

250 years ago Magic left this world. Never to return?

phantom6_sensei · Urban
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5 Chs

Fall and shock Fall and shock

"I'll become a hero and come back for you someday- "Those are some big ambitions for a little sickle shit like you" The teacher Drake Tyze interrupted.

"Hero?" he continued "Heroes are strong aren't they, let's see how strong you are" Drake punches Indra, he cracks his knuckles and loosens his tie "Come on hero, beat me, I'm evil right, I'm a villain" Indra was powerless in the face of Drakes superior strength. His feeble body fell at Drakes feet bleeding out. Yet he continued, he beat, and beat every day to the point it became a way of life.

He made all his students swear to never speak of it or they would suffer the same fate, It was the only school they had so they had no choice but to endure the pain.

Soon the principal a fat jolly old man with a cartoonish mustache always wearing a green suit reeking of alcohol, came in.

"Oi, Drake that's enough we wouldn't want to kill such a special student would we" he picked up Indra by the chin and looked at him "oh, a boy" Indra coughed blood on his shoes by accident. "You peasant, how dare you stain my shoes with your worthless blood clean them" It's the cruel world they were born into, Indra: "yes sir" "hehehehe, you girl~ I want you in my office, what a sweet~ world" he said as he laughed obsessively .What a bitter world but at least they managed to survive.

Later on Indra and Krime met up after school. Krime apologized about the 'Raven" accident but Indra being the nice person he was laughed it off with a smile.

"ha ha ha, my life really sucks right" Indra continued "I should just hang myself at this point" He said.

"Stupid marker boy, knowing you, you probably could "Krime replied "My life's just as bad I live with those damn nuns and my name is literally crime with a K, I swear I'll find the bastard that named me Indra". And I also…..before Krime could finish his sentence Indra interrupted as usual "You know what I said today about becoming a hero"

"Yeah I get it you said it in the heat of the moment- Indra interrupts again "I wanna become a Royal Assassin of The Joker Kingdom" after hearing this Krime thought "Would this idiot stop interrupting me!!" "Wait you wanna become a Royal Assassin!? Are you nuts?? Indra confidently responded "YEP"

"This guy really is too far gone in his illusions" Krime sadly said to himself nodding his head in disappointment "Don't say stuff like that in public, they're spies everywhere" he warned his friend.

"You're just being paranoid dude~" a man approaches from behind them and whispers "He's right" Krime unaware of this new person says "exactly- wait who said that" "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!!!" the boys shrieked in shock. " I'm Miko Adval, Assassin of The Joker Kingdom YO!" Krime as skeptical as ever asked "How do we know you're a real Assassin and not a fraud" Miko answered "Would a fraud have, THIS!?" out of his shirt he brought a chain with The Joker Kingdom's Insignia engraved on it. Krime still in disbelief still argued "You could have got that anywhere, come on let's go Indra" Indra laughed lightly and said "wait, he's telling the truth" Krime sharply replied "okay". Krime easily believed Indra without him giving any explanation this was as a result of the amount of trust and belief they had built between each other one the years. Indra asked "What brings you to Aris Miko?". Miko reluctantly replied "I'm here to recruit orphans to become Assassins" opportunity!! An opportunity to reach my dream, this thought quickly surged through Indra's and surprisingly Krime's mind too.

More specifically to Krime this meant a chance to leave Aris. Krime smirked and said "hahaha, luckily I am an orphan" That's not something to be proud of man, and since when were you interested in becoming an Assassin Indra exclaimed. "You kidding I can't have you leaving me behind in this shit hole" Krime said. "Well I qualify as an orphan right, I have no mom or dad either so….." Miko takes a closer look at them both and notices Indra is especially slim with slight bruises all over. The black mark on Indra's face lures his attention. "Hmmm, that mark and their bodies….it's like they were built to be Assassins, Fast, light ,strong ,flexible" he thinks to himself "beautiful" he says out loud. "Would be a waste of talent not to take them" he continues to himself. He smiles and says "you meet the requirements" "you two are coming with me, we leave in two days. "Know any witches?" he continued "witches?" they asked in confusion "yeah girl Assassins, like that one over there" he stated "That's Sofia the girl I live with she's strong but she's not a witch or whatever you called and please stop staring at her like that- it's creepy" "I'm not staring kid although….."

And so after meeting Miko and saying all said they headed to Indra's home, but...

"Uh Miko….what are you doing in my house? I said bye at the door but…."

"Nice place"

"Maybe he's homeless" Krime supposed.

"I'm just here to recruit, so I didn't plan on any accommodation"

"So you planned on wandering the streets?" "Sigh, how sad" Indra thought to himself as he sorted the chairs.

'Everything usually works out' "And it did" he thought to himself as he smirked boldly and laughed".

"Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you keep your promise and make us Assassins" Indra assured.

"Yeah, yeah I promise" he guaranteed

The back door opens and Sofia steps in carrying a sack of coal. "Whose your friend here Indra , Krime?". "He's not my friend" Krime answered bluntly "Down Krime, you're a little tall to be a student aren't you" she continued. "I'm not" Miko countered "He's homeless" Krime faulted, after laughing shortly Indra disclosed That Miko was "supposedly" a Royal Assassin. This made Sofia suspicious she said to herself , "I've seen him somewhere before, were was it?. She resumed "Didn't catch your name, you are?"

Miko took off his cloak and said "Adval, Miko Adval" to further prove this he indicated his chain's symbol as proof.

Sofia blurted in pure amazement "Miko Adval!!!!? THE THE WORLD SMASHER!!!??

World smasher? what secrets could this homeless.....I mean this assassin hold

I'm new here so um....Let's all do our best okay!!!

plus ultra!!!!!!

phantom6_senseicreators' thoughts