
Mr. President, Do You Mind If I Fall in Love with You?

When Luna Jiang found herself homeless and pregnant from a drunken night she spent with a handsome stranger, she was forced to sign an agreement with the mysterious and sadistic businessman, Hero Li. Can love bloom from a one night stand?

thisevilfairy · Urban
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72 Chs

Margaret Xiao (2)

It wasn't like Luna had no idea what kind of person her father's wife was. Margaret Xiao came from a prestigious family in the capital, and the Xiao family wasn't something many would dare to look down on. Even if her husband's affairs were known to the public, Margaret managed to maintain a dignified image, always composed and graceful in public. 

Luna had witnessed this woman's ability to navigate social situations with ease, effortlessly charming those around her. Despite the rumors and scandals surrounding her father, Margaret's impeccable reputation remained untarnished, leaving Luna in awe of her ability to handle such adversity. If only she could be as elegant and noble as this woman before her. 

"You must be aware that your father wants to leave everything to his children with Carissa, leaving you and your other siblings at a disadvantage."