
Ms. Mysterious

Grace and elegance is all that you will see in her but what lies under that facade is blood thirst. With that dominance and a pair of fierce eyes she could be an alpha. Will she fight for love to find her alpha? or will she rest her case in the hands of fate? Behind the depth of her eyes is a mystery full of twist and turns. What ending will she have? Stay tuned for an astounding and sensational yet dangerous story.....

Si_a · Fantasy
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Chapter#1: Unknown Fate.

Over the years vampires and werewolves have survived the uncertainties of time and fate. They now have evolutionized into the modern world, living among humans. Successfully overcoming the difficulties of being in one place with the other species and are now living in peace. But for how long could this last?

It's not easy for humans to distinguish or discover them, by any chance if they do so they have to be bonded by a blood contract. An organization was formed by vampires and werewolves with mutual consent and now a committee of elders are leading it.

Even though werewolves have strong natural instincts but vampires tend to dominate them in power and aura. History tells that vampires share a blood line which comes from a pure and noble origin that are royalties, there are no powers to match theirs. Where as werewolves were categorized on the basis of their natural and survival instincts and those of alpha are the strongest. Alpha's are on top of food chain and are rarest, leaders of packs.

Because of the tremendous power and capabilities of the royal vampires even the alpha werewolves have to respect them and avoid going against them in any possible way, that was for the best. Werewolves consent to make the eldest royal vampire the head of the organization was to avoid any conflict and disturbing the long awaited peace among them, even if they did fight head-on, the vampires were most likely to win as they are being protected by two royal vampires. If those royals by any chance lose interest in protecting vampires or goes into never ending hibernation only then the werewolves stands a chance against vampires.

The organization we speak of, is called "The Ancestors". Only the core members knows each member of the organization and only few of them have the chance to meet the elders, those are ranked as elites. The directors of organization committee has fours alpha werewolves and two royal vampires. One of the strongest and eldest royal vampires is the head and the other is from the later generation.

Only board of directors have seen the head of organization. He only shows himself, as in case of such disasters that no one can handle except him so his appearance is very rare. Most of the work is done by the other five members of the committee and his rest is rather not to be disturbed by others. This organization works for both sides, vampires as well as werewolves. Well hidden the ancestors plays the role of protectors. Few of those from government knows the existence of ancestors and had well kept this secret for centuries to maintain an order and peace among humans. Those humans from government can only link to ancestors in case of endangering issues regarding them.

Currently a new problem surfaced from the side of werewolves, where many humans reported to have been attacked by a pair of wolves at midnight. Government officials that are in contact with the organization has notified the Ancestors to look into this case, as this case is much different form what has happened once a few times in decades. Apparently it looks like a common case that could be handled by the government by catching the pair of wolves and killing them. But the number of humans being attacked is massive and doesn't look like the work of ordinary wolves. This mass destruction resulted in chaos among both humans and werewolves.

A child of 12 years of age yet brave is now faced with a situation where both of his parents have gone missing, in search of them he meets one of the elites from the ancestral organization, one thing which he doesn't know of is that they are anything but human. Being kept in dark from the harshness of this society, he innocently asks that elite for help. That elite was a werewolf of category B, it was none of his concern to help that kid out until he gets the orders from up above because he couldn't take actions on his own. As he moves on ignoring the plea of that miserable child, he remembers the incidence that had happened a few years ago, in which he lost his own child. In the end he could not bear to leave the kid there all alone so he took him to the Ancestor's agents that have been dispatched for the current mission.

The main concern here is, a twelve year old human kid among the unhuman creatures...

What destiny awaits for him...?