
Chapter 42-2

"Good." Dad flares his nostrils, trying to compose himself. "To answer your question; no. None of you will be cavorting with humans or rogues. You will however, be placed somewhere within the eleven packs."

"The first month with one pack, and the second month with a separate pack. Ideally, we would like you to experience two lifestyles by the end of phase three. This will help you understand that the role of a fighter is universal. Although River Moon clearly separates its fighters to the rest of the pack, most of the other eleven have their fighters completing multiple responsibilities." Uncle Jerry walks towards the front of the crowd, joining Dad's side. "Only Midnight Fire and River Moon give their fighters a clearly segregated role."

Some of the recruits begin to whisper amongst themselves, and I can hear snippets of their conversation. Oddly, I feel rather proud to listen to them fangirl over Dante. "I wanna join Midnight Fire. They're such a cool pack."