and created a fine powder out of them, I repeated the process with the Udaeus bones and mixed them together. The fine silver powder, glistered under the illumination of the workshop, while faint mana particles started leaving the mixture. I had to work fast before the concoction loses all of its magical properties.

When all three metals were fully liquefied, I slowly merged the spells, keeping the liquid metals separated at first, but after adding the powder, I suddenly merged them. There was a huge spike in mana intensity inside of the compressed space, I activated [Focus], and forced the spell to create an insane amount of pressure, forcing the concision to merge.

If I'd known it would be so hard to contain the spell, I would have shifted into my elf race, but it's already late for that. The heat started to radiate outwards, melting the floor of the workshop, and alerting even the goddess in her office. She came in screaming, but I didn't hear her, all my focus was on the spell, keeping control over the heat, and pressure and preventing the materials from evaporating. Losing control of it, would not only blow up the building but take part of the street with it. In hindsight, maybe I should have done this indoors, especially not in someone else's house.

A few excruciatingly long moments later, with a loud "THUM" and a shockwave that rattled the workshop, the structure groans, but the building thankfully stays up. The new material collapsed on itself and created something new. I got a bit of breathing room, my breath was already ragged, and my clothes soaked, the workshop was a mess, and the closer wooden table has caught on fire. "I should have done this in the open." I grumble, but I don't have time to waste.

I manipulate the spell and control the material, elongating the mass of metal to form a 1.2-meter-long single-edged blade. I focus on creating a few molecule-thick edge on its side, but my current capacities don't allow me to do so. "Fuck." I curse and flatten the edge as much as I can. Then return my focus to the other side of the blade, creating two holes for the pins that will hold the handle and creating a thinning just after the blade, where the hand guard will go. The spell slowly sizzles out of existence, as I finish the creation of the sword 'Severance'.

The white blade was radiating power like crazy. The air around it was shimmering and uncontrollably vibrating, steam was coming out of it, but the blade itself was cold to the touch. There was no design on it, as I didn't want to sully its perfection. Holding it by the end, where the handle should be added later, the blade was cutting apart molecules of air just by a light movement of my exhausted, shaky arms. The thought of swinging it passes through my mind, but I stop myself. I already made a mess out of the workshop, no need to accidentally cleave it in half.

Hephaistos was still standing by the door, but her shouts have long since stopped. She was trembling and her hands now rested over her mouth, with her gaze glued to the blade.

"T-t-that t-t-thing..." her shaking voice could be heard. She turns around, a quickly runs out of the workshop. I rise an eyebrow at her behavior then shrug, and turn my attention back to the shop.

"I made a mess, I'll have to compensate her later." I say it out aloud as I cast spell after spell to extinguish the fire burning around me.

A wide smile forms on my face as I look at the blade. "You're not finished yet." I say to it and I can feel the blade start to vibrate even more. Was it happy, or am I already losing my mind?

Placing the blade carefully to the side, just so I don't accidentally damage anything else, I focus my attention on creating its hilt. The materials I selected were white wood for the base, with Amphisbaena leather strips covering it.

I fashioned the wood into a flat cylinder and bored holes into it. The only intricate part of the blade was its guard, the design I went with resembled a flower, with eight petals. The petals were lightly bent upwards and had complex vein-like patterns on them. Done with the guard I slide it on the blade and add the hilt to the end of it. Aligning the holes in the metal and the ones I made in the wood, I add the pins to hold all of them together. The hilt had no other special design, but for a better grip, the white leathered strips, created from Amphisbaena hide, went in a crisscross fashion. After placing the finishing touches on the sword, I get a notification.

[Title: [Master Blacksmith] received]

[Master Blacksmith]

- Increase in quality of the user's blacksmithing products.

- Gain total fire immunity, while working with a forge.

- Gain a 25% boost to strength and dexterity while blacksmithing.

I felt the sword shake in excitement. "Yeah, don't worry, you're going to be present to a special lady." A light hum could be heard and the sword stopped shaking. Lifting my eyebrow, I look at it strangely, then shake my head and shrug. The sword was done, I wanted to add enchantments to it, but without [Rule Breaker], the enchantments I know, won't be possible. I need someone to teach me the enchantment of this world.

"Hermes familia has an enchanter, but I hate the personality of that guy. I need to find someone else." With a sigh I turn around and exit the workshop, only to find Hephaistos's office empty.

"Did she leave already? I wanted to pay for the damage I've done." I say, then shrug. "Whatever, I'll just meet her later." With that said, I cast [Celestial Eyes], focus on my house and take a step to appear in its garden. The world around me shifts and my feet hit the grassy ground. I look around and spot the one I've made the sword for.

"Yo!" I greet Olivia, who's going through, what seems to be, a sword kata. She stops and turns towards me.

