

"Sabrina Winters,listen!. I'm telling you. Do not even entertain the possibility of having my child. You are nothing but a lowlife whore who does not even have the courtesy to keep her legs closed. You do not, under any circumstances, deserve to have my child!

Sabrina's feelings were hurt by the man's brutal words.

Even though it was early July, Sabrina had the distinct impression that a brisk wind was penetrating her chest with increasing intensity.

She had thought rhat Sage would act as a conduit of communication between the two of them, but this did not turn out to be the case.

Sean did not even bat an eye when he abandoned him to his fate.

Sabrina felt even more pain as she thought about this.

It's gotten to the point that she doesn't even have the strength to fight the man standing in front of her.Despite the fact that she never did it!

She acquiesced while being observed by Sean's icy gaze and took out a tablet, acting as if she were going to drink it.

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