
Mr. Gynophobia

Dave Alexander, the handsome and notorious emerald-eyed man. However, he likes pink teddy bears. Dave has a strange phobia, he will feel anxious and frightened and even lose control when he sees women. A phobia known as gynophobia. Dave Alexander, a man who has many secrets and also has many wounds in his heart. Estelle Clarice, a wavy long-haired woman always tries to think positively. Estelle always tries to be tough in every problem that never stops coming to her. One day, for the sake of a ring, Estelle is forced to obey the wishes of an office mate who is the cause of her involvement with Dave. Two people who struggling for happiness, meet fate in a funny way. Hate each other, but make an agreement to help each other. "It feels like I want to laugh, knowing you don't remember me. Are you really human? At least, remember your evil deeds!" annoyed Estelle to Dave.

Daisy_Lia · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"It's so strange to hear you say that," said Dave, who just got out of the elevator and walked to where his car was parked. Since yesterday he has returned to his Winter penthouse after completing some of the work given by Sam.

For about a minute, his left hand was holding the back of the neck, giving a short massage to the stiff muscles. To be honest, now his body feels very tired, even though he has slept for five hours.

Last night, Dave still had to finish some report files that ended until two o'clock in the morning and this morning, he also still had to do other business. His busy life is not without reason, not only because he is a future heir to the Polaris Hotel. However, because there is something he must protect.

"Don't think too complicated, I'm just asking, has your medicine been taken or not?"

Dave moved the cellphone to his left ear, he used his right hand to take out the car keys from his back pocket. Now, Dave is chatting with his friend Sam on the phone. "And I have given you the answer, did you eat wrong?" Dave said suspiciously. Just because he got that unusual question, now his head started to fill with various speculations. "Are there any women in your house? Listen, I won't go there if you're with a woman. Besides, didn't I tell you, if you want to play. Please play in the hotel! Haah, I don't want to know anyway, clean up the smell or else we continue--"

"Fuck! Since when have I played or brought women here! Never mind, forget it if you don't want to answer." A heavy sigh could be heard from Sam. "Come here quickly and take care of this troublesome job yourself! Hah, damn! Even on Sundays it still ends with work. Because of you, until now I am still single! My parents are worried that I will suffer from a disease like you and will switch to liking people of the same sex!"

Dave laughed at his friend's grumbling. Well, it's only natural that Sam continues to be angry like this, that's because right now Sam must be tired, just like him. They are busy preparing to take ownership of another company.

"Calm down, man! I'm just surprised, you've been with me for a long time, but this is the first time you've asked. So, it's natural that I think this is strange, right? Besides, it's not my fault that you're still single until now. It's useless to flirt with women every night, but not "You managed to get a single woman," quipped Dave, his lips smiling in satisfaction at teasing his friend.

In the past, Dave once told his friends, don't ever dare date if you haven't completely recovered! Either Sam obeyed his words or his friend was simply unlucky in love.


When Sam hung up the phone, Dave smiled broadly as he combed his hair back with his fingers. Now, his feet stopped right next to a white jeep.

Just as he was about to open the car door, his eagle eyes, which were staring at the window, immediately caught the image of someone just poking his head out from behind a car parked not far from where he was standing. Dave immediately turned around. Nothing... the head that was sticking out from there was no longer there. However, Dave saw the reflection of a human who was bending over. This was clearly visible from the car that was right in front of the person.

Dave raised one eyebrow. "Is he stupid?"

Hiding among so many cars that can reflect his own reflection, is absolute stupidity. It was clear that person was watching him.

The idea of ​​making the people there reveal themselves also occurred to Dave.

Dave opened the car door, then closed it again hard. After that, he leaned casually against his white jeep. His arms were crossed, his eyes looked seriously at the car that was reflecting the shadow.

After a minute, the person there had not yet appeared. Maybe the person was waiting for the sound of Dave's car. The man decided to take his time again while enjoying the cold air that was starting to sting his skin.

Three minutes have passed. Starting to get annoyed, Dave intended to approach him. However, just as he wanted to move his body, the shadow moved and slowly started to poke its head back out.

The man with emerald eyes was shocked when he saw his almond eyes widen and then chose to hide again. "Woman?" he thought. His body immediately felt strange.

Honestly, knowing the gender of the person hiding made his heart immediately feel anxious.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see the woman's face clearly, because the black scarf covered half of the face of the woman with chestnut hair there.

Dave was unsure, should he continue his actions until he found out who the woman was or should he just let her go?