"Hey!" She greets me with a smile. Lowers the sword and moves toward me. "You're early today. Something happened?" she asks looking a bit worried as she spots my charred clothes.

"Nah everything is fine, just finished my apprenticeship at Hephaistos." I say taking out the sword from my inventory with a huge smile on my face. A low hum was heard the moment it appeared in my hands, and a swishing sound could be constantly heard, as the light breeze was cut apart while said sword just stood motionlessly in my arms.

"I made this for you." I extend my hands, presenting the blade to her. "An early birthday gift." I say with a smile "Just be careful with the edge, it's really sharp."

Her eyes dilate as they lock on to the pure white blade with utter amazement. "It's beautiful." She whispers, lifting her hand to cover her mouth.

"Its name is 'Severance', take it, it belongs to you." She reaches for it and the sword starts to hum in acknowledgment, as her hand grips the hilt of the sword, it shines brightly accepting its new master with joy.

Olive flicks the sword in a practiced motion creating a huge gash in the backyard ground. We both look at it with surprise, as the gash reached about a meter in depth and around ten in length.

"Yeah, maybe we should test out its capacity somewhere else..." I suggest with an awkward smile, to which the red-faced Olive just shyly nods.

With a few [Void Step]s we move to the forest about a hundred kilometers outside of town, as she doesn't have perfect control of her new blade, going to the dungeon would be suicide.

Remember what I said? The dungeon has only one rule, don't damage its walls, floor, or ceiling. If you accidentally do, and the dungeon deems the damage too much, firstly it spawns monster parties, then strong variants of monsters, and finally, it spawns Juggernauts. Skeletal abominations, who are capable of singlehandedly erasing fully equipped expedition forces. While the blade is more than enough to damage it, all of its abilities are way over level six, and that's not a fight we could handle right now. So forest, it is!

Olivia stands in the middle of a clearing, while I moved a safe distance away. After a few swings, she gets a feeling for the sword and I say to her.

"The sword is made as a magical focus, try inserting mana into it and then do a swing." She looks towards me and then nods. Olivia takes a sword-drawing stance, even if the sword doesn't have a scabbard, I can feel her mana entering the sword, and its edge slowly starts to shine. With a quick motion she "pulls" out the sword, leaving a half-kilometer gash in the forest, toppling trees and splitting stones. She carefully, with shaking hands, lowers the sword. The power displayed just now was tremendous, I quickly checked her status and notice her mana has dropped by around a thousand points with that swing alone. She catches her breath, and waits for her mana to slowly regenerate, when full she attempts a quick swipe to the side, spending 3,000 mana in that one swing alone, and leveling 10 square kilometers of forest. The sound of rumbling earth, falling trees, and the sudden appearance of a strong gust of wind, brings us out of our stupor.

"We should leave. Right about now." She doesn't answer, just slowly nods. Still too shocked by her own power. She paces her new sword into her inventory and runs up to me. I place my hand on her shoulder and with a few quick [Void Step]s we are out of the newly expanded clearing. Truthfully, with this sword, we could start a forestry business and live like kings. Too bad we need its firepower for the lower floors, plus, we can't stay in this world forever.

"By your still shocked expression, I'd say you like your gift?" I say as we arrive back home. She turns towards me jumps into my embrace and starts showering me with kisses. "Thought so." I say with a laugh.

"I love it! Thank you!" She says between kisses. She drops down on the ground gives me the flirtiest look till now and drags me off to our bedroom.

Two hours later, I drop down on our bed heavily panting, Olivia snuggles up to me with a satisfied smile. She has drained me, in more ways than one.

"Where do you get all that energy from?" I ask with a smile.

"You didn't like it?" she asks propping up her elbows, while her head rests on her palms. She tilts her head to the side with a wide smile, acting all cute.

"Oh no, no, no." I say shaking my head. "On the contrary. I love it when you're so active and initiative." A wolfish smile appears on my face and I give a little spank on her godly rump. A light moan exits the little masochist mouth, and if I wasn't so tired after all that, I would have attacked her right there. I shake my head trying to rid myself of these thoughts.

"Are you sure your new spell works correctly?" She asks pointing towards her nether region, which was currently leaking rather immodest amounts of white fluids.

"Yep, I'm pretty sure it works."

"Pretty sure?" She rises her eyebrow looking at me suspiciously.

"Ok, there is no other way to test it but to use it. The concept of runes, imbued into the spell, allows the removal of vitality from anything that's inside of the target, but wasn't there when the spell had been cast." I say. "So the spell should theoretically work without a hitch. If not, oh well." I say with a shrug.

"Don't 'oh well' me! What if I get pregnant!?" she says angrily and starts hitting the side of my arm.

