
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


When Kei met Mavis for the first time he had to admit she was cute. But what surprised him most was the other girl that Mavis introduced whose name was Zera.

Kei could see that the girl was just an illusion conjured by magic. He doesn't know how he can see her since he thinks that she was conjured up in Mavis's mind unconsciously. He can see from Mavis's actions that she believes Zera is physically here.

He knows that doing something unconsciously compared to intentionally is different. He knows magic comes from the heart in this world so it would respond to the user's feelings. So the illusion that Mavis made was not intended to be like an illusion.

To respond to the caster's feeling it should be eating her magic power continuously and making the illusion in her mind to avoid it becoming a real illusion.

The one most shocked however was not Kei but Zera. She couldn't believe someone was able to see her. She was worried about what would happen should he tell Mavis but it seems that he didn't intend to or didn't realize she was an illusion.

"So Mavis, can I stay here for a while since I have no real destination?" Kei asked since he had nowhere to go.

"Sure, you can stay here, it's just me and Zera after all, and the more people the merrier." Mavis said with a smile. To be honest Mavis was really happy he wanted to stay here for some time. She was always alone with Zera and even though she was happy, she took a liking to Kei.

"Ok, thanks." Kei says with a smile. "By the way, were you cleaning the library before I got here?" asked Kei since he could see the books were getting organized on the table.

"Yes. Zera and I were getting the library cleaned up for today." Mavis said.

"Even though you forgot." Said Zera who was still behind the bookshelf since she was wary of Kei.

"Hehehe. Don't mind it too much Zera. The important thing is I finally at least came to clean it up." Mavis said with nervous laughter.

"Well since I will be intruding for a while let me help you." Kei said and started to help clean the shelves.

"Thanks. With this, we will finish faster and I can go back outside to play." Mavis said with a happy smile.

They continued cleaning for an hour and finally finished. Mavis dragged Zera out to play and Kei told them he would go grab the bag he left on the boat.

After Kei left and came back he was Mavis playing around with Zera and smiled at her childish side. He decided to take a quick nap under a tree near them. He closed his eyes and drifted away in his sleep.

When he woke up he found Mavis sleeping right next to him. He looked at her and smiled before taking a blanket from his backpack and putting it on her. He moved away and looked for Zera. He saw Zera sitting on a branch so he went and sat next to her. They didn't say anything until Kei broke the silence.

"So Zera, can you tell me how you came into existence." Kei asked since even though he knows Mavis made her unconsciously, he doesn't know what happened to make her.

Zera took a deep breath and started to explain how she came into existence.

"I was made from Mavis unknowingly." Zera said.

"So you were born accidentally?" Kei asked.

"Yes. Around 6 years ago Blue Skull attacked this Island. Everyone died except for Mavis. However, Mavis found Zera before she passed away and tried to help her. She wouldn't have been alive for long but because Mavis helped her a connection was born. Zera was the only person alive that Mavis found and she couldn't let her go. Because of this when Zera passed away Mavis unconsciously used her magic to create an illusion that didn't act like an illusion. If she ever finds out I'm an illusion and not real then I will start to become an illusion and disappear." Zera had her head down.

"Hm, I see." Kei said, understanding how she came to be.

"So please don't tell Mavis I'm just an illusion. I can't leave her until she has found people she can trust and be with." Zera pleaded with Kei.

"Don't worry. I won't tell her. Not until you believe it is the right time anyway." Kei says with a smile.

"Thank you." Zera says with relief in her voice.

"I do have a question though. Do you not believe that you are Zera?"

Kei felt it odd that she talked about her past like the Zera that exists now is not the same Zera that used to exist.

"I'm just an illusion after all. I was created by Mavis so I am not the Zera that used to exist." Zera answered.

"I see. Well, let me tell you something. I believe you are the same person. I doubt magic can create someone like you without having a soul. Even if you deny it I believe the Zera in the present and the past are the same."

"...Thanks." Zera said in a small voice.

They sit there for a few more minutes in silence until Kei gets up.

"Well, I think it's time to make dinner. Do you have any ingredients I can use?" Kei asks while stretching.

Zera took a breath before replying.

"Of course, follow me." Zera starts walking to a homemade refrigerator.

After Kei grabs the ingredients he begins to make vegetable stew for them. The smell happens to wake up Mavis and she walks towards the smell. As she gets there she can see Kei boiling the vegetables.

"Wow, that smells good Kei!" Mavis says in amazement since she has never smelled anything that delicious before.

"Thanks. Take a seat next to Zera and I'll serve you a bowl when it's ready." Kei tells Mavis.

Mavis follows his instructions and takes a seat while anticipating how it will taste. She talks with Zera while Kei is finishing the food.

"Alright, the food's ready." Kei announces and he gives a bowl to Mavis and Zera. Even though Zera's an illusion and can't touch the bowl he still makes her portion so Mavis doesn't know.

When Mavis first bit into the food her eyes were showing sparkles. She has never tasted something like this in her whole life and couldn't help but moan in delight.

"T-this is so good Kei! I can't believe something tastes this good." Mavis says happily while continuing to eat.

Kei just smiles at her antics and thinks to himself that this girl is way too cute.

After they finish eating they talked with each other and went to sleep. Mavis wanted to sleep next to Kei. Of course, Zera was full of protest but Mavis ignored her and slept next to him.