
Multiversal Chronicles: Journeys Beyond Unknown

“Best of luck on your journey, Aerin Thorne El Vinterholm. You’ll no doubt encounter numerous challenges in your path, but I have faith that you’d do well.” the Creator said as Aerin got sucked into the wormhole. *** “Hmm...where am I?” He looked around in the small cabin he found himself in, but as he got more time to familiarize well with the situation, a stark realization gripped him. ‘Wait a minute...Is this Teyvat?!’ As Aerin met and interacted with more characters from the game, he realized that his earlier assumption was correct. He was in the world of Genshin Impact. *** As he lived here over the years, he befriended lots of friends and made many memories there. On one instance, he listened closely to a certain Pirate Queen as she spoke standing on the deck, “For as long as I can remember back into my youth, I've always had this itch for the open sea. Yet, as I now actually cast my eyes back, it ain't the adventure or the exploration I was after; it was the taste of freedom.” And in another, he sat in the same carriage as a strange girl with flower-shaped pupils, “Now, Aerin, you know I prefer my snacks with a bit more... spice. How about some pickled skulls with a side of fermented ghoul tears? Now that's a breakfast fit for me!” ‘Sigh, these people are really a bit too much for me.’ He could only shake his head at their weird antics... *** A/N: A wholesome story with special emphasis on dialogues and interactions of people with our MC. It's a multiversal story. If you want to skip prologue, start reading from chapter 8 since the main story starts from there only.

Xeren_Vale · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Liyue Harbor

Aerin also, after cleaning up his mess on the deck, went back to his assigned cabin. Unlike certain people, he cleaned up the mess he had made.

Returning to his bed, he laid back and folded his arms under his head as he continued pondering something for a long time.

'Alright, from what I have confirmed, there are almost no changes from the game to this natural world. Some of the changes that remain are those that arise from the difference between the real world and a game.

Tomorrow morning, the first thing I must do after reaching Liyue Harbor is sign up for Adventurer's Guild. That will also help me develop the ability that I got from the Creator — Fundamental Forces Manipulation.

But one thing I will have to be careful about is to refrain from showing this ability in public. I have already decided that this ability would be like my trump card. Even if I had to use it in public, it should be so discreet that no one would notice. Which might be easier than I think. Because Teyvat's advancement in physics is much more backward than my previous world. So they might not even know what I'm actually doing. They might just chalk it up to it being something related to my vision, which, by the way, I don't have. Still, I would have to be cautious, just in case.

Additionally, I have decided to separate this ability into four separate sub-abilities on the basis of four fundamental forces present: strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, and gravity. Not practically, but literally. This will help me organize things better.

One thing I should note is the fact these forces were fundamental in my previous universe. They might not be fundamental here, which I can easily confirm the presence of by watching my nearby environment of this universe. What I don't know is the possibility of another fundamental force present in this universe.

But then again, it's also possible that there might have been some other fundamental forces that humans in my previous universe might not have even discovered in the first place.

So, the crux of the matter is I would have to move on forward, considering in every new universe I go to, any of the four fundamental forces of my previous universe might not be fundamental there, or there might be more than 4 fundamental forces present there, or both.

Apart from the matters regarding my powers, to support myself financially enough, I would have to pick up a side job along with an adventurer. Which I have already thought of —selling novels from my previous world.

There are some works that I had personally written under the identity of Morpheus Zaxshew, but there were also some well-written novels I remember well enough that I can easily write, of course, with some minor discrepancies. I don't have a photographic memory, after all.

But there is one problem, and that is the production of these novels. If I remember correctly, there was this one character in Liyue Harbor who was a rich second-generation and had a strong passion for reading books. I can't seem to remember his name, but I'm sure that I'll find him once I reach there. He would be able to solve these problems if I appealed to him well enough and showed him the potential of my work.

And then there is always another option, Yae publishing house of Inazuma. I'm sure they would have a branch there. But first, before going there, let's see what happens.'

As Aerin continued thinking and making plans for the future, his eyelids eventually dropped down, and he succumbed to silent slumber. After all, he also had to wake up early tomorrow.