"If you do get pregnant, we will start a family together." That statement freezes her mid-swing. "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and a pregnancy or two won't change that." I say with a smile. She calms down and snuggles up to my side, then murmurs in a low tone.

"Okay, I'll believe you."

The first thing I did after we both reached level 3 was to create a contraception spell. There was no way in hell I would chance it on her pills anymore. Both of our vitalities were in the fifties, while healthy humans were at 10. So yea, I had to create a spell that would continuously drain mana and kills off all my swimmers inside of her, without causing her any discomfort or harm. The other way would have been to create a spell for me, but without proper tests, there was a chance of making myself infertile, and that's not something I would like to gamble with.

"We'll need to wash the sheets again." I say looking at the soiled sheets.

"You mean, I need to wash them again?" she says tilting her head and giving me a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, I was busy with other things." I sigh. "I'll have some time from now and I'll create a few spells for us. You need one for combat anyway, and a cleaning spell will always be useful. Especially, when we get blood or guts on ourselves in the dungeon."

"True." She says with a nod.

"Talking about the dungeon... You'll need to practice with the new sword, and try not to use it to your full capacity while inside the dungeon. We don't want to accidentally spawn a Juggernaut."

"Sure, give me a few days and we can continue dungeon diving."

"Okay, meanwhile I should probably check up on the Soma familia. They are abusing children."

"Want me to help?" she asks tilting her head.

"Well if was going to clean up the familia, I would call you, but I'm just going to go kidnap a girl so we can adopt her to our familia."

"A girl?" she says squinting her eyes.

"A 15, 16-year-old Pallum girl." I say rolling my eyes. "I'm not a lolicon, so you don't need to be jealous. But truthfully, I would love to see you in that form. You know for research purposes." I say it with a straight face.

"Uhm... Research... Right..." She says rolling her eyes and I nod sagely.

"Yes, my main research topic would be to check, if can I still fit into you while you're in that form." That earned me a harder hit to my shoulder while I was uncontrollably laughing.

"Stupid!" she yells at me, but I can see her cheeks reddening.

"Yes! The image has been planted!" I say with a cheeky smile. While my girlfriend tries to hide her heavily blushing face from me by covering it with her hands. I reach towards them and pull them apart, planting a surprise kiss on her lips. "Don't worry, I was just joking, but I would like to see you in that form, that could give me an idea of how our daughter would look like." I say with an earnest smile.

Her blush depends but a small smile forms on her face and moments later with a lot of enthusiasm she says. "But only if you take that form too!" I can see stars appear in her eyes. She squeals in happiness and starts shaking me.

"Ok, ok, ok. If you promise you won't carry me around like a child, I'll get that race and shift in front of you, alright?"

"Pinky promise!" she says hugging me tightly.

Yea I have a feeling she will break that promise, the moment I shift.

The rest of our day was spent at home, Olive went outside to practice with the sword, and I only heard about ten Fuck's from her in the last two hours, where she accidentally split open the backyard ground. I had to create an Earth spell, just to fix all the gashes she made. I on the other hand was working on creating a cleaning spell and a spell to improve her combat capabilities.

[Spell: [Clean] learned]

[Clean lvl 1]

- Allows the user to clean a selected area or target.

- Fluids, dirt or anything deemed unclean will be erased from existence.

{Affinity: Void}

{Chant: Remove the filth, Clean.}

Yea, I might have created a perfect zealot spell. Would deeming all the dirt as heretics help me clean the house faster? I'll have to be extremely careful with what I deem unclean when casting that spell.

The other spell I worked on was the one Olivia needed, I will tremendously boost the amount of Magic excelia she gained and at the same time increase her combat potential.

[Spell: [Infuse] learned]

[Infuse lvl 1]

- The caster infused their weapon with mana.

- The infused mana can shift to any affinity based on the user's whim.

- Any target wounded by the infused weapon will suffer from a debuff based on the current affinity affecting the weapon.

{Affinity: None}

{Chant: None.}

The spell was simple and had no chant or affinity, but the user could easily shift between affinities while the spell was active. It had a mana upkeep while active, but it was almost unnoticeable with our current mana regenerations.

With the level of my teaching skill, I only spent about ten minutes before she picked up both of the spells and started practicing with them. We still had about an hour before Hestia came home, so we practiced dancing.

I was so awful at it, that it even made Olive laugh, after accidentally stepping on her foot for the third time in a row. I had enough, so I did what everyone else would do and cheated, I activated [Focus]. However, my sudden improvement didn't get unnoticed and with a pouting face she stopped me from using it. Anyway both of our skill levels in [Dancing] jumped up by 15 in an hour-long dancing session, and it did have a small but noticeable effect on our movements.

With the day coming to a close, we moved to the kitchen and made dinner while we waited for Hestia to arrive home. Not long after a loli bullet enters the house and starts shouting.