
Chapter 18. Making Friends-2

"Room for one more?" I close my eyes in frustration, holding back the cuss words. Sure enough, Chastity is striding towards us, from the pack house. A collective groan seems to flit through our group and I hold back the smile.

"If you insist." Nora replies in a bored voice, keeping up with Marcia.

Cece and Steph give me the look, the former shaking her head in astonishment. I'm just as surprised; with Dante fast asleep and out of the picture, I don't know what purpose she has here. No doubt trying to stick around and snoop.

"So..." Steph tries not to laugh, biting her lip. "Is Dante really taking you to the summer house?"

Her choice of topic has the desired effect, with Chastity almost choking on her mouthful of gum. Rob glances towards his better half, trying not to smile. I guess I'm not the only one who likes to see this woman suffer.