"Hey, ask Little Yue to carry that luggage over there..."

"Help me out someone..."

"...Wait, tell Muzhen that it is stored in the cargo hold."

"Hey YinXing, the item you asked is over here..."

"...Get this to Suling. He knows how to do it."

Annoyed by the incoming noise from outside, Aerin slowly raised his eyelids and immediately covered them with his hands to avoid the sunlight.

Looking left and right, he got up and loudly yawned while covering his mouth with his hand.

'Oh, seems like the sun has already risen,' he thought while looking outside the window at the ongoing hustle and bustle.

He stood up from his bed, washed his face properly, gargled his mouth, and did some warm-up exercises. When he finally felt like he was ready, he opened the cabin door and got out.

As he walked out, this time too, a fresh breeze of air full of invigorated energy greeted him, which he made sure to greedily suck.

"Hey Aerin, how was the sleep last night?"

Looking beside him, he saw Sea Drake carrying a large luggage, probably for the preparations of landing in Liyue Harbor.

"Morning Sea Drake. And to answer your question, it was a very comfortable one."

"Hehe, glad to hear so."

He nodded and went back to his previous work. On the other hand, Aerin watched around the deck as everyone moved diligently about their daily tasks, as if the Crux fleet of last night was just an illusion.

He gave a chuckle remembering the shenanigans of last night, after which Beidou had no choice but to intervene.

"Good morning, Aerin. Hope you had a good sleep last night." Mora-Grubber said.

"Good morning, and yup, I had an excellent sleep."

"Oh, you woke up? Last night was a blast, wasn't it?" HuiXing chimed in.

Suddenly, Furing came up from behind Mora-Grubber and threw a mocking remark to HuiXing.

"Yeah, which you almost totally ruined."

Exasperated at her annoying attitude, she asked, with irritation etched on her face. "Seriously, what's even your problem? I don't even have any energy left to argue with you. Besides, you still haven't cleared yourself from doubt about your secret, have you?"

"'Which I formulated in my dreams', you might want to add."

"Ha, what do you mean by that? You want me to spill more of your late-night secrets?"

"Bitch, let's see what else you got up your sleeve."


Sensing the heated argument, Aerin distanced himself from the brewing fight between two females, which he didn't really want to be a part of.

Mora-grubber, also following his steps, stepped back before the situation could escalate. Other members of the crew just gave a look of 'Oh god, here they go again' before going on with their tasks.


Slowly moving around the deck, watching the waves crashing into the vessel and listening to the creaking of wood his steps made, after some time, he reached the front part of the deck, where he saw Captain Beidou alone. Having both determination and firm resolve etched on her face, she continued watching on ahead, unaware of his presence, with winds fluttering her beautiful qipao.

Watching her for a few seconds, he hesitated whether to approach her or not because it seemed like she was thinking something really deeply, but ultimately decided to reach out to see what she was thinking.

"Hey..." he said as he stood beside her, watching on ahead the same scenery that she was, without averting his gaze.

She came out of her stupor, and her gaze fell on him. Slightly surprised, she asked, "Oh, up and about, I see? Morning to you."

"Morning. So, what were you thinking so deeply?"

"Nothin'," she shrugged, her gaze drifting back to the scenery. "Just thinking about the path ahead for the Crux Fleet."

Frowning, he asked, "What has got you thinking so deeply about your fleet's future? Got some difficulties coming up?"

"That's not it." She moved a little and rested her body and hands on the wooden hull, facing the opposite of the oceanic view. "Was just ponderin' the distant future, ye know? Those moments when the mind drifts into strange waters, thinkin' about the unknown and such."

"Then what was it about the future that you were thinking? I'm curious."

What followed after that were a few moments of silence. The mewing sound of the seagulls and water crashing into the hull in the background was all that could be heard right now.

Gathering her thoughts, Beidou looked up to the flying seagulls going about their lives and sighed, "For as long as I can remember back into my youth, I've always had this itch for the open sea. Craving to explore the vast oceans and unravel the mysteries of the world. Yet, as I now actually cast my eyes back, it ain't the adventure or the exploration I was after; it was the taste of freedom, plain and simple."

