
Reincarnated again::Chapter 1

I'm skipping over the dusty books my bushy tail sweeping as I move. My brothers and sisters romping everywhere. Though the light is dim there is a crack in the floorboards with bright light pouring upwards. Together we look at the scene below.

The huge creatures below are furless and pale moving on their hind legs. It's fun to watch them as I have a vague memories of my past life. Before my spirit reincarnated I was a mighty thunder bear walking on my hind legs as well.

[First brother what are those things doing?] asks my youngest sister. She as well as my other siblings is a fresh spirit.

[Ah. Tenth sister those creatures are called men and they are putting another enemy of ours into our place.] I tell her.

[First brother what enemy is it?] asks my younger brother.

[Ah. Second brother it is the same as last time.] I respond.

[First brother will use his magic to kill this enemy too?] Third sister asks as we watch the long limbless enemy slither into the hole in the wall. This enemy was longer than all of us nose to tail together.

[Ah. Third sister if I have magic leftover from the last time I will.] I thought back.

[Yahhhh!!] a scream pierces the dimness. My siblings scatter running fully across the floor and up the walls. I turn to see Tenth sister in the jaws of the enemy. As she desperately struggles the enemy coils it's body around her. Without thinking I leap to the enemy's eyes sinking my teeth in deeply. As I rend out a chunk a huge coil wraps around my body. The enemy is indeed much longer than the last one. Then a second coil joins the first as it begins to tighten.

My vision turns to a red haze as I call the last of my thunder magic to me.

[FIRST BROTHER HELP US!!!!] all my siblings scream.

THOOM. The sound reverberates off the walls. The coils loosen after a short bit. My sides hurt. As I squirm out I check on each of my siblings.

[Brothers, sisters answer me.] I call out.

[We are okay though Tenth sister is bleeding] calls Second brother. [The enemy is dead!]

[Ah. That's good everyone is safe. ] I hurt so much inside was my last thought.

* * *

"Hey wake up I need to converse with you"


"Good you're conscious again and sorry."

[Where are my siblings? Are they safe?]

"Most of the others are helping the wounded one but it is not a life threatening injury. However, you are dead. Again apologies."

[Ah. I'm dead again though I wanted to protect my siblings. I thought my injury was minor.]

"Yes it was a minor injury and your great magical powers would have healed you in no time."

[What!?! Then why am I dead? I must protect them as I promised Mother I would. Please send me back!]

"As the Heavenly Custodian of this area I need to manage resources of mana or magic of many species. You were to become the savior of yours but your magic was needed elsewhere."


"Well it's like this. Each dimensional system has a Heavenly Administrator overseeing the various worlds of that plane of existence. That being is assisted by individual Heavenly Coordinations who are in turn assisted by Heavenly Custodians of the many species."

[So what's that got to do with me?]

"Each dimension has a finite set of resources for a infinite numbers of beings. Mana and magic being one of those resources. On your world the humans are in danger of becoming extinct due to the resurgence of goblins and demons. Human heroes were needed and a group of thirty was loaned from another dimension."

[Ah. Where do I fit in?]

"As mentioned before there was simply not enough magic left for the humans so it was deemed additional resources were needed from other species. Your own magic was quite considerable after ninety nine reincarnations."

I thought about that and it seemed very unfair. Why should my family suffer because there are so few humans left.

Those same humans sent an enemy to kill us in our burrow and now some Heavenly Custodian steals my abilities to protect humans.

[Ah. I made a promise to Mother. Heavenly Custodian can you send me back to protect my family.]

"Certainly in your next reincarnation in about ten thousand years."

[No I meant now. Can you resurrect me now?]

"As stated before you are dead and your magic was already redistributed to the humans. Be glad as they will be the most over powered human heroes this world has ever had."