
Mrs.Bai Daunts The World Upon Her Arrival

Before Rebirth, Lin Zhixiao was an ordinary girl who was born in a middle class family. Her life was just like any other normal person's life should have been. She was happy with her life, But As the saying goes, nothing stays the same. Just like that, her life also didn't stay the same. Her life went up and down just like a roller coaster. One Day, a middle aged man around the age of 40 came knocking on her house door. The man asked her to replace his ceased daughter who looked similar to her and in return he would offer them money, which she reluctantly accepted the offer. She had no choice, after all her family was in a financial crisis. With the thought of helping her family, she reluctantly took off the flight with the man. When she reached there, she thought her life would be better but she didn't expect her life to take a turn for the worse. Despite living as a substitute for someone else's dead daughter, she played her roles to the best of her ability. But in the end, what she got was loathsomeness and ridiculousness from the people around her. The people she cared about, betrayed her. The things she achieved were snatched by someone else. The man she loved was also snatched by the real daughter of the middle aged man who was still alive! These people were still not satisfied with her poor state, so on the day of her birthday, they kidnapped her to silence her forever! Somehow, she miraculously was sent back in time! She decided that, this time she will not let anyone take advantage of her and she will pay those people for what they did to her by blood! This time, she decided to dominate the world! But why is this mysterious Mr.Bai so interested in her? First he sneaks into her bedroom in the middle of a night then he asks her to have a baby with him! What is wrong with this overbearing man?

Snow_Leopard_ · Urban
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6 Chs

Young Master Lu

"I..I will tell you." Mo Sen gulped as he watch Lin Zhixiaio twirled the butterfly knife on her slender fingers. The aura she is giving of is so commanding, he can only kneel down before her and speak honestly. Until now he has not met any person like Lin Zhixiao who makes him kneel down only with her aura except for that overbearing man, who with just one look makes him kneel down!

Even though, Mo Sen is a tenth ranked assassin in the International Assassination Chart , but he can't help but shudder when he saw Lin Zhixiao playing with the butterfly knife. How can a 15 year old girl nonchalantly play with a butterfly knife so proficiently? Unless they have years of practice. But she is only 15 years old so how is it possible? Are teenagers nowadays so scary?

"It's Azure Dragon organization who ordered me to capture you and lure your parents out." Mo Sen blurted all out in honesty. He knew, if he didn't speak the truth, Lin Zhixiao would surely kill him and he didn't want to die yet.

Lin Zhixiao raised her slender eyebrows and stared at Mo Sen with a causal smile. "You know, I have hundreds of ways to make one speak."

"I am saying the truth. I swear I am not lying." Mo Sen righteously looked at Lin Zhixiao but he couldn't help but shudder when he saw the causal smile on Lin Zhixiao.

"hmm, that's good." Lin Zhixiao last time glanced at Mo Sen and headed outside of the bedroom.

Mo Sen can only watch Lin Zhixiao leave the bedroom, because of the situation he is in, he can only obediently listen to this girl if didn't want to meet Yama soon.


In the Living Room.

Lin Zhixiao was sitting on the couch and twirling her butterfly knife on her slender long fingers.

Lin Zhixiao squinted her eyes. It seems like she is in a pretty bad situation. She has to think of something soon or else Azure Dragon organization's people will capture her soon. If it were in the past, she didn't have to think like this because of some small organization's people. She can kill thousands of people like them in the blink of an eye. But right now, she can't fight them with her weak physics or she will be one in the end who will die instead of them.

In a split second, a glint flash in her pitch-black and bright eyes.

She finally found a way to avoid them!

Lin Zhixiao got up and headed to the bedroom where the Mo Sen and Mo Ling were tied up.

She opened the door and leaned against it.

Mo Sen was terrified. Why is this little devil here again? Did he do something wrong and this little devil wants to kill him?

Lin Zhixao glanced at him and causal smiled. "Listen, I am heading outside for some matters, so you better behave or else.."

"Yes, yes, I will behave, don't worry, small miss." Mo Sen quickly replied not wanting to offend this little devil before him.

Lin Zhixiao "hum" in response and headed out.


Hair salon.

Lin Zhixio remembered she used to visit this salon before. So she quickly headed here for her new looks.

"Handsome lad, please cut my hair to a layered cut and dye my hair to rusty auburn color." said Lin Zhixiao to a man holding scissor after she had sat on a chair.

