
Chapter ten The accident

Sarah took a taxi and headed back to her house, she was supposed to be packing because she had a midnight flight to Thailand. The taxi had to take a detour and drop her at one of the roads and then Martin would pick her up and drive her to the house.

"Madam, which junction?" the taxi driver asked.

"The market junction."

"Okay madam." A few minutes later, the taxi had taken the final turn at a round about road and headed to the market direction when suddenly it was hit by a truck with a high force causing the taxi to roll in the air a few times before it landed on the road with a bang. The place where all that happened did not have a lot of passersby. They were fortunate to that, though the car hit the road, when it landed on the ground, the damage caused was not severe because it did not land upside down. Unfortunately, the truck did a reverse and completed its mission, the truck driver pushed the car all the way to the cliff that was on the opposite side of the road, causing it to roll down the cliff.

"Bring him back and compensate him. Don't bring Sarah back." After she hit the send button she closed her eyes and waited for what was coming next. That was always how Sarah handled things, but deep inside she was very angry, if she was targeted alone she wouldn't mind, but involving a lowly taxi driver! That was way beyond crossing the boundaries, though she also blamed herself because if she had just driven her car by herself without getting into a taxi then the person wouldn't have to die this miserably, the best thing she hopes for the driver is to survive, the rest of part they can handle it properly. She is sure her team can make him live if only he doesn't die on the instant. They were now hanging half way the cliff, the car was swinging side to side, trying to gain balance, Sarah quickly sent the location and then looked at the driver, "What's your name?"

"Rob Donald ma'am."

"You have a family?"

"Yes, two kids one boy and one girl. The girl is the eldest." he replied, his voice was very weak and anyone could see the fear written all over his face.

"You are fortunate to have a girl as the first born. Don't worry you will see them, just try and survive don't loose hope. Okay."

Though the driver was tensed, he still felt assured. He did not know the woman but he felt safe. "Thank you madam."

At the party, people were happily drinking, the engagement was almost over but Damian couldn't be seen. After he was called by Maddie earlier, he went up and found his mother seated and laughing with friends, and when he asked her what was the problem, the mother acted confused.

"Who told you I fainted? I am still a strong woman, how can I faint easily? Moreover I have been here with my friends chatting, I haven't sent anyone to you."

Damian went back downstairs and looked for Maddie, "Maddie, why did you tell me mother has fainted and she was calling me? What kind of jokes are you playing with me. I have spoiled you enough that you can do whatever you want, right!"

Damian was so angry, his red eyes emanated anger that can cause any damage to anyone at any moment. He was angry, angry because he lost the chance to speak to Sarah, he wanted to tell Sarah he was the mysterious friend, he wanted to say so many things to her, but now, he lost the only chance he had. "Do you treat me like your brother or like a fool!"

Maddie saw her brother's anger and became afraid, she has seen her brother in that state before, he could smash and hit anything that's on his way. "Come down brother..."

"Come down for what!" Damian was trying his best not to cause attention from the guest, but the more he spoke the more his temper was rising.

"Brother, a waiter came and said mother has fainted and that she was looking for you, so I told her that I will call you, and that she can go back to work. I had no idea it was fake!"

After he listened to his sister, he got a rough idea of what was happening, someone was trying to stop him from speaking to Sarah. But who?