
Chapter six The quarrel

Sarah poured warm water in her glass unhurriedly, then slowly but gently walked towards them, quietly sipping the water. She smiled and said, "If I am not Sarah, then who do you think I am?"

"Who knows? Sarah I have no grudge with you, in fact I would like to be your friend but you keep on pushing me away. Can't we go back to the way we were at school? You know I am not mad at you for getting married to Damian." Anna spoke out pitifully as if she was the one who has been wronged all this time.

Sarah sneered and didn't even dare to hide her disgust on the three people in front of her. She took a sip, then looked at Anna, "you say we have no grudge but you dare to create one. I have a bigger grudge with you. Secondly, we were never friends, we were just desk mates."

"Are you angry because I reported you to Damian? It is all my fault, I know I have wronged you but those clothes were really expensive."

"Sarah instead of being arrogant and ignorant, why don't you apologize? Maybe my brother will forgive you."

"Did I commit a sin? Is he God?" She turned around heading towards the stairs, "I am really tired, you know standing in the rain is not an easy task. I am going to rest."

"Brother are you going to let her go like that, you know if mother knows she will be angry."

"Where are you going?" Damian asked, but no one replied. From the moment Sarah came downstairs, he found that she had somehow changed, he felt some indifference in her. Sarah did not reply she continued walking upstairs which angered Damian, he did not like to be ignored. "Sarah, I am talking to you!"

"But I don't want to talk to you. And as you can see, I am heading upstairs, should I state it out in caps lock that this way leads upstairs?"

Everyone was shocked, they knew Sarah is a weak girl, because that's what rumors said, and for the past one year, Sarah had never talked back at anyone, especially Damian. No one spoke for a while, even Damian was speechless, he had known Sarah as someone who never retaliates, or fight back. Even when Anna said Sarah had slapped her, at first he did not believe it but seeing her new attitude, then it should be possible. But why did she change or why did she decide to show her true nature now?

Sarah looked at them and smiled, "what, are you all shocked! Oh, I forgot you are used to the weak Sarah, the one you left in the rain?" She laughed and said, "it seems like pretending to be weak is a bad thing, everyone will take advantage of you. That is why this one year with this family has been my worst year, it's not that I haven't experienced worse but I don't take anything for granted."

Damian was still quite, for the first time he was at a loss of words, after he gathered himself he spoke in a deep and commanding tone, "Sarah, why did you throw those bags with expensive stuffs and hit my girlfriend after she reprimanded you?"

"I did not sign up to be your girlfriend's maid. If she wanted a servant to follow her around, you are rich enough to get her one or two!"

"Do you know that I can make you go out to look for those clothes and not come back until you find them!" Damian threatened.

"Babe, it is still raining outside she might catch a fever and your father will blame me!"

"Damian, I hate threats, so next time, don't dare threaten me. Aren't you all ashamed? Three people ganging up against one person. One pretending to care, the other is just here to make my life hard." She said as she looked between Anna and Maddie, "you two will have nightmares if you don't make my life hard. Every day, week and month you enjoyed torturing me, and I let you because I wanted to finish this contract peacefully." She finished drinking the water then went to the kitchen, cleaned her favorite cup. Anywhere she goes, she always has it because it was a gift. She came out of the kitchen and said, "Damian, I never forced our parents to get us married neither was I there when they made this stupid agreement, so I don't know why you hate me and I have never even tried to get in your way." She spoke while she ran her finger at the edge of her cup. Damian just stared at her without saying a word. Anna did not want Sarah to stay in this house for long because the more she stayed the more the possibility of Damian knowing the truth. As for Sarah she wanted to leave because the more she stayed, the more she held grudges.