
Mr. Wrong

Sheen May Velasco is a college student who is a candidate for graduating a cum laude. A few months before the end of the year someone transferred to South Middleton University who happened to be her ex-boyfriend. Her best friend, Anne Marie was worried that she might get distracted from her studies because of that guy. Days had passed, Sheen May lost her wallet, which happened to be found by another transferee in their class. They became friends because of that incident. One night, the new guy invited her to his birthday party without knowing that that day would be her biggest regret in her life.

Missy_Forevah · Teen
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1 Chs

Mr. Left


I was surprised when someone call my name in the middle of the hallway. Base on that strident voice, I know that witch is my best friend. And as I turn around and look at her, I was right, it's Anne Marie.

"What's your problem?" I asked feeling ashamed of her calling my name in this cold hallway that has a lot of students now looking at me.

"Oh my gosh! You won't believe this is happening! Remember your Mr. Left?" I gasped when I heard that name. It's our best friend thing to use some codename on someone we hate so no one can identify who are we laughing or hating about.

And just from hearing that name also make me remember who the hell she was talking about. It was my ex. I thought he will be my Mr. Right but I was wrong because he left me... That's why we started calling him Mr. Left.

"What about him?" I rolled my eyes and continue to walk to the corridor. Acting like I am not interested to what she was trying to say.

"My gosh he's here!"

I frowned. "What do you mean he's here?" It seems my brain automatically stops functioning.

"Jhunel is here! Your ex boyfriend! And you know what, unfortunately, he's our classmate!" She shouted.

"So what?" I gulped and suck my teeth.

"What do you mean 'so what?' I am worried about you! I witnessed how you f*ck your life when he left you! I am worried that you'll get distracted! You're a candidate of summa cum laude after all. Sheen! What should we do now?!" She hysterically explained.

I flipped my hair. "Girl, no worries. I moved on."

But I was wrong. The moment I saw Jhunel in class, those memories of us I forcedly forget just came back. And all of those sh*ts and pain that I endure in the past is now lingering inside me, again.

I gasped. I can't believe this is happening. My tears are becoming traitors again. They wanted to fall when I am begging them don't. That man is not worth falling for.

I want to be mad at him. Why the hell is he here again? I am moved on. I finally get over him. But why the hell, he appeared again?

He looks at me and smile seems like he forgets all the bullsh*ts he did. Making my world stop again. My knees are shaking. I can't do this anymore. I just want this floor to eat me alive.

I heaved a deep sigh.

No, Sheen. You can do this.

Act like you don't care.

Don't get fooled by that man, again.

I looked away and sat down on my seat putting all my attention to the board. Our professor asked my ex to introduce himself in front. I did not bother to listen 'cause I know him. I just hope I don't.

"Find the x and get it's value in this equation." Professor pointed at the equation on the board. Sh*t. Why do we have to find the x? It's not even important. And it's value? It's worthless.

"Hey, I thought you already moved on." She inquired full of sarcasm trying to humiliate me. She gave me the bottled juice and sandwich that I ordered for lunch.

"That's the point, Anne. I already moved on but why the hell he came back? To test me?" Okay, I am irritated.

"I know right? That's what I am talking about. You're still affected of his presence." She sighs. "I don't know if he's here to test you or to tease you or what. But let's try to forget about him and focus on your dream goal. You want to graduate with flying colors, right? Because of your father." She made me remember it again.


"You shouldn't get distracted about him, 'kay? Let's just find another guy. Maybe, we can find your Mr. Right now. Don't worry, I'll help you."

I laugh. She's making me forget everything now. Just by hearing those words giving me strength when I am giving up and doubting myself. She believes in me. She's always here for me. And I am so thankful to have her. I do.


"Sheen, gave me your paper. Let's exchange." Jhunel gets my answer sheet and give me his own. I rolled my eyes. I can't help but to do that everytime I saw him. Like, I am so annoyed.

"Yeah right, you're best at it... ex... changing..." I murmured while checking his paper when all I wanted to do is cross out all of his answers and torn it.

Suddenly, our attention went on the door when someone knock. Professor opened it and get the folder from that someone who's still we cannot see. "Transferee? Again? Why are you all transferring at the end of the year? Come in."

I was about to see the transferee when Jhunel asked me about his paper.

"How many mistakes do I have?" He asked.

Again, I rolled my eyes. "Are you sure for asking me how many mistakes you had made?"

He nods innocently.

"One!" I shouted which both of us just can hear.

"Really? Lemme see!" I was about to throw his paper on his face when my eyes went all over to that handsome transferee guy in front of us.

"Good morning everyone. I am Jhon Rey Carpio. I am 21 years old and I am your Mr. Right."

I don't know if it's just me who imagined him saying those last line. He's looking at me and I can't stop smiling. Gosh, am I in heaven? Why am I seeing such an angel in this place?

My jaw dropped and my eyes follows him while he's walking to his chair at the back of mine. Oh my gosh! Is he looking at my hair? Does it look good? Gosh, I need to check how my hair looks at the back!!!


Hi! Welcome to my world! I hope you'll get to like this story. This is my first time writing a story here in Webnovel. Wish me luck! Thank you! I purple you all!

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