
Chapter 26. A Luna Greeting-2

"Welcome, new recruits." Kurt announces dryly, greeting us with a mock salute. "Make me proud and be sure to represent River Moon, to be the perfect pack that it is."

I stand nervously, lost among the countless, boneheaded, brawny males. Twenty of us are stationed in the middle of the training field, flanked either side by Jerry and Dad. We were told to wait for Kurt and his mate Claire, as they had wanted to wish us luck before we begin our training.

"If you need anything, be sure to ask Beta Evans or Fighter Montgomery. From now on, you answer to them. If any of you are having second thoughts, say it now. You won't be judged."

Kurt glances at each of us, his eyes lingering on me. A soft smile spreads across his face, as he notices the murmurs and whispers engulf me. Since I've arrived, the other male recruits have been gossiping non-stop. "Good. Enjoy your training, and see you on the other side." He trails off, grabbing his mate's hand.