
Mrs. Huo Pretends to be Weak Every Day

Everyone mocked Miss Ye, who was found in a village and brought home, for being pretty but talentless. They waited for the Ye family to kick Ye Beisheng out. Ye Beisheng retaliated by saying, "Damn it. I'm not going to sit still and look pretty. I'll drop the act!" Hence... "The Princess of the Hacking World is my friend," a jerk said. Ye Beisheng replied, "I'm pampered by everyone in the Hacking World. I'd never be friends with a piece of trash." "I know she's jealous of me because the Queen of Perfume once gave me a compliment," a bitch said. Ye Beisheng replied, "I'm the Queen of Perfume. Who are you?" The jerk and bitch who waited for Ye Beisheng to screw up were dumbfounded. "Huh?" Rumors had it that Mr. Huo had a wife who had good looks but no other talent. Everyone wondered why a bright man like Mr. Huo would fall for a woman like that.

Ye Shiyuan · Urban
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579 Chs

Huo Yanling's embarrassment

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"I said it's a total of 8.62 million Yuan. Young master Huo, didn't you want to buy this piece of jade?" Ye Beisheng asked.

"Since you were my ex-fiancé, I'll give you a discount. I'll round it down to 8 million."

"Big sister, what are you doing ..." Ye Anyao saw that Huo Yanling was looking green. With an innocent and weak face, she said, "How…..how can you ask for him to pay...?"

Ye Beisheng interrupted her with a confused tone.

"Why can't I ask him to pay up? I'm running a business and Young master Huo is not anyone important to me. Of course, he'll have to pay for his purchase. Why would you ask such a question, sister? Have you not been asking him to pay for his purchases?

"That's strange. How could you buy anything without paying? Perhaps you were planning to steal?"

 "You ..." Ye Anyao suddenly choked.

This b*tch actually said that she was trying to steal things? Ye Beisheng was the actual thief! Ye Beisheng even stole this store from her!

Ye Beisheng's smile deepened.

All these years, Ye Xingchong and Yang Wei held everything that her mother had left behind for her. These things were worth thousands of millions.

In order to please Huo Yanling and the Huo family, Ye Anyao had actually given away the things in her shop for free. Did Ye Anyao really think that Ye Beisheng was a fairy godmother who loved giving things to others for free?

Ye Beisheng looked at the ugly look on their faces and pretended to be confused. She then spoke in a clear and slow tone.

"What's the matter, young master Huo? Is it hard for you to pay? Or did I make the correct assumption that you were going to steal this? After all, my little sister just impersonated the shop owner and you wanted to take this piece of jade without paying for it. It is indeed something that could actually happen."

 Huo Yanling's expression turned ugly.

Ye Beishengwas a member of the Ye family and this shop belonged to the Ye family... He would soon become a member of the Ye family as well, so why should she care about such a small amount of money?

She already got this shop back. Why did she have to put him in such a difficult spot for merely 8 million?

When did Beisheng turn into someone like this? She was clearly a kind-hearted woman before this. Could this be her true self?

They had known each other for eight years and only now did he realize that Ye Beisheng was someone so overbearing.

"Young master Huo, you should pay for it. You're the young master of the Huo family. It's embarrassing to ask your ex-fiancée for a piece of jade."

Huo Yanling was in a difficult position. He gritted his teeth and paid the bill. Then, he turned around and left.

Ye Beisheng chuckled. "Uncle Zhang, take a look at what young master Huo has taken from our store previously. List it down and send the bill over to the Huo mansion.

"Otherwise, if the others found out about how the young master Huo still owed money to his ex-fiance, that wouldn't be nice."

Huo Yanling felt a lump in his throat.

Forget it. Once he got in touch with the Tenth-Star, Ye Beisheng would know how big of a mistake she had made and would beg him for mercy.

He took a deep breath and said, "Beisheng, Yaoyao and I will be leaving first. It would be best if you come home more often. Also, you shouldn't get into a fight with Uncle Ye. After all, he is your father."

"Sure, take care. Come again soon!"

Ye Beisheng grinned. When Huo Yanling was about to leave, she secretly extended her leg and kicked him in the calf.

Huo Yanling stumbled and turned around subconsciously, only to meet Ye Beisheng's innocent eyes.

Huo Yanling pursed his lips but he couldn't lose his temper now. He pulled Ye Anyao along and left in a hurry.

Ye Beisheng was in a good mood but as she turned around, she suddenly froze.

Huo Xiting had appeared in the corner of the shop, his arms crossed in front of his chest and his lips curved.

No matter how he looked at it, she was like a little squirrel defending her territory.

Huo Xiting chuckled and lowered his voice. "Mrs. Huo …"