
The Powell's downfall

"Nonsense, how can such a low-life person come from a rich family, your grandpa picked him from God knows where therefore he can't come from a rich family," Sarah said

"Mom, that's where you are wrong, " Tezzy said.

"Yes, mommy that's what have been thinking too," zennah said.

"That idiot once, that small amount of money is finished, he is going to come back home and by then we won't give him the easy time," Sarah said

"Zennah, prepare yourself we need to call Simon and welcome him home," Sarah said.

"Okay mommy," zennah said.

Little did they know that Simon was kneeling in the ancestral hall.

****At the Powell mansion***

"Simon Powell...! What have you done? How did you provoke the unknown tycoon?" Old master Powell was almost losing it.

"Grandpa I didn't, I was with my girlfriend Zennah, after which I came straight home, I haven't come across anyone talking about an insect," he said.

It could be seen clearly that he didn't provoke anyone, but then how can you explain the sudden dropping down of the stalks at the Powell Group?

"Son, are you sure you didn't provoke anyone? Can you swear to God that you didn't provoke anyone? And someone is playing games with us?" His mother said.

"Mom, dad can you guys believe me I didn't wrong anybody," he said getting tired from being questioned.

But then his younger brother said, " indeed you provoke someone you didn't know you provoked" and then he handed over the laptop.

"Blame Simon Powell for breaking our Young masters' relationship and engagement, the Powell shall never stand to see the sun nor moon" was written

They couldn't figure out who this person was. But Simon after the mention of ' engagement ' had a bad feeling that the person was the poor beggar, Xander.

"Impossible...! Xander that delivery boy how dare he? Zennah was my woman from the start how dare he threaten me?" Simon shouted.

"Stupid boy, do you know who he is? Where he came and his family members? How dare you go for that woman who is engaged now see

You have to cause the downfall of the Powell by yourself, find a way to correct this mess, solve this problem and don't you dare show up in this family if the problem is not solved, go find that boy and bring him to me" Old master Powell said.

"Okay, grandpa I will do just that," Simon said.

Before he could walk out the phone in his pocket rang and it was Zennah calling.

"Helloo," he said.

"Sweetheart, that idiot has left come home mommy wants to meet you and have a meal together," Zennah said happily grinning from ear to ear.

"Sweetheart, call that boy he must come to the Powell right now, he can't leave that criminal can't go anywhere, I don't know what trick he has used but our stalks are dropping down call him am coming, " Simon said.

"Hello... Hell..." Before Zennah could tell him that Xander's number is not going through, Simon ended the call.

He was more than frustrated, how dare that low-life animal runs away from me? Dream on.

"What now? It seems that something has happened in the Powell's, what are we going to do?" Zen ah was helpless.

"And here I thought that my sister will never be distressed with such things, after all, Xander was a poor man,

What are you being nervous about, relax but remember no man will ever do those stupid things Xander did in this house" she said.

"what is wrong with you are you hell-bent on cursing your elder sister now? Why do I have such a daughter, you do not want anything good to happen to your sister " the mother shouted.

"Little sister, can't you help me even once? Can't you support me for once? What if this were you?" Zennah felt that her sister was too much.

"Okay, go on with whatever thing you want to do with your life but don't come back crying like a little puppy,

Mother, she is your daughter and the eldest I won't say much" she then left.

"Mommy, do you think she is right ?" Zennah asked.

"What does she know? She is just a little girl, who is in her adolescence, and doesn't take her words seriously " the mother said.

'I won't allow this child to destroy hesister'srs marriage, have always wanted to be a lady of social class and shop abroad, but now it's

This little demon has never destroy our plans' she thought.

Zennah was arranging everything in perfection, she wanted to impress Simon since this is when they are going to announce, their relationship.

What else can a girl wish for other than this?

On the plane****

"Don, the Powell's are looking for you, the Simon person, the information said that he wants you to beg for his forgiveness ." The beast said.

"Hahaaa, that is the biggest joke have ever heard brother, that small fry wants our Don, thee Almighty Don X, to kneel before him? Finish him off" the third in command said.

"No, let him fool himself, he will regret it later"

"And also your fiance...."

"Ex-fiancee" Xander said with a stressed tone.

"Okay your ex-wife is preparing a welcoming meal for Simon Powell" the beast reported.

"Okay, let them be," Xander said.

"But that will be too easy on them the adulterous must be thought a lesson," another subordinate said.

"Then I leave them to you, I don't want to hear or see them again, whatever you do with them is up to you, as for her, let her be

She will regret it later but it will be too late when she will realize that she was just a bet she will cry all her eyes out but hell no who will listen?"