
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Leaving the Island

Kei was right, Mavis didn't lose the first round, however, he can't say she won either. The game was a truth game about each other. You can't say the truth of something both of them have or does. Mavis focused on what the rules didn't say and tried to exploit that. She didn't let him finish his sentence and forced him to stop in the middle of it. Did she win? Did she lose? Because there was no rule for when to call a lie, technically she won. However, they started another round because It was a loophole and the winner wasn't clear.

The next round had Mavis go first. Although what she did made Kei laugh a bit. She stated the guy blinked a certain number of times. The guy tried to counter because they were both blinking however she didn't blink at all. The guy couldn't confirm nor deny her statement about the number of times he blinked. It would result in a loss for him because he would be lying if he said he knew the answer.

Another thing Kei found interesting is the magic item the man used to make sure no lies are told. It is interesting for Kei to see such items since, in the Fairy Tail manga, they were never used much.

When the man was on the ground in defeat and Mavis was throwing out a peace sign of her victory, we heard voices behind him.

"Yuri, why are you playing around in a place like this?" asks the man with blond slick hair combed to the back.

"Wow! This is one fine library." says the man with black hair waving around.

Kei gets into a position if he needs to protect Mavis.

"Warrod! Precht!" Yuri calls out.

"This island has nothing for us. We are leaving" The man with blond hair says.

"What! What about the Tenrou orb?" Yuri is shocked since they are leaving so suddenly without the orb.

"I won't tell you where it is." Mavis firmly states. Kei already knows they probably found out where it was, so it makes no difference whether Mavis tells them or not.

"We already found where it was." the blond man states while crossing his arms. Yuri and Mavis look at each other, and Kei guesses they are baffled that their game was meaningless.

'Sigh' "Let me guess it's not there anymore" Kei calmly states. The blond hair man nodes and Mavis couldn't believe it so they went to where it was.

Along the way, Kei asked for their names. He found out the man with spiky blond hair that they met first was named Yuri. The one with green hair is Warrod and the slick blond hair combed to the back is called Precht.

"Someone got ahead of us." Precht states while Warrod lists the possibilities of who could have gotten it.

Mavis is still in shock about the orb and Kei pats her head to calm down. Mavis speaks once the other guys decide to head back to the continent to gather information.

"I think I know who could have done this. There was a wizard guild that attacked seven years ago called Blue Skull."

"Wizard guild? That could be troublesome. We should head back." Warrod states. As they were preparing to head back Mavis stopped them.

"I've been studying battle methods against wizards for seven years." When Zera and Kei heard this they knew what she wanted to do. Zera wanted to stop her but Kei let her be. He knew that the missions he received needed him to go off-island so he didn't say anything.

"Please take me with you." Mavis said. She further explained she needed to get the orb back and further pushed Yuri by using his promise to introduce her to a fairy.

At night Mavis and Kei were finishing packing. Yuri stayed behind while Precht and Warrod headed back to the boat.

"So why are you joining us?" Yuri is still suspicious of Mavis's motive so he tries questioning her.

"I told you to get back the Tendou orb." Mavis said.

"I'm going to make sure Mavis doesn't get herself hurt. I know how reckless she can be." Kei sighed thinking of all the times he had to heal her since he came to the island.

"Mou~, I am not reckless!" Mavis pouted.

"Of course you are. Do you not remember that time you almost fell off a cliff while playing tag? That's why I need to follow you. I will be your protector." Kei stated without realizing Mavis was blushing.

When she heard that Mavis couldn't help but blush. It reminds her of the story of a princess being protected by a knight. Mavis felt warm and her heartbeat was racing.

"Well anyways, is the orb that important to you if you didn't even realize it was missing?" Yuri asked to diffuse this awkward mood. Kei also thought that wasn't the real reason she wanted to go.

"Well, I thought it was finally time to get out and see the rest of the world. Kei told me he doesn't know a lot since he didn't explore. So I figured Kei, Zera, and I should go see it together." Mavis said, trying to ignore her beating heart.

"Zera?" Yuri said questionably. He has never seen Zera before. He thought it was only Kei and Mavis on the island.

Then Mavis proceeded to introduce Zera. Zera was hiding behind the entrance of the room and Mavis pulled her forward. Zera complained to Mavis, but none of this was seen by Yuri.

Yuri stood there dumbfounded about what was happening. He couldn't believe Mavis didn't know her friend wasn't real. He was about to say something, however, he noticed Kei's gaze and looked at him. Kei just shook his head. Yuri shut his mouth and decided to ask a question.

"S-so, how old is Zera?" Yuri asked. Zera complained about why he would ask that question to a person he met a few seconds ago.

"She's the same age as Mavis and me." Kei answered.

"I see. Well nice to meet you, Zera." Yuri was still a bit awkward about this but persevered.

"Well then off we go on an adventure!" Mavis cheered. Kei could only laugh at this girl's enthusiasm.