
Chapter 58. Alpha Males-2

Hector left for River Moon, in the hope to see my father and Uncle Jerry for a catch-up. Promising to return for dinner, this left Dante and I with a whole afternoon to spare. I was prepared to tag along, but Hector refused to let me come. "Nap time." My mate announces, positively dragging me to his bedroom. "If people like Gomez have the balls to call me a crap host, then you definitely need to sleep." "But we need to talk about everything--"

"We can talk in bed." Dante reassures me, stopping to grab some snacks from the pantry. "Don't argue with me, Alanna Evans."

"What is it with bossy Alphas." I grumble, linking my arm through his and leaning against his bicep as we head for the stairs. "I'm not a helpless damsel."

"So you don't want to sleep with me?" He waggles his eyebrows, never missing the opportunity to drop an innuendo. "No comment." I blush. "Nap time it is, then."