

He doesn't like being question by a little girl who thought it was her job to unravel the mystery that should stay hidden. Just like her sister who craved secrets and mysteries must be in their genes. While thinking such thoughts he didn't realize a strange smile started to appear on his face.

Meanwhile, Emma was analyzing this strange man in front of her. He is smiling a second ago and the next thing you know he is angry then he smiles again, bipolar much? Most importantly can she trust him? Is what he says true that he didn't murder anyone? But books! The books murder people or they make them disappear?! Perhaps the rumors about Mr. Liden being loose in the head are true.

While both characters were drawn in their own thoughts neither of them notices the light shake the library was experiencing. Like a mini earthquake except only the books shook nothing else except the books. Suddenly a book flew out and slammed onto the floor jerking both characters from their thoughts. More books followed until seven or so books were on the ground. Mr. Liden taking this as a sign decided this girl should leave.

" Miss Emma your stay is overdue and it's time for you to leave. I hope to never see you again understand?", Mr. Liden waved dismissingly. Emma raised a brow.

" To never see me again? I assure you that you will but today wouldn't be the end of this. I will keep on coming back again and again until I find what I am looking for. Answers that is." With that, she turned as if she was walking awaking but to only snatch one of the books on the ground then dashed out the door. Behind her, she could hear the cries of Mr. Liden.

"Stop! Stop! No, no-no. You mustn't take the book. It doesn't belong to you! You will meet the same end as his sister!" Mr.Liden knew that this would be the last time he will see Emma Knight again.

Emma jogged down the street as thought over her decision. Did she believe that a book was the cause of her sister's death and the other mysterious disappearings? It would hurt to try. Tomorrow I must visit the county jail since the other suspect was her sister's ex-boyfriend. Her sister's boyfriend was the abuse she didn't know that he hit her sister until a year back when she came home for vacation to only find her sister blue and bracken. The next day she got Mark(her sister's boyfriend) arrested but a few days back before her sister's murder he broke out of jail only to be found after her sister's murder.

As she planned out her next she out opened the door of a 20-year-old house with its painting chipped off. Home. The home she grew up in for the past 19 years before she moved out after her parents' death. It was a hard time for both her sister and her but coped and moved on with life. Locking the front door she moved into the large living room with mismatched furniture and an old grandfather clock. She sat down on the nearest sofa and sighed. Why did you leave? Why haven't you taken me with you?

. . .

Emma sank to the soft, fluffy bed and sighed. This was life. Only if could stay in bed without having a worry in the world that would be heavenly wouldn't it? But she had to find the murderer and maybe after that she would have a vacation. A yes vacation. She looked over and found the book she stolen from Mr. Liden's library. She reached over and pulled the leather-covered book with its blue and gold covering. It was an old one. The title was worn out to a point where it was unreadable but the inside pages were clean and neat. As she explored the pages of the book she soon drifted into a deep slumber.


"Cough! Cough!"

Something was strangling her. Emma reached over to her neck and felt vines wrapped around her neck. Vines? Where did they come from? She frantically searched for the source only to them coming out from her book. She thrashed around as if she was a lion trapped in a hunter's net. The vines cover her whole body tightening each second. He has warned her about the book. Now it's too late. She slowly felt her eyes close as the air to her lungs was cut off. And the world went dark.