

On the surface, Sabrina appeared to be a rag doll that had sustained significant damage.

She was completely drenched in water and curled up on the ground, motionless.

It was excruciatingly uncomfortable for her to have the tumor in her body. She was in so much anguish that even the act of breathing caused her to suffer. Despite this, she lifted her head off the ground without bending.

"It's not true that I know that man. Why is it that you refuse to believe what I have to say, Sean?"

"Why should I believe a sinister and cruel woman like you?"

The collar of Sabrina's clothes was grasped by Sean in a furious manner.

The mole that was located on her left breast was visible through the ragged garments that she was wearing. Sean's deep eyes became filled with iciness and deviousness as he started to recall what Timmy had said.

As a result of his wrath, he tore Sabrina's clothes to shreds.

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