
Mr. Tycoon's Sultry Seductions

{Mature Content} What happens when everything you’ve built for the last 7 years come crashing down in one night? Mia's life was perfect until it wasn’t. Mia had married her college crush, many people called her the luckiest woman alive. She, from a lower middle-class family, got into a top university on scholarship and met him. He was her world, he was her everything, till he wasn’t. What greater pain could one feel than to find out her best friend of seven years had been sleeping with her husband since the night of their wedding? Mia, who had not pursued her career and lived her life to serve her husband, is hit with the harshest reality she could ever conceive. Will she be able to get back on her feet and get her revenge, or will she forever be at the mercy of those who betrayed her? ... ''Boss, the Miss is at an auction, and no one is bidding on her item, what do we do?'' The Bodyguard spoke as soon as Declan picked up the call; he was told to report everything that happened to her as soon as it happened and he knew he was going to be in huge trouble if he did not report this. ''What is the starting bid?'' Declan asked lazily; ''Ten thousand dollars sir; '' ''Okay, bid a hundred thousand dollars. ''

Anomiee · Urban
Not enough ratings
160 Chs


The closer he moved to Bennett, the further Bennett moved while pleading with his hands as if he was praying. Declan crouched in front of him, "What did Bohan offer you?"

Bennett stayed quiet groaning.

Declan lost his hand into his hair and turned to Stan. He nodded at Stan who closed the windows to his office. He twisted his knuckles, "How much did Bohan's offer you? Did they offer to employ you and pay twice two of what we offer you here?"

Bennett avoided his gaze and in a split second; Declan hit him in the face, making him stumble backward.

"I will ask you again, Bennett. I took you as a brother. I brushed you off the street, so I believe I deserve this little loyalty from you, even though you don't know shit about being loyal.

Do you think Bohan cared about you? Do you think they will rescue you from me, is that why you are hiding the truth?"

Benneth groaned and swallowed. He moved his lips but Declan couldn't hear a thing he was saying. Declan's gaze moved to Stan. He moved closer, and helped Bennett up, holding him like a support bar.

Declan smirked, "Is it just you or are there others?"

Bennett tried talking again. "It's not just me." His voice was low but this time Declan heard it perfectly. He groaned, and rest on his table.

"Tell me who else is in this game with you."

Benneth sighed and started mentioning people's names. With each name, Declan groaned while Stan took notes. He knew it was going to be bloody. After Bennett was done, he started pleading for his life.

Declan raised a brow at Stan. "Take him to the underground. Make sure he is alive until the next time I see him."

Stan nodded and started dragging Bennett out. Declan groaned thinking of things to do with the others. People he thought he knew better turned out to be betrayals. His circle had been built around a lie.


"When are you getting discharged?" Sheila's voice vibrated in anger.


Sheila glanced at the door, "You are coming home with me?"

Mia shook her head, "I can't. I have to go home."

Sheila frowned, "That place is not your home. I won't let you stay with that cheating bastard."

Mia sighed, "I know, Sheila. But, I need to talk things out with Jack. I need to let him know I am going through this divorce and there is nothing that would change my mind."

Sheila nodded and smiled. "Just know I am there for you regardless of anything. I am here for you." She held her hand rubbing small circles in her palm with a sad smile on each of their faces. They were smiling at each other when the door opened.

Red heels with an equally red-painted toe marched in. Mia's smile was replaced with a frown as she registered Beth's face. Sheila let go of Mia and stood up, "What are you doing here, you bitch!"

Beth smiled, "I heard about Mia and came to visit. Don't I have the right?"

Mia tried to speak, but all she did was open her mouth and closed it. She couldn't believe the nerve of Beth to show up in her hospital room. Mia was certain, it was Jack that told Beth about the accident.