After she sat down, she lazily placed her legs on the table. She then curled her lips to which form a causal smile. Although the smile hung on her lips looks casual but one could not help but feel that there was a hint of wickedness to it. The mirror before her completely pictured her every action.

The guy could not help but blush after Lin Zhixiao called him a handsome lad. And after seeing her reflection in the mirror he blushed even harder. "M-Miss, your black hair looks very nice."

"hmm, but I think the rusty auburn color looks good too, what do you say?" Lin Zhixiao titled her head slightly and propped her chin in her delicate palms as she looked at the guy's reflection in the mirror.

The guy was suddenly at loss of words. A pretty lady first called him "handsome lad" and then she looked directly at him which made him blush. He didn't know what to say anymore. He can only say. "I-I think so."

Upon seeing the lost looks on the guy, Lin Zhixiao could not help but curl her lips up. She leaned against the chair with her eyes slightly closed.

The guy cutting her hair saw that she had already closed her eyes since her awfully long and thick eyelashes were drooped downward like a paintbrush. Lin Zhixiao who was asleep, was no longer a wicked person she was earlier on. She looked like a sleeping beauty.


A loud noise resounded. A sixteen year old guy pulled the chair beside Lin Zhixiao backward with a screech and sat on the chair.

"Young Master Lu" The guy naturally knew this young master who visited the shop frequently. But unlike his usual poker-face, his face was bright and playful which shocked the poor hairstylist.

This young master before him was always a poker-faced person but he suddenly became a playful and bright young lad, it frightened him to death.

Lu Xiyang stared at the girl sitting on the chair and his bright face brightened even further.

He initially wanted to visit Lin Zhixiao at her home. But after he passed by a coffee shop on the roadside, he bought some coffee for him and Lin Zhixiao. Unexpectedly, he saw a familiar figure with black inky hair in the hair salon near the coffee shop. He immediately acknowledged that it was Lin Zhixiao. He immediately went to the salon to look for Lin Zhixiao.

Lin Zhixiao's thick and long eyelashes slightly trembled and she opened her eyelids. Her eyes were translucent, which didn't allow others to look through her.

Lu Xiyang was slightly startled. Why does it seem like Lin Zhixiao is slightly different?

Lin Zhixiao slightly raised her head and glanced at Lu Xiyang. A glint flashed past her dark eyes upon seeing Lu Xiyang. She raised her eyebrows. "Young Master Lu, after a long time, you finally remember your sworn sister, hmm?

Lu Xiyang instantly smiled at that. "My dear sister, I was out of town for some matters. That's why I wasn't able to come to you. I am really sorry."

"I will forgive you, if you give me my-" Before Lin Zhixiao could say anything further, there was a coffee in front of her.

Lu Xiyang immediately brought the coffee in front of Lin Zhixiao, which he bought from the coffee shop. He knew, Zhixiao is a coffee lover, so he instantly bought it from the shop when he was going to visit Lin Zhixiao.

"Heh, you really know how to convince me, huh?" Lin Zhixio playfully eyed Lu Xiyang.

Lu Xiyang laughed at that sentence. His sworn-sister is really interesting, why didn't he know about it?

"So why are you looking for me?" Lin Zhixiao asked.

"Our school is starting soon, so I wanted to go shopping with you, to buy some school supplies, don't worry the money is on me." Lu Xiyang knew the situation of Lin Zhixiao's family. Lu Xiyang knew, Lin Zhixiao wouldn't ask him, even if she is in need of it because she doesn't like to get help from others, she always likes to do everything herself. So he always helped Lin Zhixiao, whenever she is in need of, even if she doesn't like it.

Lin Zhixiao eyes immediately went soft. How can she be so stupid, in her past life to ignore this caring people who cared about her so dearly? She was really stupid. She really regretted her past decisions. She will never make the same mistakes. She will cherish these bonds.

"Okay, let's go after my hair is done." Lin Zhixiao smiled.

Lu Xiyang smiled in response.

The poor hairstylist who was cutting Lin Zhixiao's hair was stupefied. What's going on? How come Young Master Lu knows this pretty lady? Doesn't the young master hate women? Then how come this young master Lu who is known for his hate toward women, is here smiling and laughing with this pretty lady!

In a split second, the hairstylist was once again stupefied.

He heard what! This lady is young master Lu's sworn sister!

The Young master Lu, who is a genius in painting, who has won many awards internationally is here tenderly pampering this pretty lady!