
Mr.Unromantic (Win&Team) (Between us)

Fan-fiction based on the relationship from Win & Team from between us and until we meet again. This is about their relationship after the series ends.

PurplePetals · TV
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

The new 'IT' boy

The weekend flew by in a jiff. Win spent his Sunday making up with his boyfriend, going out to eat, shopping, movies. It felt good after so long to be able to spend uninterrupted time with Team. Unfortunately Monday came too quickly and they had to get ready to welcome the new recruits. Everything was in place and ready, he was just waiting on the President and P'Phruek, who are late. Win sets about checking everything is in order, he doesn't even notice when Dean arrives. Dean walks over to his friend, the biggest smile on his face. "Well I take it you had a good weekend then?" Dean slaps his shoulder and just nods in agreement. Win smiles a shit eating grin, knowing Dean had the same weekend as he did. Shit, when did we get so whipped for these boys?

Dean welcomes the new recruits and lets them know there will be a swim meet 2 days from now to determine who will be accepted into the club. They decided that they would split the training among the 3 of the seniors, Dean would take 1st and 2nd year, Win would do 3rd and 4th year and P'Phruek would do the 5th years who are still left. At first Win protested because he wanted to train the 2nd years but Dean insisted stating that because Team was a 2nd year it could be seen as favoritism, he reluctantly agreed. He could train Team on his own time so he wasn't too bothered. His boyfriend however was ecstatic at the news claiming that Win was truly the devil when it came to training.

When the rest of the swimmers came into the club a strange silence fell over the new recruits, they began whispering quietly and had a look of awe on their faces. He turned around and noticed they were all staring at Team, "Something wrong?" Win sounded slightly annoyed, getting a death glare from Dean in the process. "That's P'Team, the boy who took the crown off P'Dean's head, his legendary, nobody has managed to beat P'Dean since the beginning, not even you P'Win." Win snorted trying to hold his laughter knowing his friend is staring daggers into his head. But damn was he glad that the person who beat Dean was his boyfriend, finally he could brag a little. Dean loved Team though so he didn't really care, he has high hopes that Team can reach the Olympics with the right training and mindset.

"Team had a good coach. Win was great, you know what they say kid don't you? Those who cant do, teach!" Ouch, a direct arrow targeted at Win knowing that Win has never beat him. "Fuck you Dean." Dean just lifts his chin with a smirk on his face knowing that he had the last laugh with that dig.

"I swear, the day you two grow up there will be world peace." P'Phruek interjects.

"Okay, Okay, enough. Collect all gear and be ready for the safety class in an hour. Make sure all information is accurate especially regarding the medical section." Win hands out the registration forms and walks over to his boyfriend who is now surrounded by people. He looks at Dean confused for a moment. "Looks like we have a new IT boy on the squad." Dean nods in Teams direction. "Seems that you and I are no longer in the running." Smiling he taps Win on the shoulder and gets closer to him, "Good luck with all the new competition for your boyfriends attention." Dean laughs knowing he hit a chord with Win. This bastard! Win shows him the middle finger.

He walks to take his place beside Team, "Ow, so much happening, I guess all of you reregistered and got all the gear needed for the trails in 2 days. That's good, lets get to warming up then, 30 minutes of stretching before the safely class being." Win eyes the swimmers making sure they know that he is not playing around. They all scurry when they see the look on his face. Team looks at Win and smiles widely, knowing exactly why he is acting like a dictator. "Aye aye captain." Team throws him a salute and goes to join his fellow swimmers in getting ready.


Among the new recruits is a boy, small in stature, fit and firmly built as tall as Pharm. Light blue eyes and beach blonde hair which he inherited from his mother who is British, his father is Thai which gave him the straight nose and strong jaw line. Wherever he goes people always compliment him on being the most attractive in the room, pale skin with a slight glint of a tan making him look like a piece of art at times. Never has he ever been turned down for anything in his life. Coming from a rich family who owns restaurant chains, he has it all, everything anyone could want but he still feels unfulfilled in this moment. Never has he ever had to play second fiddle to anyone, not his siblings, friends or even his seniors but here nobody even asked his name or gave him a second glace. He wants people to look at him the way that everyone is looking at P'Team.

He listens quietly as all the new recruits among him praise and almost drool over the sight of P'Team. "Did you know that he and P'Win are a couple?" someone asks. He turns his head in the direction of P'Win and P'Team, the look on P'Wins face when looking at the senior says it all. People usually look at him that way, is this the moment he find his nemesis? He has never been challenged before. What is it about P'Team that draws people to him in this way? After he had heard the president praise P'Win on coaching Team to a level that he even beat P'Dean, he realized that what he wants most right now is P'Win. And he assures himself that nothing will stand in his way, not even the new "IT" boy P'Team.


Win looks at his boyfriend lovingly, knowing full well that he is not allowed to when they are at swim practice but he just doesn't care anymore. He can feel someone's eyes on him but he brushes it off. Somehow he feels strange and turns around, he meets eyes with a boy who he has never seen before, the boy just smiles at him and for some reason this gives Win a slight chill. What the hell? He cant decipher exactly what was in the boys gaze. Maybe I'm just imagining things Win thinks to himself. P'Phruek walks up to him and raises his eyebrow, "Something wrong?" hmm is there something wrong? Win shakes his head, "No P, lets go everyone is waiting." And with that Win walks towards the pools not realizing that trouble was coming straight for him, and his name was Rider.