
Chapter 7. Reborn-2

"Of course. Take all the time you need. Just don't name him after a brand, please?" She grimaces. "I don't want my firstborn child, who I pushed out of my vagina, to be called something like Abercrombie or Gucci."

"Ewww, give me some credit here." I roll my eyes, stifling a chuckle. "You can name him after somebody, if you like. Anybody. Say...Dante, for example." She suggests casually, playing with a lock of her hair.

"Phoenix." I blurt out, ignoring her hint. "I've always loved that name. Phoenix Johnathan Evans. Let Dad have the chance to brag about having his grandson named after him, too. Is that okay, Chastity? I know it's an unusual name--"

"It's lovely. Like the actor, River Phoenix." She grins. "Phoenix. It's a bad boy name."

"I'm not sure how Ryan will take it. He might want a name like Ryan Jr., or something."