
Chapter 66: You Come Out, or...I'll Go In!

Translator: 549690339


In the evening, Michelle Campbell took an early bath, changed into her pajamas, tied her hair up in a ponytail, and sat leisurely on the couch, snacking and watching TV with her mother.

While she was watching, the phone beside her suddenly started to ring.

She picked it up and looked. It was Samuel Noah Jackson calling again.

She glanced at her mother next to her, engrossed in the TV, then eventually picked up the call.

"Michelle Campbell, come out!" Dominating voice of Samuel Noah Jackson came out from the phone.

Michelle Campbell was startled, then quickly lowered the volume of her phone.

"No!" she responded quietly.

"I'm at your front door!" he continued.

Michelle Campbell was surprised. He came to her place?

"Even so, no!" she bit her lip and replied.

"You can choose; either you come out, or… I'II go in!"


"I'm counting to three. If you don't answer, I'll ring the doorbell!" Samuel Noah Jackson huffed coldly.