
Mr. Mo, Your Wife Is Charming the World Again

# 1V1 She was married, but the promise was ended with divorce papers. In her despair, she accidentally slept with Mr. Mo. He was the most eligible bachelor of the capital; the prince on a white horse every lady dreams of... But after he met her by chance, he was unable to pry himself away from her. Someone asked, “Mr. Mo, people are saying that you lost a lot because you married a divorcee with three children. What is your opinion on this matter?” Mo Hanchen: They are all mine!

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40 Chs

You'll Die of Jealousy If You Try Fighting Me

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xiang Haoyu's dark eyes flickered to the wound on Mo Hanchen's forehead. "Were you up late and met a ghost, President Mo?"

"Why would it need to be a ghost? Couldn't someone have caused it?" Mo Hanchen casually riposte.

Mo Hanchen's gaze was firmly trained on Meng Yue, almost as if saying she was the culprit. However, the next second, he looked away and set his sights on the woman entering behind him.

The beautiful woman graciously extended her hand, which Mo Hanchen accepted. As he clasped the woman's hand, gently patting it, he continued, speaking meaningfully, "Who knows? Perhaps it was a goblin with sharp teeth who tore into me."

The look Mo Hanchen aimed at Meng Yue was not lost on those present, the least of which being Xiao Haoyu, who also turned to look at his wife.

Seeing the reactions of those two men, Wang Ye's attention was similarly drawn to Meng Yue.

Meng Yue hung her head low, doing all she could to make herself look smaller. She could not help but wonder what Mo Hanchen's relation was to the woman next to him. Why was he holding her hand? If he already had a love interest, why was he pestering her? Was he toying with her feelings?

All those questions circled her mind like hungry vultures.

Xiang Haoyu stepped in between Mo Hanchen's line of sight, blocking his view of Meng Yue. "Mo Hanchen, stop ogling her!"

Mo Hanchen laughed coldly. "She won't have anything to do with you soon enough."

Xiang Haoyu froze when he heard Mo Hanchen's remark.

Was there something between Meng Yue and Mo Hanchen? Were the projects the Meng Group had taken over from the Xiang Group a result of something between Mo Hanchen and Meng Yue?

"Mo Hanchen, don't be so arrogant. What's your purpose in trying to sow discord in the Xiang family."

"President Xiang, you're overthinking things," Mo Hanchen replied.

He looked at Meng Yue and then at Xiang Haoyu. "You?!"

"It's not worth my effort," he chuckled, "Besides, I've said it three times already, but I'll say it again. I only have one goal."

Mo Hanchen turned to Meng Yue. "Miss Meng, I'm sure you know what I want."

Meng Yue locked eyes with Mo Hanchen, rising to his challenge with an edge of warning in her voice, "President Mo, please respect my status as a married woman!"

She nodded in Wang Ye's direction and said, "Even if you can't bring yourself to respect me, you should, at the very least, respect the woman in your arms."

Mo Hanchen smiled. "I thank Miss Meng for her thoughtfulness. Very well, I shan't intrude upon your meal any longer."

Having said his piece, he wrapped an arm around Wang Ye's waist, leading her upstairs to the second floor of the grand banquet hall.

Meng Yue's eyes narrowed into slits as she suppressed the raging jealousy in her heart. She wanted nothing more than to chop off that arm of his.

Xiang Haoyu, who had wanted to excuse himself for a moment to cool down, returned to his seat, eyeing Meng Yue.

Meng Yue weathered Xiang Haoyu's gaze, sipping from her teacup in uncomfortable silence. She had already drunk two cups of tea before the food arrived.

"Meng Yue, have you ever met Mo Hanchen in private?" Xiang Haoyu asked, breaking the silence. He did not like how Mo Hanchen stared at Meng Yue; it was a look full of desire and lit the candle of jealousy in him.

"Is the deal between the Meng and Xiang Groups related to him?" Xiang Haoyu pressed.

Meng Yue's expression changed. "Of course not!" More quietly, she added, "It's only because I want to divorce you."

Xiang Haoyu slammed the table angrily, causing several heads to turn towards the commotion.

"Xiang Haoyu, stop this! People are watching."

Xiang Haoyu gnashed his teeth. "I see it now. Meng Yue, you'd do anything to get a divorce from me!"

Meng Yue paled, her eyes turning frantically to the waiter who had come around to see if anything was wrong. "We aren't speaking of this further - end of discussion."

Xiang Haoyu glared at Meng Yue, cold wrath bubbling below the surface and in his clenched fists.

He had not thought of tampering with their divorce papers, but now, seeing Meng Yue the way she was, Xiang Haoyu could not resist the urge to do something to it.

