
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter 23

As Xi Yu approached the helipad, he noticed Busujima Saeko coming out.

But what's strange is that as soon as she noticed Xi Yu, she quickly went from a relaxed state to combat readiness.

Thinking a little about how Rias mentioned hating men due to the trauma of pedophilia. Xi Yu decided that Saeko's behavior was completely justified.

Having driven up to the helipad in his golf cart, Xi Yu came out to warmly welcome the guest.

- Good morning. How did you get there? - starting with a friendly, relaxing conversation, getting to know one of the most capable killers in Japan.

- Good morning? Who the fuck are you anyway? Where is Ophelia? - Saeko said threateningly, holding the Katana on her belt.

- I understand your concern. Considering the fact that the helicopter announced that it was Ophelia who sent it for you. And some guy completely unfamiliar to you came. And this is despite Ophelia's hostility towards men that she has. But I assure you, you have nothing to worry about. Judge for yourself, if I wanted to harm you, would you stand there all threatening or am I so relaxed? You don't think that I would underestimate one of the best assassins of the Shadow of Justice organization, do you? - Xi Yu said, trying to convince her of safety.

- Who are you? Where do you know me from? And I will repeat it for the last time! WHERE is Ophelia? - the nervous Saeko asked even more threateningly.

She simply did not understand what was happening here, and who was this clown cringing in front of her.

"Hmm... it's a long time to explain, she's sleeping in my bunker right now..." Before Xi Yu could finish, he noticed that Saeko, abruptly drawing her Katana, began to rapidly move towards him.

But as soon as she covered 3 meters, a deafening sound of shot was heard, and 2 meters in front of her and 6 meters in front of her target, the concrete began to crumble, from bullets hitting it from 2 MK4/2 automatic machine guns. Because of this, she suddenly braked and jumped back, holding out her Katana in front of her. Saeko began to watch Xi Yu even more warily.

She had seen all this technology, but did not expect that it could be used in a matter of seconds with such surgical precision.

-*Sigh*... Please put down your weapon. I'm not going to harm you. The fact is that Ophelia doesn't know that you have arrived, I wanted to surprise her. My name is Zhu Xi Yu, before the Apocalypse I worked as a security guard for her sister Xue Ingrid. Therefore, after 4 years of work, I am quite familiar with Ophelia. Yesterday I found out that she was calling someone, and couldn't help being curious, with the help of Rias's Artificial Intelligence, Rias said hello to the guest," Xi Yu said, stopping mid-sentence.

- Hello, Busujima Saeko, nice to meet you. My name is Rias and I am the Artificial Intelligence belonging to Lord Xi Yu - Rias introduced herself in a gentle voice, while Saeko winced. And she immediately realized who was operating the machine guns.

- So here it is. With Rias's help, I learned some things about you from the internet and others by simply hacking into the government database. And having tracked your route from a satellite, I thought, why not help you get here faster and surprise Ophelia? - amused by Saeko's wary expression, Xi Yu himself did not understand why this brought him so much pleasure, he even began to wonder if he himself had accidentally developed sadistic inclinations.

- What is your relationship with Ophelia? - Saeko said, relaxing a little.

"Ahem... Well... She's my slave, well, you don't..." As soon as Xi Yu said the word "slave," the atmosphere became tense, and even he, a man with a strong will, shuddered. And the expression on Saeko's face began to resemble a Yandere who had gone crazy.

- STOP! STOP, STOP, STOP!!! I DIDN'T FORCE HER! OK? She is a slave because of a bet I made! BUT I never forced her to do anything! I swear! Turn off your inner demon! - Xi Yu said, defiantly waving his arms.

For the first time, his intuition about danger howled so loudly. But she is not an enemy! More like a family member...

- Where is Ophelia? - Saeko said in a menacing tone, trying to control herself out of concern for Ophelia.

After the start of the Apocalypse, she found herself on a mission in Miyazaki. Having reached the nearest place where it would be possible to contact Ophelia, since it is forbidden to take phones on the mission, due to their unreliability in storing secret information.

Saeko called Ophelia, and she told her, "I'm completely safe" and "I'm not in any danger." And now some guy is standing in front of her and openly saying that Ophelia has become his slave! Saeko's nerves were already on edge, although she didn't show it, but here was such a statement.

"Rias, show her Ophelia's bedroom," said Xi Yu, deciding that it was better not to aggravate it and at least somehow defuse the tense situation.

