
Mr. Tycoon's Evil Genius Wife

After three years of exile, Kang Ha-Na returns to the place that once cast her aside—home. In the past, her innocence was exploited and her trust was shattered by a scoundrel and a backstabber; worst of all, her own cousin, once her closest confidante, was behind it all. Alone and forced to flee to the States amid a scandal, her family abandoned her, allowing her cousin to replace her existence. But three years abroad have transformed her. She is no longer the muddle-headed girl easily misled by those she trusted, she is back now, determined to reclaim what is rightfully hers. There are evil people scheming and eagerly waiting for her downfall once more, but she refuses to fall for the same tricks twice! She is set to play the game on her own terms, meticulously planning her return and aiming to captivate a man of immense power; someone who can defy her family and stand resolutely beside her. Little did she know, he wasn't just a pawn in her game. Every move she made, every calculated step toward him, had been meticulously anticipated and subtly manipulated to align with his desires. Ha-Na's path, once thought to be of her own will, now seemed like a predetermined course designed by his unseen hand. To him, Ha-Na wasn't just an obsession; she was a consuming fascination that entangled his every thought, a magnetic force he couldn't resist. Their paths converged in a labyrinth of hidden truths and tangled emotions, each step towards him pulling Ha-Na deeper into a perilous game of intrigue and desire. In this gripping tale of relentless obsession and forbidden love, prepare for a saga of redemption and resilience where the tides of power shift.

Joshan_Jo · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Lovestruck Fool

Feeling utterly drained from the evening's elaborate spectacle, Hyun-Jin decided to call it a night early. Fatigue weighed on him, amplified by the anticipation of a challenging weekend at the Wang's mansion.

His gaze wandered tiredly across the brightly lit banquet hall, looking for his assistant, Seo Woo-Jin. Woo-Jin had been by his side since childhood, almost like family. Their bond went back to their shared upbringing, with Woo-Jin's father serving Old Wang.

A minute later, as if they communicated through telepathy, Seo Woo-Jin appeared before Hyun-Jin. Despite the weariness in his eyes, Woo-Jin's demeanor remained calm, his cool smile in place. "Were you looking for me, Master?" he asked, his voice steady.

"Room key," Hyun-Jin said, extending his hand. Immediately, Woo-Jin took out a golden card from his pocket and placed it in Hyun-Jin's palm.

However, plans rarely unfold as anticipated. Just as Hyun-Jin made his way back towards his room, his phone pierced the quiet with its insistent ringtone.

A troubled expression creased his handsome features, as though he already suspected the identity of the caller before glancing at the screen. He exchanged a quick glance with Woo-Jin, silently conveying him to take his leave, and retrieved his phone from his pocket.

"I heard you came back," the voice on the other end of the phone said, loud and cheerful.

Hyun-Jin replied with a hint of sarcasm, "Like you didn't know."

The response was a high-pitched squeal of delight. Hyun-Jin could almost feel the happiness radiating through the phone. "That's great! Let's meet at our usual Pocha," the excited voice suggested before ending the call abruptly.

Hyun-Jin smiled, deeply moved by Raven's childlike excitement. Raven, his steadfast comrade, was always so full of life and enthusiasm. The genuine happiness in Raven's voice made Hyun-Jin realize how much his absence had been felt. Perhaps, he mused, he should have returned sooner if it meant bringing such joy to his dear friend.

Hyun-Jin immediately called Woo-Jin. "Arrange a car for me. I need to meet Raven," he instructed. As he pocketed the room key, a flicker of anticipation lit up inside him. The night wasn't over yet, and reconnecting with Raven offered a welcome distraction, instantly taking away his fatigue.

As expected of Woo-Jin, a car was ready and waiting as soon as Hyun-Jin stepped out of the hotel's back entrance. The night air was cool and filled with the distant hum of the city. Hyun-Jin slipped into the car, a flicker of anticipation sparking within him as they drove through the quiet streets towards the rendezvous point where Raven awaited.

Arriving at the familiar Pocha, a modest yet cozy Korean street bar that had witnessed many of their past encounters, Hyun-Jin felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. The place was dimly lit, the air thick with the scent of grilled meats and the sound of quiet chatter. He spotted Raven immediately, seated in their usual spot in the corner, a place that had become their unspoken sanctuary over the years.

Taking a seat across from Raven, he watched as his friend, with a familiar ease, filled two glasses with soju. The clear liquid sparkled under the dim lights, symbolizing countless shared memories and unspoken understandings. Raven handed him a glass, their eyes meeting in a silent acknowledgment of their deep bond.

"Just like old days," Raven remarked, a soft smile playing on his lips as he raised his glass. "You have no idea how much I missed this."

Hyun-Jin let his cool demeanor slip for a moment, allowing a genuine smile to surface. "Don't worry, we'll have plenty of occasions to catch up," he responded, clinking his glass against Raven's.

Raven took a sip, then leaned back, his eyes sharp and perceptive. "Looks like you finally decided to settle down for good. Is it because of her?"

Hyun-Jin paused, the mention of Ha-Na stirring a myriad of emotions. He was supposed to come home six months later, so his abrupt return could only be attributed to one person. He knew Raven would understand the unspoken urgency in the situation, but that means they needed to speed things up and act fast.

A vague smile touched Hyun-Jin's lips as he replied, "She finally chose me."

Raven scoffed at his audacity. "Oh, did she?" he asked, his tone laced with disbelief, shocked at how Hyun-Jin was twisting the truth.

Hyun-Jin understood exactly what Raven was insinuating. He had orchestrated the situation meticulously. Upon discovering that Ha-Na had sent someone to tail her, he had turned the tables. Instead of evading surveillance, he had allowed himself to be followed, subtly tipping off his tail about his future plans and movements. It was his proactive approach that had led him back sooner than planned, calculating that the Wang's party would provide the perfect stage to publicly announce his and Ha-Na's return—a move that would inevitably draw attention, and can possibly bind them together.

Rather than refute Raven's skepticism, Hyun-Jin relished the wordplay, knowing full well the underlying implications. With an expressionless face, he added, "She said she wants me close by her," his tone smug and self-assured.

Raven's skepticism turned into outright cynicism as he retorted, "You fool, that's because she needs your money and reputation."

Hyun-Jin maintained his composure, his expression still impassive. "Oh, it means she wants me," he replied casually, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

Woo-Jin found himself at a loss for words. What a lovestruck fool our prince is...

"I need my brother to revert to his aloof self. Just tell me, where can I find him?" He taunted, shivering as if he'd just walked over goosebumps.

Their banter had always been a cornerstone of their friendship, and only Raven had this special privileges to speak his mind without consequences in front of Hyun-Jin.

As they shared another drink, the night stretched on, filled with laughter and shared stories.