

By unknown means a soul is transported across time and space to a universe believed to be only fictitious. Follow this new inhabitant in a DC universe that is known to him, but at the same time has some surprises in store.

Morgoral · TV
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Chapter 00 - Universe *Spoiler*

Hello to you dear reader. This is my second attempt at a story and on an idea that has been rummaging around in my head quite a bit over the last year or two.

First off, warning here. Do not continue to read past the spoiler warning if you want the complete story experience, and some spoilers for the universe where the story will take place. This chapter is meant as a place where I (the author) keep all the world building summary, and can be used as a reference tool for the reader as well. Or if some readers have never seen the mention TV shows, this can also be used as a quick overview of what these shows are all about.


The story will be set in the universe of "Batman: The Animated Series" or BTAS from 1992-1995. However this story takes place in a universe where BTAS eventually leads into "Justice League" from 2001 to 2004 and "Justice league unlimited" from 2004 to 2006. And eventually that same universe, the DC cartoon TV show universe, leads into "Batman Beyond" from 1999 to 2001. Which is, to my knowledge, the furthest into the future that universe has been (although I do remember a stand alone movie where some villains and heroes from the far future show up, but I think that story was never cannon).

All of these mentioned shows I watched when they originally aired (yes I am that old) and have re-watched them countless times since.

However I will add some tweaks and differences to the universe. Most notably the cannon established by the 3 already mentioned shows (BTAS, JL, and BB) is the same, however I will add into this mixture the Young Justice show (because I really like that show, and especially the villains in that show). Which means that the heroes and villains of the universe will take after the Young Justice versions. So for example the Joker will be the Young justice version of the Joker (the one using knives, short hair and wearing a suit) but he will have done all the things the Joker of the BTAS version has done.

Justice League Unlimited does not happen in the cannon of this universe. What will happen instead is the events that happen in Young justice.

I know there was a continuation show of BTAS, called "The New Batman Adventures" but because I am adding the Young justice show to this universe, "The New Batman Adventures" never happened in this universe.

Also where there are such things that are mutually exclusive (Like the Amazo android), there will be two different versions of the same character.

So in JL professor Ivo build an Amazo android that could copy the power of anyone he observed. Which is standard for all Amazo androids, however this version could also evolve out of the weaknesses the powers gave him (as he did when he copied Supermans powers, and evolved beyond the Kryptonite weakness). Eventually this Android became so powerful it left Earth, as it had evolved beyond anything Earth could offer it (although it eventually returned, it left again some episodes later, to never return again).

In the Young justice show the Amazo android is also created by Ivo, but can't evolve. So in keeping with this universe the Young justice android is the second Amazo android (As Young justice happens later in the timeline).

Also fair warning. I (the author) have only seen the first two seasons of Young Justice. I really want to see the rest, but refuse to pay 15 dollars a month to see only that show :)

So based on all this, here is the overview/summary of the DC universe of this story:

Before BTAS starts:

Bruce Wayne spend years traveling the world, after his parents were murdered in front of him as a child. During these many years Bruce learned a variety of martial arts and investigative skills. He even spend time training with Ra's al Ghul and his league of assassins. Bruce impressed the "Demons head" so much that Ra's al Ghul could not imagine anyone else but Bruce taking up the mantle of "Demons head" after himself. Eventually however Bruce declined Ra's al Ghul's offer and left for his home of Gotham city.

When Bruce returned to Gotham city, he found it worse than when he left. Knowing that crime was rampant, and police either corrupt or incompetent, Bruce took drastic measures and created the persona of the "Batman". To share his own fear of bats with the criminals he swore to fight, Bruce donned a cape and cowl and took to the streets at night to stop crime.

Eventually a rumor started in the underworld of Gotham. A rumor of a winged creature of the night. A man bat creature that spread terror and fear to any criminal in Gotham city.

At almost the same time, as the Batman started out, in other parts of the world more of these symbols/heroes started to appear.

In metropolis - Superman. In keystone city - The Flash. In central city - Green Arrow. Aquaman in Atlantis.

During BTAS:

The show BTAS follows Batman on his solo adventures. Bruce Wayne has only been active as batman for about a year at the start of the show.

Batman has to contend with increasingly crazy and dangerous adversary's, as he tries to protect Gotham city.

Among some of the most notable of batman's rouges gallery are: The Joker, Harvey Dent (Two-face), The penguin, Poising Ivy and the Riddler.

After one fateful visit to the circus, Bruce is unable to save the "Flying Grasons", A family of traipse artists, leaving only their son, Richard "Dick" Grayson, remaining. Seeing himself in the young boy, Bruce adopts the newly orphaned boy. Due to not wanting Dick to end up the same as himself, Bruce introduces the 9-year old Dick Grayson to crime fighting, as batmans new sidekick Robin.

Between BTAS and JL

More and more superheroes start showing up around the world. Starting up a kind of arms race with the criminal underworld.

Batgirl shows up. After some adventuring around Batgirl (who is the same age as Robin in this universe, just started her crime fighting later than him) joins the "bat family".

Some of the other superheroes of the world have started to teach the next generation of heroes. During some missions several "side kicks" team up, and form their own club. The club is for training and team up. These 4 side kicks consists of Robin, Kid flash, Aqualad and Speedy. The mentors of each of these side kicks have no official connection yet, but help each other out from time to time.

Martian Manhunter comes to earth to warn of an impending Appellaxian invasion. However due to being the first Martian on earth, the US government captured and imprisoned him, thus not heeding his warnings and leaving earth open for invasion.

During JL

The Appellaxian invasion of earth begins. The invasion so big, that no hero can take it on on their own. Thus Batman, Superman, The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder woman, Green lantern team up and free Martian Manhunter from captivity.

With these 7 heroes combined they eventually fight of the Appellaxian invasion, and earth is safe again. However the heroes realize that this could happen again, thus they formed the Justice league, to take on all challenges and problem that are to great for any single hero.

The justice league take on all type of challenges, both big and small, from their secret base inside Mount Justice.

However with the forming of the Justice league, the underworld realize that they are no longer able to compete with the heroes. Thus several villain society are formed as well. The most notable and successful are the Injustice league and the "Light". The injustice league got disbanded and reformed many times during this period. However the "Light" was never discovered, partially because they work from the shadows, but also because they hide their public actions behind more public groups, like the Injustice league.

During this period, Mount Justice was compromised, and the Justice league choose to abandon it for "The hall of heroes", which is just a front for their secret space station called the Watchtower.

During Young Justice

The "side kick club" is initiated into the first step of becoming members of the Justice league. However disappointed with the content of the first step, when the reality is revealed to them, Speedy abandon the club, and the remaining (Robin, kid Flash and Aqualad) go on an adventure themselves.

This adventure however is the start of something major, as the small routine fire check on the genetic lab "Project Cadmus" lead them to discover the clone of Superman (later called Superboy - Conner Kent) and brings them on a collision course with the elusive super villain group - The "Light".

After their initial first successful mission, and their insistence on forming their own group, the Justice leagues help the "side kick club" to form the super hero group "Young justice". The ever growing rooster consists of Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy and Miss Martian, but many more join in.


This was a quick overview of the history of the DC universe our MC will transmigrate into. I might add more to the overview as the story progresses.