Aerin got closer and leaned his body against the hull, just like Beidou, but facing the view of the ocean. He listened closely to what she had to say to delve deeper into the ordinary lives of people of this world, who were just some game characters in his previous world.

He knew that while such games could give out a general outline of the world, they couldn't possibly hope to give out the people's deep underlying emotions and experiences in their everyday lives.

And that is because it is simply 'life'. A code of 0s and 1s can't portray the definition of life in its rawest form.

It's not a question of whether it can or can't. Life is simply something that is not possible to be fully expressed in a game.

"My childhood was a stormy sea, and survival meant only trustin' myself. Longed for freedom, that yearnin' steered me course in life. Got strong, made connections, did all I could to secure my 'own' liberation. And along the way, gathered a crew, each soul hungerin' for the same freedom I sought." As she said, she looked at her crew, who were, despite their differences, working together for their cause, just like a family.

Aerin listened and listened, and he couldn't help but make similar comparisons to a work of his previous world, "You know what, your story about how you always wanted freedom is actually reminds me of something."

"Hmm...?" Her ears perked up in curiosity as she listened to him say that.

But Aerin made sure to twist his words a little. "I remember writing a story some time ago, where the protagonist is someone exactly like you. He also yearned for freedo—No, that would be wrong. He had become a 'slave' to freedom."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, his whole existence, just like you, was solely driven by freedom. And in the end, to achieve his freedom and to save his people and friends, do you know what he did?"

"What did he do?" she asked, now curious about the character he wrote, which sounded much like her.

"He eradicated 80% of the human population," Aerin said calmly. He averted his gaze and settled them on Beidou for the first time since he came here.

'Wipin' out...80% of humanity?'

Beidou was shocked to the core, and her eyes widened. She really didn't anticipate this.

'How could someone pull off such deeds in the name of freedom?' She then redirected that question to herself. 'Would I be up for such a thing? Wipin' out humanity for the sake of my 'own' freedom?'

"Actually, it was the only real possible solution left in the end. Due to the world's setting, and due to his personality, only that method was possible to save everything he was dear to. Circumstances led him to do this. So please, don't think of putting yourself in his position."

"Huh," she asked, blinking her eyes. "How'd ye figure that out?"

"It was totally written in your face. So, do not think for a second about whether you'll be able to do this. And in the end, it was just a story," then he thought to himself. 'At least to her. I'm sure now that it is a world somewhere.'

"I see. Eager to read that tale of yours, if ye don't mind me pryin'." She smiled wryly.

"Don't worry, you'll get to do so soon. I have some plans to publish this story."

"Is that the case? That's good, then." After which, there was again another lapse of silence as Beidou gathered her thoughts. She again changed her position and leaned on the hull just as Aerin did, facing the oceanic view before she started speaking again.

"So, circlin' back to the heart of the matter, I reckon I've chased down my own freedom. Became what I aimed for, in my own peculiar fashion. Titles like 'Pirate Queen' and the nods of recognition, they're just side effects, I believe. My own crew leans on me very much, sees me as a captain worthy of respect and trust, capable of leading them."

She closed her eyes for a moment and breathed in and out before speaking out, this time her voice wavering a little.

"What keeps me up at night is the thought of what might unfold for my crew if, by some slim twist of fate, I'm not around in the days ahead. Just can't shake off the worry, you know.

Remember when I said I get lost in musings 'bout the distant future? Well, this is what's churnin' in my mind."

"Oh, come on, how could anything happen to Pirate Queen herself?" he asked, his words laced with a teasing tone.

"Don't go assumin' that just 'cause I'm the Queen of Pirates, it makes me immune to whatever twists the sea might throw at me."

A smile graced his lips as he said to her. "You really cherish your crew deeply."

She grinned. "Aye, true enough. They're not just my crew; they're my family. Through the highs and the lows, we've stood together, facin' whatever comes our way."

Aerin continued to absorb Beidou's heartfelt words, the weight of her concerns lingering in the sea breeze. The ship sailed smoothly through the ocean, carrying with it the dreams, aspirations, and worries of its crew, particularly the Pirate Queen herself.

