
Mr. Tycoon's Evil Genius Wife

After three years of exile, Kang Ha-Na returns to the place that once cast her aside—home. In the past, her innocence was exploited and her trust was shattered by a scoundrel and a backstabber; worst of all, her own cousin, once her closest confidante, was behind it all. Alone and forced to flee to the States amid a scandal, her family abandoned her, allowing her cousin to replace her existence. But three years abroad have transformed her. She is no longer the muddle-headed girl easily misled by those she trusted, she is back now, determined to reclaim what is rightfully hers. There are evil people scheming and eagerly waiting for her downfall once more, but she refuses to fall for the same tricks twice! She is set to play the game on her own terms, meticulously planning her return and aiming to captivate a man of immense power; someone who can defy her family and stand resolutely beside her. Little did she know, he wasn't just a pawn in her game. Every move she made, every calculated step toward him, had been meticulously anticipated and subtly manipulated to align with his desires. Ha-Na's path, once thought to be of her own will, now seemed like a predetermined course designed by his unseen hand. To him, Ha-Na wasn't just an obsession; she was a consuming fascination that entangled his every thought, a magnetic force he couldn't resist. Their paths converged in a labyrinth of hidden truths and tangled emotions, each step towards him pulling Ha-Na deeper into a perilous game of intrigue and desire. In this gripping tale of relentless obsession and forbidden love, prepare for a saga of redemption and resilience where the tides of power shift.

Joshan_Jo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Good for Nothing Kang's daughter

Leaving the study room, Ha-Na made her way to the greenhouse. Stepping inside, she was greeted by vibrant flowers and lush plants, their colors vivid against the glass walls. The air was thick with the soothing scent of earth and blooms, and the gentle rustle of leaves created a serene backdrop.

Finding the greenhouse empty, Ha-Na sighed softly and sank onto the soft grass. She closed her eyes, welcoming the cool breeze that caressed her skin.

While Ha-Na allowed herself to drift into a peaceful nap, leaving future worries for another day, the Wang Mansion buzzed with activity.

Inside Wang's Mansion, the kitchen buzzed with activity. The warm, inviting aroma of simmering dishes filled the air, wrapping the room in a comforting embrace.

In the kitchen, the warm, inviting aroma of simmering dishes filled the air, wrapping the room in a comforting embrace. Mrs. Wang stood at the stove, her skilled hands deftly stirring a pot of rich broth, the contents bubbling and releasing fragrant steam. Beside her, Mrs. Lee, the head cook, moved with practiced precision, overseeing the preparations with a watchful eye. Ms. Kim, the assistant, bustled nearby, expertly chopping vegetables and preparing ingredients for the day's feast.

Across the kitchen, Wang Ha-Young leaned against the counter, her brow furrowed in frustration. "I don't understand why you're cooking for that scoundrel," she muttered, her voice edged with disbelief.

Mrs. Wang paused in her stirring, her gaze flickering towards Ha-Young at the word 'scoundrel'.

The kitchen seemed to still for a moment, the hum of activity around them momentarily muted. Mrs. Lee exchanged a quick glance with Ms. Kim, silently signaling her to maintain focus and avoid getting involved.

"Hyun-Jin is a good boy. Even though I didn't give birth to him, I raised him. So it's only natural for me to cook for him," Mrs. Wang replied, her voice firm yet gentle. She resumed her work, her hands moving with practiced grace.

Ha-Young's frustration boiled over. "Is this how both Father and you are going to act? Giving importance to that bastard over your own daughter?" Her voice rose, eyes flashing with pent-up anger.

Mrs. Wang paused, a flicker of hurt crossing her features. She steadied herself before responding, "Give it a rest. He returned after ten years. Take this opportunity to reconcile with him. Besides, your father has always held him in high regard. Improving your relationship with Hyun-Jin could also mend things with your father." Her tone held a mixture of plea and command, revealing the complexity of her emotions.

As if she had heard something unfathomable, something that grated on her very nerves, Ha-Young erupted, "Mother!!" Her voice reverberated through the kitchen.

