
Mrs. Hawn, your disguise was penetrated

Author: NewEraCult
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 1.7M Views
  • 1272 Chs
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What is Mrs. Hawn, your disguise was penetrated

Read ‘Mrs. Hawn, your disguise was penetrated’ Online for Free, written by the author NewEraCult, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: At night, it was already midnight when Asher came home from dinner.He knew that Nora would come to The Howe family today...


At night, it was already midnight when Asher came home from dinner. He knew that Nora would come to The Howe family today. His grandpa Howard had asked Asher to meet Nora, but he refused on the grounds of work. He was not interested in this fiancee at all, and the engagement would be broken sooner or later After returning to the room, Asher took a bath and went to sleep. Probably because he drank a little too much tonight, Asher didn't realize there were other women in the room until he lay down. He was slightly stunned. In the darkness, Asher could not see the woman's face. She turned over and hugged him. The girl murmured, "Good bear, don't make any noise. Just sleep." Asher was frozen. The woman had a very familiar smell, the same as that person... Probably because of the alcohol, Asher didn't move, lying down with Nora and falling asleep.

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Volume 1 :1


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needs editing and translation in English to make sense. it seems that it was being edited in the begining but near the last few chapters... it appears to have more errors. bit over all the story is really great and I'm enjoying it. can't wait for the updates


Cant wait for next update i hope not long to wait for next update. i still believe eventually Nora will be the real Mia She probably lost her memory and her grandfather probably dont want her to remember the past




The story is nice but there are too many flaws, unrealistic twists, too many annoying characters... the English translation is also bad...


I really like what I readed so far but it need editing. There are too many mistake. the writing quality is not good and hard to understand.


Looks like the author didn't care about his/her book quality. The storyline was good but unfortunately the translation was terrible. Sorry to say this book not recommended.


Amazing story jsjeieje hsusnsnsid hsuenwbsuyd hsysisbshhsisiw hsusiwhsbdhsu jwiwjshdusjekoesjdbdn sjsusbbshsusjs sjsiosnsbdbdhd sjsjsj sjsjsjsjwj sjsjdusjw heuehdbdn oqpwksnzdbsjsiow jwiwwiiwjsbs jwwiisksjsbw jwkakajssjbs sjsjsjhsjs iaoqpqsjbzusne ididnsus udndudbd hz dhz dudbs susbuseb djej d dhe djwj szhen


Reveal spoiler


I searched for this book for a long time and I'm glad this app had it here. The story is amazing and makes me excited to wait for every chapter.


Loved the book. Keep me interested the whole time. Thought the plot was well done. Did not want to put down till the very end. Thought the ending was great. Would love to read more by this author going forward. Kept me captivated during whole book.


love it[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


I loved this book and will recommend people to read it. Nora was so talented and carried herself well. Everybody thought she was a bumpkin but when they realized how cool she was all the brothers wanted her


Sinceramente? Eu odeio quando Um dos personagens toma atitudes precipitadas e sabe que vai se arrepender, pra mim acabou quando a "mia" apareceu, sinto muito mais não continuarei a ler, pois sinto que terei um ataque de ódio 😡😡😡😡


This is awesome...can't wait to finish... Every character is interesting.....wish to find books by same author.... I wish for a free coins to finish reading on one go.........


I love this story, can't wait to continue reading the other chapters,,hope Mr. Howard will recover very soon,,keep up the good work..[img=recommend][img=recommend]


The story is very interesting. I like the way Nora and Asher falling inlove each other. Can't wait to read more about the story. Every chapter have different interesting plot. I love the character of Nora and Asher, sweet but adventurous


Reveal spoiler


The story is awesome.The characters are interesting.Never bored in reading the novel,only wants more chapters be release. More power to the author and write more novels.


nice story and refreshing. i like her character. [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


Nice story hneue dienekrkkfkfkr ncjdjekekeke udueuejenenr hsbejei3jene hzheuejeje jsjenebrir ieiejebeje jsjsjdjeie sudiejebe jdjdjeje hsusjsjejejeje jdiduejebr


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