'Family, huh.' He thought, his mind wandering to somewhere else for a brief moment before coming right back. Contemplating and choosing his words carefully, he replied.

"The solution to this problem might be actually very simple. You just have to have some confidence in your crew. I'm sure everything will be alright."

She cast a gaze of confusion in his direction, indicating she did not understand it.

Aerin, sensing the gaze, explained further to her. "What I mean to say is, they're the Crux fleet, and their captain is you —Pirate Queen Beidou. They have trained under your guidance for years. You made them what they are today.

So, I'm sure that even if you're not around to watch over them, they would eventually uphold themselves according to the legacy Pirate Queen left behind. In the end, you don't need to worry that much."

Beidou looked at him while he said that with an unknown gaze and then turned her eyes, responding simply. "Really?"

"Yup. Hell, I'd be surprised if the next Pirate Queen or King born is not from your crew, upholding what you left behind."

This time, without giving any response, she continued staring ahead, just like she had been when Aerin first approached her. A few seconds later, a subtle, wry smile graced her lips.

"I guess...you might be onto somethin'. Perhaps, there's no need to let the worry weigh me down that much."

And then she got up as if her mind had resolved on something. After seeing her, Aerin simply said. "That's much better."

"Appreciate for clearing my doubts, Aerin. Gotta admit, you're not half bad as a conversation partner."

"Thank you for your compliment. But I did nothing. Anyone with some courage of approaching the Pirate Queen alone could have done the same."

Beidou just chuckled at his words. "Alright, got a few things to sort for the docking. Headin' back now. You joinin'?"

"Me?...I think I'll stay around here for a while longer."


After she left, Aerin continued gazing at something far on the horizon for some time. No one could tell what he was thinking, or what he was even feeling, for that matter.

As he stood there, slowly, he noticed a city coming up on the horizon.

"I guess that's Liyue Harbor. Looks so much big than it's game counterpart." he muttered silently.

Under his gaze, the harbour, which initially looked small, became an even bigger city than before. Looking for a while longer, Aerin left the place he was standing in to prepare for the docking.


As the Alcor docked, some of the crew members, including Captain Beidou and Aerin, went down the ship. Although Aerin kept his face normal, he was looking around the harbour excitedly.

'You could never get this kind of scenery in 21st century.'

Be it people wearing Chinese clothes helping out in the harbour to earn a penny or merchants setting up stalls to attract their potential customers, everything looked so much more vibrant than on a phone screen.

He saw traditional Chinese houses, which was a stark contrast to the skyscrapers he was used to looking at. And due to his gift of literacy set, he could read and hear everything around his surroundings.

As Aerin continued looking around like an excited child, Beidou walked up to him.

"Here, a little somethin' for you." She said as she gave him a pouch full of Mora.

Looking at the pouch, which made a jingling sound every time it moved, Aerin looked at Beidou with confusion. "This..."

"Don't give me that look. I know you're short on Mora, so here, take this 20k Mora with you. Should keep you afloat for a bit."


"No need for yappin'. You're takin' this with you, and that's the end of it."

He pressed his lips and sighed after looking at her expression.

"Fine... I'll take this. And thank you very much Captain Beidou."

"Nah, no need for fretting. How 'bout this – you owe me a meal next time we cross paths. Oh, and 'bout locatin' the Adventurer's Guild building, just ask around. It's easy to spot, inconspicuous-like."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind. So, I'll see you again..."

She grinned and waved her hand. "Okay. Until our next meetin'..." Then, she stormed off to help out her crew dealing with merchants.

"Now then, should I start moving too?" He mumbled to himself as he stood facing the city.

"Alright, Liyue Harbor here I come."

 Having said that, he stormed off, walking his first steps into this beautiful and vibrant city, filled with life and opportunities for those who seek it, just like Aerin.


Here it is! 3.1k words in total...

I try to give as perfect a chapter as I can. But still, if there are any minor discrepancies you might find, comment it.

And by the way, please consider giving some power stones if you like this!!

Next chapter upcoming:

Ch 12 - Adventurer's Guild

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