Mrs. Wang pinched the area between her brows. "Don't raise your voice! That's so unladylike," she admonished, her eyes narrowing in disapproval. "Now, don't do anything that your father might disapprove of during dinner. If he sees you always picking a fight with Hyun-Jin, he might as well ban you from coming here as you please," she added strictly, her words carrying the weight of unspoken consequences.

Now who could fathom Mrs. Wang's plight?When would her daughter grasp the family dynamics and learn to influence others to achieve her goals?

She fervently wished for her daughter to use her head not just for adornment, but to engage her brain at least once.

However, Ha-Young remained oblivious to such concerns, absorbed only in her emotions, which were getting the best of her.

"You and Father, both are hateful!" Ha-Young spat, storming out of the kitchen and retreating to her room, her footsteps heavy with anger and resentment.

In the Wang mansion, scenes like this were all too common, so the servants didn't pay much heed to Ha-Young's outbursts. Her mother always avoided conflict with her father, while he remained indifferent to Ha-Young's presence.

Wang Il-Sung was a true misogynist. To him, only a son mattered, and when Ha-Young was born, his disappointment was palpable. He barely acknowledged her existence, let alone cared for her.

Initially, she tried her best to win his attention. Excelling in her studies, participating in numerous extracurricular activities, she did everything possible to make him proud. Yet, nothing worked. Her accomplishments were met with indifference, her efforts dismissed with a wave of his hand.

When Ha-Young realized she couldn't achieve his attention through hard work, she took a different route. She started acting out, doing things that would land her in trouble, hoping that even negative attention was better than none. However, this only strained their relationship further. Her father's disdain grew, solidifying his belief that women were inherently troublesome and inferior.

The incident that finally shattered their fragile relationship revolved around Hyun-Jin. He became the central figure in a life-altering event that intensified Ha-Young's father's contempt towards her. Despite her subsequent efforts to mend their bond, her father remained stuck in the past. His deep-seated misogyny and his inability to view her as anything other than a disappointment were too ingrained.

Over the years, her mother tirelessly attempted to reconcile them, but it proved futile. Wang Il-Sung was stubborn, his convictions unwavering. The adoption of Hyun-Jin only made things worse for Ha-Young. Her father showered Hyun-Jin with the affection and approval she had always craved, reinforcing the notion that only a male heir was deserving of his love and attention.

Which is why, When her son, Song Hyun-Woo, was born, she was overjoyed. Even if she had no chance at the inheritance, her son surely could. Thus, she couldn't distance herself from the family until achieving this goal—at least, not until removing the obstacle named Hyun-Jin from her path.

With that determination in mind, she resolved to have lunch with her father.

Descending the grand staircase, Ha-Young's footsteps echoed softly against the marble, each step carrying her closer to the dining room where Hyun-Jin was already seated. He exuded an air of calm composure, his posture erect and demeanor poised. She settled into her chair, her mother joining them moments later, taking her place beside her father.

All the family members waited for their patriarch's arrival. When the clock struck one, Wang Il-Sung entered promptly. He took his seat at the head of the table with a glance at his gold watch, emphasizing his punctuality.

The servants, dressed impeccably in crisp uniforms, moved with practiced precision. They set down each dish with careful attention, their movements fluid and efficient, filling the air with the tantalizing aroma of freshly prepared food.

"I noticed you didn't attend the after-party yesterday," Old master Wang commented, observing Hyun-Jin's absence after the celebrations had concluded.

The after-party is a secretive gathering for those involved in Wang Corporation's illegal dealings. Old Wang's insistence on Hyun-Jin's presence meant he is finally ready to pass his throne to Hyun-Jin.

"I was tired, so I retired early for the day," Hyun-Jin replied, his tone respectful yet distant.

"That's right, Father. You should have seen him last night, waltzing around the ballroom, engaging in frivolous antics with that worthless Kang's daughter. I'm sure all that dancing must have truly exhausted him," Ha-Young chimed in, her tone dripping with venomous sarcasm. Her eyes fixed on Hyun-Jin, barely concealing her contempt.

With that cutting remark, two pairs of frosty eyes bore into Ha-Young, sending an icy chill down her spine.