

Ever since Li Cheng got rich she had more attention and returned to her beauty she had before she got divorced. It was amazing how everything was slowly becoming better. Well on the other hand Wong Chen was still trying to find a way to get her attention. He had tried most romantic things other than the dinner he invited her to. It had became the time he arranged it. At his famous hotel he made it reserved for just the 2 of them in the 2nd dinner lounge. He locked the door as music played. Wine was placed on the table with lit candles. "Vanilla scented candles?" Li Cheng asked. "Yes they are scented, like them?" He replied. She had thought it was just to discuss but he bought two large delicious meals and started talking about their divorce. "Why did we have the divorce that first place?" Li Cheng has always thought they had no interest in each other and so did Wong Chen. So why did he ask this question? "You had no interest in me." She answered in a solid straight forward voice. She didn't want to show interest in him but Wong Chen wanted to. He stared at her eyes passionately and tried showing ways The he loved her but it was no use. He'd just have to confront her soon. But what if she rejected? Soon after that it was time to go. When she came him she saw her brother at the door. That was the second surprise she had that day. "Li Wen why are you here?" Didn't she know? There mother had came back! "Don't you know? Mother has came back and is going to visit each of our houses so I came to warn you to make your house perfect. Speaking of houses since when did you get a villa?" Li Cheng didn't want to tell him that. Instead she said another lie that week. "I had half the money for this and someone who is my ex gave me the other." Wen knew her enough to know she would never accept such a gift from her ex. "Well I will be staying here for the next 3 weeks!" He declared. At least it was her brother not her stepsister. But Li Wen had already packed and was ready for anything.