
Chapter 48-2

"I'm sorry, Aly." Omar repeats, leaning in for a hug. "I overreacted, and I had no right to take this mess out on you. Will you forgive me?" This is the sixth consecutive day where he's apologised to me. "I should be saying sorry, O." I reply morosely, gratefully accepting his hug. "You were right. I've been burying my head in the sand when it comes to calling out Hector. I needed that wake-up call."

"Guys? Now I know why you all left this place." Eddie whispers under his breath. "I want to go home."

Raj, Omar and Aaron sigh collectively. From what I know, their families are considering relocating from Isle Mist; which is a massive issue in the lycan world. Once you pledge your allegiance to a pack, it's an eternal bond. Any attempts to join a different group is messy and requires underhand tactics. You need to have friends in high places for shit like that.