
Zennah's Regrets

Zennah Regrets

After Xander left the restaurant he walked along the straight hall and called his father.

But... But... before the third ring, the call was received.

"Hey brat now you know that you have a father?" His father Master Greens asked.

"Hellooo dad.."

"Hey brother, when are you taking our sister-in-law home to us," his elder brother Zack asked.

"And don't you dare give us another reason?" His younger brother said.

"Well am tired of being the only young lady, mommy is always busy with daddy but me? Bring my gossip mate home" his sister Amy said.

"Relax all of you, she cheated on me with some poor boy, so am sorry am coming back home without a sister-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and a wife," he said through tough, you could feel the pain in his voice.

"My son, come back home I won't trouble you to get married again, " his father said.

"Yes brother best, that woman is not worth it, and don't forget the miss of the Reeds is still single...." His sister said.

"I tell you, that lady, not even a single soul knows what she looks like, brother come back and hunt her down she must be our sister-in-law," the younger brother said.

"Yes, big head come and hunt her down your sister-in-law is expecting, " the elder brother Zack said.

"Okay all of you stay safe I will be joining you soon, bye," he said.

"Okay big head remembers we are all here for you," they said.

But what they didn't know is Xander was giving thought about Reed's daughter" and he was smiling ear to ear.

"Well a man gotta do what he has to do, if this woman or this family thinks that am an easy target it is a failed mission," he said.

A few hours later***

"Grandpa, how are you" Zennah greatest.

"Am fine my dearest, how are you?" Old master Avery asked.

"Am not fine grandpa" she said.

"But why...? Did my grandson-in-law misbehave?" He asked, he knew this boy was no ordinary person according to the place he met him.

"Well... Grandpa....." Before she could finish someone said.

"We are sorry to the family of Avery, but our Second young master has sent us here, he has sent all these things to you old master Avery,

He has said sorry for not Marrying his granddaughter because she cheated on him with someone called Simon, he caught them in a restaurant " after the Beast finished he handed him an old box of Bone relaxing pills.

"Second young master said, take this pill and you will be like a 45-year-old man," the second in command said.

"And who are you talking about please?" He asked.

"Well we are talking about the second young master Xander " they answered.

When the old master Avery heard, what they said,

"I knew that there was no way that young man could have been some poor boy, but it was my granddaughter and my family who didn't cherish this treasure tell him am grateful and I hope he finds a trustworthy woman " he gave his blessings, and left for his room.

"Thank you, Sir, we will be taking our leave," they said and left.

Before they could reach the door, Zennah run after them and asked, "where is Xander?"

"Second young master is on his Jet back home, he has left," they said and left.

Now Zennah realized that she has messed up, the lie that he was going to tell his grandfather too has failed,

"Well, well, well, dear elder sister are you starting to regret now? When I told you to treat my future brother-in-law better what did you and mommy say

Now see, a golden opportunity has slipped from your hands right before you... Hahaaaa, hahaha, I wonder what our materialistic mommy will tell you" her younger sister said.

"What do you know? He will come back for me, what if those people are scum" Zennah could not believe it.

"I once caught him giving orders and that face mask guy is called The Beast is his first right-hand man," she said and left.

A few moments later***

"Where is that useless piece of trash? How can my home be this dirty yet he is around " Sarah, Zennah's mother shouted.

"Mommy you are back home," zennah said politely.

"Yes, but where is that freeloader tell him that I need my foot to be massaged and I need my supper in thirty minutes," she said.

"Mommy, why are you shouting?" Zeenat's younger sister asked.

"Where is that boy who wanna be part of my family, look at how this house is a mess," Sarah said.

"Hahaaa, mommy, ooohZennah you haven't told her yet?" She said.

"What are you talking about, you are no different from him look how unfortunate I am, " Sarah said.

"We will know who is fortunate after she tells you everything " she couldn't be bothered by these materialistic people.

"Baby girl what is she saying," Sarah asked.

"Mommy, Xander left, he break the engagement and left," zennah said.

"That's good at least he knows his position, sooner or later he had to leave, I can't bare to see my daughter suffer with that man.

Eeehm... Eeehm now you have to work hard to win Simon back okay, you must have him, that poor man has been waiting for you" Sarah said.

"Mommy, that's where you are wrong because that unwanted finance is a rich master from a rich family," Zennah's sister said.