A small hologram emanating from Xi Yu's phone showed them how Ophelia was lying on the bed in one thin nightie, sexy folded at the knee and slightly spread one of her legs, sleeping stretched out across the entire double bed.

- Hmm... I didn't know that Ophelia sleeps in such a revealing nightie, honestly! - noticing how happy Saeko was, and then black lines appeared on her face as if in an anime, Xi Yu began to awkwardly explain himself, perfectly understanding the reason for their occurrence.

- OK! Enough with the misunderstandings, worry and anger. Let's talk frankly! - Xi Yu said as seriously as possible, and Saeko looked at him more calmly.

After she saw Ophelia sleeping so peacefully, all her worries disappeared.

And so, if I were a bastard, you would already be lying there with your legs and arms shot, and I would be doing to you what those bastards are doing there." But I'm just inviting you to the base, and at the same time I'm crucifying myself in front of you as if you were my boss! Where is the logic? - Xi Yu said seriously.

- It makes sense. So are you Ingrid's bodyguard? Ophelia's younger sister? - Nodding seriously to Xi Yu's words, Saeko asked, already calmly sitting down and wiping her Katana.

-... - Xi Yu was speechless.

- Are there any problems? - Noticing Xi Yu's hesitation, Saeko asked, looking at him again.

- No, it just seems to me that I absolutely cannot be honest with you... And this is strange! I like to be an honest person. And only with enemies can I lie or deceive, and considering your connection with Ophelia, you are not only not my enemy, but also a person on my side. So why does every question you ask lead to misunderstandings because of my evenness... - Xi Yu muttered thoughtfully.

Not only did he not want to lie. But he also wanted to constantly repeat to them that they were his slaves. So that they get used to it. As they say, call a person a pig all the time and sooner or later he will grunt.

They can, of course, refuse to accept this title of slave, but if they refuse to honor the contract, they will thereby show that they are not trusted. Relationships between people are built from a very subtle atmosphere, which is set by chance or unconsciously manipulated by a person's actions, deeds and words.

- What's so difficult about my question? Just tell me who she is to you and how you are connected. If you lied that you were a security guard, then it's okay... - Saeko began to calmly clarify the situation, when she was interrupted.

- *Sigh* She is also my slave - sighing sadly, from the need to dot all the i's, said Xi Yu.

In fact, he no longer worked for Ingrid, and he told her that he was Ingrid's security guard. This could diminish his authority in Saeko's eyes and create misunderstandings in the power structure of HIS base. Therefore, the best choice was to say it the way he did with the rest of those who signed the "slave" contract.

-... - Saeko looked at Xi Yu with a intent, piercing gaze.

She has met many different people in her life, and everyone almost has it written on their face what they are like. But THIS individual is just a walking anomaly in the category of studying a target by its habits. It even began to seem to her that he was simply bored and liked to irritate her and make fun of her.

- Don't get me wrong! The fact is that 2 months ago I fell into a coma. And when I came out, I found out the future 15 years in advance. Yes, yes, don't look at me like that. This sounds like complete nonsense, I know, but doesn't everything that is happening in the world look like nonsense now? So, I found out the future and tried to protect Ophelia and Ingrid from the Apocalypse. But they didn't believe me and then I signed contracts with them in the event of the Apocalypse in which they would be my slaves. Now you understand? I am not guilty! If I had not trusted my dream, then one would have had me as a lifelong guard, and the other would have decided who I would marry!

That's enough chatter, let's go to the base - he quickly explained the main nuances, not allowing Saeko to insert a word, Xi Yu turned around and went to the golf cart.

-... - Looking strangely at this anomaly, and putting the Katana in its sheath, Saeko silently followed Xi Yu.

Having driven into the territory of the Xi Yu base, behind the huge 30-meter walls, Saeko was surprised to note that this place was quite safe. Especially after I saw the E427 anti-aircraft guns from afar, the power of which, even judging only from their appearance, should not be doubted.

Having arrived and parked, Xi Yu and Saeko walked into the concrete elevator hangar, heading towards the disinfection gates. Which was located in front of the elevators leading to the bunker.

- What is this? - Saeko asked in surprise.

- This is a disinfection gateway; it releases a chemical that kills any small infection of biological origin. Which, by the way, you might have already picked up. Don't look at me like that, do you think this is the Apocalypse where only zombies threaten us? - Xi Yu said calmly, having gone through disinfection and waiting for Saeko at the open elevator.