Unfortunately, he hasn't taken any anti-anxiety medication. Dave thought, today he will only go to Sam's house. So naturally there wouldn't be any women there and he didn't think about stopping by anywhere else either. Therefore, Dave decided not to take medicine. Sometimes it's like this, since two years ago he began to limit himself to not taking medicine too often.

"Huh, damn! Is that woman sent by that bastard? But ...."

Dave didn't continue his thoughts, he began to guess who the woman who was seen moving agitated there. Thinking, if the woman was sent by someone who always tested his patience, of course the woman's appearance would not be like that.

Is this a new trick? That's what Dave thought, considering that the women there were wearing fairly simple, even too tight clothes. No part of her body was visible except her hair and eyes. Usually, the woman sent to him is always the aggressive type with clothes that are quite seductive to men's eyes.

"Whoever you are, you better get out or I will report you to the security guard right now," shouted Dave, deciding to find out the woman's motives.

There was no action from there, the woman remained motionless where she was. "I want to know how you got in here, the security here is quite tight. But, if you feel sorry, please just leave. However, if I meet you once again, of course you will have to accept the consequences. You need to know, I can find and take you to prison for disturbing the comfort of the environment here. Besides, I think you are a stalker who wants to hurt me, terrorize me, and you--"

"Wow! What do you mean by that? I'm not a stalker! And also, I'm not disturbing the comfort here!" Estelle exclaimed, finally coming out of hiding. Shee voluntarily removed her face covering.

"If not stalkers then what? Was in the basement then hid to keep an eye on me."

"I'm not watching you! I--"

"Then do you want to steal here? Do you want to steal something from my car, hm?" Dave interrupted. His eyes became increasingly sharp.

Estelle widened her eyes. "What other accusation is that? I'm not that kind of person, understand?!" She let out an annoyed sigh. Honestly, she is also aware of her actions, including stalking. However, she had no intention of being a real stalker! She just wanted to quietly see Dave's daily life, not for long, just a few days. Instead of asking directly, she was afraid that Dave would strangle her again like that time.

Yesterday Sam had agreed to help Estelle and this morning via telephone, Sam fulfilled his promise to help Estelle get into Dave's quite complicated environment. The man also advised Estelle to immediately run away or contact him if Dave started acting strangely or went on a rampage.

"Who sent you here?"

"What?" Estelle was confused by Dave's question, should she admit that his presence here was purely her own desire. "You, don't recognize me?" She continued, feeling strange too, because after all this was not their first meeting.

Dave took a deep breath, he lowered his head for three seconds then looked back at Estelle who was seven steps away from him. "Do I have to know you?" he said while giving a sharp look.

Dave tightened his jaw, not because he was holding back anger, but because he was holding back nausea and trying to stop the disgusting images that suddenly appeared in his head. It always felt like this, every time he faced women without taking his anti-anxiety medication.

Childhood memories will always be a thorny rope for him. It was difficult to get rid of, the more he tried to loosen the rope, the more he got entangled and hurt. His subconscious was reluctant to make peace and chose to hold onto all the pain he had suffered from a long time ago.

Estelle narrowed her eyes. Haughty. One word for Dave. Since the first time she met him, she could feel the thick, arrogant walls inside the emerald-eyed man.

"I feel like laughing knowing you don't remember me. Are you human? At least remember your evil deeds!" annoyed Estelle to Dave.

Dave pulled up one thick eyebrow. "Deeds, evil?" he muttered while trying to remember who Estelle was. "You, the woman I threw to Sri Lanka?" Dave pursed his lips. "What is this? Did my subordinates do something wrong for you to come back so quickly?"

Estelle was silent, she didn't understand what Dave was saying. However, one thing she could understand... that Dave was a human demon! Throw in Sri Lanka? Did he throw a dead person in there? that's what Estelle thought now. The next moment, she moved both feet to approach the arrogant man over there.

Dave's heart beat even faster as his beautiful eyes stared intently at the feet moving towards him. The increasingly eroded distance made it difficult for Dave to get oxygen there.

"You know--"


Estelle stopped, a little surprised by the sound that Dave made. She was confused. She looked in surprise at the arrogant man who suddenly covered his mouth.

"He-hey, are you okay?" Estelle asked. It felt like deja vu, she remembered Dave's expression as if he was in pain. That night was like this too. "Is he drunk?" She continued in her heart.

"Shut up!" Dave hissed when Estelle wanted to move closer to him.

Dave made another sound like he wanted to vomit. His stomach churned to play tricks on him, his forehead began to fill with sweat. His sharp eyes were now starting to look tired. Changes that made Estelle surprised and worried.

To be continued....