
Multivers-collection 18+

- I wanted to write fan fiction - But life decided to punish "Now live on your own "Like God?" - Well, the harem is not bad either Our MC died as usual, but not saving someone, but just at home, he got an opportunity, which he took advantage of. Now it remains to wait and read whether he will fulfill his plan.)) English is not my native language, translated by Yandex translator

Wasilisk100 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


In a beautiful place, where the sunset was already visible and the faint chirping of birds could be heard. And on the soft grass, clinging tightly to each other, were two bodies. Yes, you're right, it's a clone of Michael and Kuram.That they were lying on the grass after hours of an act of animal and primal love.

Kurama was snoring sweetly on his shoulder after that emotional outburst of animal instinct. Meanwhile, Michael's clone was thinking about what would happen to him next?, what should he do?, would he be able to protect Kurama?However, most of its power was blocked by its original when created, and removing the limiters can only be dispersed and created in a new way . But the Clone was afraid of being just distracted, and suddenly he would forget her, and it would make no sense to fight with his original, it would only make everything worse.

As he opened his eyes and watched the sun disappear behind the trees, the clone decided that it was better for him to be absorbed in Michael, because "I am him," the Clone thought.

Turning his head in the direction of Kurama, thereby waking up the cute fox from sleep:

"Good evening," the clone said, kissing Kurama gently on the forehead.

The only response was a smile.

Pov Michael

This is what my madcap clone is doing, I thought, listening to Kushina's detailed account, which had already calmed down.

After listening to my story, I realized that I myself would not be able to restrain myself if I was attacked by this fox-seductress.

I decided that I would give them some time alone to finish their "important and urgent" business. Along the way, I explained to Kushina that this is my clone and nothing terrible will happen, well, so that they will definitely believe me, I let go of my KI a little.

Heh ... they can, but rather they need to be told that they simply have no choice but to trust me.

And gradually it began to get light , my friend and I looked out the window, watching the sun set.…

While checking on my clone, I followed him and made sure their " job" was done, sending my thoughts to the Goddess herself with Xavier's power and telling her it was time to go after them.

From my Goddess followed a smile and a nod, is she really happy that we will soon have a new addition to the family, saying goodbye to Minato and Kushina, I thought, and looking at the smiling Naruto, who was sitting on Minato's lap, I gave him a smile and thought: "now everything is only in your hands."

When I left the house, I took Kara's hand(FROM THE AUTHOR:The Goddess of Death, and then suddenly I forgot her name, to be honest, I already forgot myself) and teleported to the forest next to the clone.

I went over to them and gave him a message: "The time has come."

End of replay

Michael's clone

Still lying on the edge of the forest and in pleasant company, I received a message from the original, to which I only smiled wearily and prepared for my merger.

The time has come, and with a light, cool touch, I touch my lips to Kurama's forehead and use my abilities to paralyze her sweet body. To which she looks at me blankly, and I smile happily at the fox for the last time. Now she could hear, see, but there was nothing she could do.

The end of Michael's pov Clone

Pov Kurama

I looked at my partner, who was kissing me on the forehead, then a strange, cold feeling swept through my heated body, and I realized that I couldn't move right now. Looking into the face of a man with whom I could lead a quiet but adventurous life, or rather my instincts told me so, I caught a smile in response, I did not understand what was happening.

Soon, I felt a couple of people with high KI pressure approaching us, and the thought flashed through my mind: "Maybe he has betrayed me and wants to hand over Obito, my old enemy"" but then, remembering his eyes looking at me, I put the thought out of my mind.

A moment later, my partner leaves me(Because in a fit of passion, they never learned each other's name), and I feel his aura begin to flow into another person with a similar KI.

After me, the partner picks me up with a smile on his face? No, not him, but very similar to him, only with a stronger aura.

A second later I was pulled into a dream and closing my eyes I plunged into the realm of Morpheus…

End of Pov Kurama

Everyone sees three figures, a young boy and two girls, walking slowly through the forest. One of them was smiling happily, pressing her whole body against the guy's arm and hugging him. And the other was walking not far from them with a thoughtful expression on her face.


In the next chapter, I will try to explain what happened after Kurama lost consciousness, and perhaps this same chapter will be the epilogue to the Naruto arc, and soon we will have a new world...OR in the next chapter there will be a disassembly, and then an epilogue, but if you wait, you will see and read everything)))