Not long into their meal, Xiang Haoyu's phone rang. His face darkened when he saw the caller ID.

He hung up.

Within ten seconds, the phone rang again, but he still did not answer the call. Instead, he muted his phone.

Meng Yue caught a glimpse of the caller ID. It was Chen Qing.

If things were as before, she might have felt a knot in her heart, but that time had passed. Now, her heart was as calm as water in a clear lake. Though she dearly wished she could return to those halcyon days, to a life where everything seemed like sunshine and rainbows, Meng Yue knew it was impossible.

Xiang Haoyu grew even angrier seeing Meng Yue's indifference.

"Meng Yue, I wish I could kill you; here and now."

Meng Yue regarded Xiang Haoyu innocently as she asked, "I'm sorry, but could you repeat yourself? I didn't hear what you said."

Xiang Haoyu's threats landed on a plush cotton cushion, doing little to hurt Meng Yue. Rather, it rebounded, almost causing him to cough out blood.

"I'm going to the washroom!"

Xiang Haoyu marched away in a huff.

Meng Yue nodded, simply acknowledging his words with a quiet 'Oh'.

With Xiang Haoyu gone, Meng Yue finally heaved a sigh of relief. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Mo Hanchen and the woman he had with him.

She knew that woman. She was a popular celebrity. Her name was Wang Ye.

Meng Yue picked up her phone and sent Mo Hanchen a WeChat message: [ Your girlfriend is really pretty! You two are a match made in heaven! ]

Meng Yue tapped her screen viciously, perhaps more than was strictly necessary. She probably would have poked a hole in her screen if she could.

While her words appeared civil, they did not accurately reflect her true thoughts. She cursed Mo Hanchen for being worse than a dog in her heart.

On the other hand, Mo Hanchen laughed when he read her message.

He typed a one-word response: [ Ha! ]

Who did she think she was? Did she believe she could one-up him?

Wang Ye watched as Mo Hanchen responded to his text message, bowing her head gloomily, but when she looked up, a radiant smile like a blooming flower replaced it. "What's gotten you so happy?"

Mo Hanchen put down his phone and ate his food lazily. "I'm just messing with a sharp-tongued vixen."

Wang Ye paused. "Is it the one we just met downstairs?"

Mo Hanchen smiled but did not elaborate.

Wang Ye took it as a silent acknowledgement. "She seems to have something going on with the president of the Xiang Group," Wang Ye said.

Mo Hanchen's expression froze for a moment. "They're getting a divorce."

"A divorce?"

Wang Ye was stunned. She looked at Mo Hanchen in disbelief. "Hanchen, you're saying you've fallen for a married woman?"

Mo Hanchen met Wang Ye's incredulous gaze, his eyes as sharp as knives. "Wang Ye!"

Wang Ye shivered as she stared into those obsidian depths.

Mo Hanchen was livid as he said, "I've told you they're getting a divorce!" Anger filled his voice. Mo Hanchen no longer looked the part of a lazy rich man.

"I'm sorry. I misspoke," Wang Ye apologised.

Mo Hanchen glared at her, saying, "You've crossed the line!"

Wang Ye bowed in deference, slowly spooning food into her mouth. It did nothing to sweeten the sour coils constricting her heart.

She was Luo Cheng's girlfriend. He and Mo Hanchen were good friends. When Luo Cheng's plane crashed, his friends, including Mo Hanchen, took great care of her.

Hence, when she expressed interest in entering the entertainment industry, Mo Hanchen did not hesitate to set up Chengxing Entertainment under the Moyun Group. With the Moyun Group's fame and capabilities, Chengxing Entertainment did not lack resources.

With those resources coupled with her talent in acting, Wang Ye soon attained celebrity status. In two years, her work expanded, and she was featured in several variety shows, films and television dramas.

Only after she became popular did Chengxing Entertainment start signing other artists.

Wang Ye still received the best resources from Chengxing Entertainment.

Her career, everything she had built up, was inextricably linked to Mo Hanchen. Yet, love was the one fruit that did not ripen between them.

If there was one principle Mo Hanchen adhered by, it was that he never took advantage of his friend's girlfriends. They shared a strictly professional relationship; walking down the red carpet and sharing a meal was the most they ever did.

She wanted more out of their relationship, but Mo Hanchen never showed an interest in her.

While many in the industry speculated that Wang Ye was Mo Hanchen's secret girlfriend, no one dared to voice their thoughts aloud.

Mo Hanchen's name was taboo in the news.

Wang Ye snuck a look in Mo Hanchen's direction, not knowing whether he was eating.

Unbeknownst to the affections of the woman across from him, Mo Hanchen stared at his phone, but it never rang.