
Mr. Tycoon's Sultry Seductions

{Mature Content} What happens when everything you’ve built for the last 7 years come crashing down in one night? Mia's life was perfect until it wasn’t. Mia had married her college crush, many people called her the luckiest woman alive. She, from a lower middle-class family, got into a top university on scholarship and met him. He was her world, he was her everything, till he wasn’t. What greater pain could one feel than to find out her best friend of seven years had been sleeping with her husband since the night of their wedding? Mia, who had not pursued her career and lived her life to serve her husband, is hit with the harshest reality she could ever conceive. Will she be able to get back on her feet and get her revenge, or will she forever be at the mercy of those who betrayed her? ... ''Boss, the Miss is at an auction, and no one is bidding on her item, what do we do?'' The Bodyguard spoke as soon as Declan picked up the call; he was told to report everything that happened to her as soon as it happened and he knew he was going to be in huge trouble if he did not report this. ''What is the starting bid?'' Declan asked lazily; ''Ten thousand dollars sir; '' ''Okay, bid a hundred thousand dollars. ''

Anomiee · Urban
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160 Chs

With Beth

The clicking sound of heels acted as an alarm for Mia. She had no idea when she fell asleep, but the last thing she remembered was crying and switching her phone off. She stirred on the bed and tried to get up but winced when the pain hit her.

"Gosh. I totally forgot I was in an accident;"

Mia groaned as she tried to roll over but suddenly felt a hand help her up slowly. She hissed slowly as the pain shot through her and cursed.

"Sorry, Mia. I've got you." She didn't have to see the speaker to know it was Sheila. How did Sheila know she was at the hospital? Her next of kin was her husband, and he was number one on his emergency speed dial. When the nurse asked her for a number to reach, she had given them her husband's number. Yet, she couldn't see him here.

"Thank you." She mumbled and sat down as Sheila dragged the visitor's chair closer. Sheila's gaze was focused on her, and she didn't bother hiding that she was looking at her. "What happened?"

Mia opened and closed her mouth. She shook her head slowly.

Sheila pulled the chair closer, her gaze moved around the room, and Mia followed. The other patient was no longer in the room. Maybe she had been discharged overnight or early this morning. She groaned, knowing Sheila wouldn't give her a reason to keep quiet about all of this.

Sheila held her arm slowly studying the ward with so much focus. She didn't say a word. When she was satisfied with what she had observed, she sat back down and glared at Mia.

"Mia, don't you dare lie to me. And don't try to keep silent about this. The last time I left your place, you were so happy and preparing the ultimate surprise for your husband. It was late. So, what happened? Why were you outside, and why were you hurt like this?"

Mia tried to avoid her gaze. "I had an accident, Sheila."

Sheila frowned, "An accident. Why? Those few words of response aren't enough for me. I need you to give me full details of what happened."

Mia chuckled, "Is this how you treat a sick woman?"

Sheila didn't smile or laugh as she expected. The frown took up residence on her face. "It's not a joke, Mia. I want to know what happened. Do you know how surprised I was after receiving a call that you were admitted to the hospital? I thought it was a prank. I argued with the nurse, saying I just left your place last night and you were fine. Until she told me that you were brought in a few minutes before midnight. What happened?"

Mia scowled, "It was Jack…"

Without waiting for her to continue, Sheila asked, "What did Jack do? Was he also involved in the accident?"

Mia hissed, "Listen to me, Sheila. If you do, I will explain everything to you. You don't need to be in a hurry."

Sheila nodded and mimicked sipping her mouth. "I won't say a thing."

Mia nodded with a small smile tugging at her lips. She was glad that Sheila was the first person she saw. If it had been Jack or Beth, she had no idea how she would react. "Jack cheated on me again. Yesterday."

Sheila opened her mouth, but when she saw the glare Mia directed at her, she closed it again.

Mia closed her eyes, trying to find the best way to tell Sheila about the matter. She couldn't believe it herself, but the injuries on her arm, waist, and leg were evidence that what happened last night was real. She hadn't dreamed up Jack and Beth being together.

"Jack and Beth," she said, her voice so low that she wasn't sure Sheila had heard her. Sheila pulled her chair back and stood up abruptly. "You mean Beth? Our Beth."

Mia nodded her head slowly. Sheila picked up her bag and started striding towards the exit. Mia cleared her throat and moved forward. "Where are you going, Sheila?"

Sheila glanced back. "To kill that bitch. I knew she couldn't be trusted, but this is too low, even for her."

Mia smiled. "And you think killing her is the best option."

Sheila shrugged. "At least the world will be rid of one bitch."

Mia's smile got wider. "Thank you, Sheila. But I don't need you to kill someone for me. I think I can handle it."

Sheila smirked and returned to her seat. "Is that how you got into an accident? Trying to handle it?"

Mia tried to pick up a pillow to hit her, but she could hardly move her hand. "Fuck you, Sheila."

Sheila smiled, and then frowned. "I'm just glad you're alright, Mia. If anything had happened to you, I wouldn't have known what to do. We'll get through this together."

Mia nodded.

"Should I get the nurse for you, or do you want to eat first?" Sheila asked, already standing up again. "I think you need some good food first. You must be hungry."

Sheila left the room. Mia picked up her phone to see if it was on yet. The nurse must have taken it to get Sheila's number. She saw ten missed calls from Jack and none from Beth. She also had some messages from Jack.

"Where are you, love?" "Pick up my call." "I'm getting worried."

Mia closed her eyes to stop the tears that threatened to fall. Now, he had time for her. She held the phone tightly and started deleting the messages. She didn't read the rest of his messages before deleting them too. He must have thought she was a fool. Love? He didn't love her. If he did, he wouldn't have chosen Beth over them. He had abandoned their wedding anniversary for Beth.

She deleted Beth's number and contemplated whether she should delete Jack's number or not. She took a deep breath and blocked his number from calling or sending her any text. She tried lying down when the door opened, and Jack ran in.