- Not just zombies? Are you saying there is some other minor infection? - Saeko asked, realizing in amazement.

- Almost, to be precise, the Zombie Apocalypse and the Evolution of all living creatures on planet Earth except humans. Don't look at me like that, if you don't believe me, I can sign a slave contract with you too. So how? Will you take the risk? - Xi Yu said playfully, looking at Saeko with a smile.

- No thanks. Why not believe now if there are dead people running around and eager to bite you... - Saeko said thoughtfully, entering the elevator and standing next to Xi Yu.

- Rias, it's already 6:33 in the morning, I think that one of the medical staff has already woken up and is preparing for the start of the work day at 7:00. Or maybe they are those who simply couldn't sleep. Give them my order to immediately report to the medical department and conduct a full medical examination for Busujima Saeko - pressing the button for the 2nd floor, Xi Yu said addressing Rias.

- Why is this? - Saeko asked, looking uncertainly at Xi Yu.

- I'm just paranoid. I'm terrified of catching some kind of evolved parasite. Which will scatter its millions of eggs here and there, infecting all people with its larvae. And then millions of these larvae will eat people alive from the inside, ending up in all parts of their body - Xi Yu talked about his fears until the elevator doors opened.

Saeko, who listened to him, turned pale and went to the examination more willingly. She had absolutely no idea what kind of infection she could now catch in this unfamiliar world.

After waiting 5 minutes in the laboratory, Xi Yu and Saeko waited for the hurrying women and girls of the medical department. And after another 20 minutes of examination, it turned out that Busujima Saeko was absolutely healthy and had not caught anything. Which made them both breathe a sigh of relief.

- Listen, Busujima Saeko. Can I ask a small favor for my good deed with the helicopter? - Xi Yu asked looking at Saeko entering the elevator behind him.

Hearing what Xi Yu said, Saeko looked at him strangely. Sometimes he acted like a commander, sometimes like a clown, and sometimes like a mischievous child. And she couldn't figure out which one was real.

- What do you want? - Saeko asked briefly.

- It's simple! I want that at the moment when I need it, we hold hands, looking into each other's eyes with a smile - Xi Yu, looking slyly at Saeko, voiced his desire.

- Just hold hands with a smile looking into each other's eyes? Okay, I don't like to be in debt, if that's what you want, then I don't mind," Saeko said calmly.

- Okay, this is really what I need. Just don't go back on your words, it's better not to promise anything than to deceive. I hate people whose words mean nothing. As for me, it's like this: "The value of a person is equivalent to the value of his word"! I hope you can be held accountable for what you said? - Looking at Saeko, Xi Yu said seriously.

-Who do you take me for? I'm not one of those who don't keep their word. If I promised something, then I will definitely fulfill it! - Saeko said confidently and seriously.

In general, Saeko didn't even think about it, because all people lie and deceive, but listening to this noble speech by Xi Yu, she herself didn't want to be among people who could not be held responsible for what was said. Because of Xi Yu's words, they even seemed like some kind of empty words to her...

- Ok, I believe you! That means when I ask you. You will hold hands with me and for exactly 5 minutes you will look into my eyes without stopping with a smile. Are you sure you can handle it? - Xi Yu said seriously looking at Saeeo.

- Don't worry, there won't be any problems with me. From Miyazaki to Tokyo I would have to spend at least a week, spend 5 minutes in a staring contest - these are little things, I know how to be grateful. But are you sure that you only need such a trivial request? - Staring at Xi Yu in bewilderment, Saeko asked just as seriously.

"Yes, everything is fine, so we agreed," Xi Yu replied, smiling in anticipation.

Having gone down to the 9th floor, and slowly heading to the territory of the living quarters of the Supreme Management, Xi Yu noticed that the clock was 7:01.

"Where does he wear them? It will be necessary to tighten the punctuality of the base," thought Xi Yu, moving towards Ophelia's apartment.

Suddenly, Ophelia's doorknob moved.

- Now! My request, I want you to fulfill your promise now - Xi Yu said, taking Saeko's hand and looking into her eyes.

"Okay," Saeko calmly agreed, looking at Xi Yu in surprise.

- You forgot about the smile. The gentler the smile, the better! - Xi Yu instructed, and immediately noticed Xue Ophelia coming out of her apartment.

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