
Chapter 5. Underground-3

We reached the outskirts of Greyfort a little before sunset. It was perfect timing, since we needed the opportunity to compose ourselves and meticulously plan every move we would complete over the next twenty-four hours. Dad kept calling me every five minutes, furious with my decision to make him stay at home. I had no choice but to exclude him -- who else would keep an eye on River Moon while I was away? Chastity needed one of us to stay close, especially since she is ready to give birth any second. I'm browsing the tiny store located near the car rental place. Hector tagged along, happy to stay with me while Uncle Jerry and the boys waited for our hired vehicles. My intermittent bouts of stubborn silence doesn't put him off.

"Hair dye would be good disguise." Gomez offers, following me to the beauty aisle. "Some contact lenses, too. They already recognise me...I don't want another Alpha on their radar."