
Meeting 1

After receiving the message Audrey couldn't hold it anymore, "since you know that am looking for you, please come with the antidote with you" she wrote.

But even after 30 minutes there was no reply, so she decided to take a rest.

Early the next day****

Audrey was still asleep when her elder brother and second brother visited, it's very rare to see the two together, but for her sake, they made it an exception.

"Good morning President Reeds"

"Good morning Engineer Reeds"

The maids greeted them with honor and with respect.

"Surely something that can make a famous humble president with negative scandals with women walks out of his state house, that's for sure something big and great," Kevin said.

"Look at who is talking, do you know a thing other than machines and technology?" President Reeds said.

"Hey, hey boys this is my and my husband's home, so I hope you remember to say hello, to us,

Even though you are my president but don't forget my daughter is home " their mother Mrs. Reeds said.

"I agree with your mother boys," their father Mr. Reeds said.

The room was silent for a second.

"Hahaaa, mother, father," Kevin said and hugged them.

Of cause, president Reeds wanted to hug them too but he is the eye of the nation hence he had to shake hands with his parents.

"So where is the princess?" He asks his reason for coming home because he has never met this famous sister of his for almost 18 years.

He was surprised to see how beautiful she has grown, in this life he became the president to find his sister and to ease the communication, but this sister gave him a very big surprise.

He could receive greetings from her and whenever somebody tried to harm him, he could escape from all this, this was because she was protecting them.

*Be a careful big brother and find someone to call sister-in-law for me* these were her messages.

He always wanted to hug her, kiss her and give her everything a sister could get from her elder brother but he'll no it was the opposite.

Even though they knew she was quite different from them, at least they wanted to spoil her even for a second.

"Please, check if my sister is in her room and inform her we will be going in," Kevin said.

"And who wants to rob my sister's love from me" there came a lazy voice from the stairs.

"Liam?" Kevin exclaimed.

"Mommy why did you tell them that sister was home, I will have to share her with them, it's too boring," Liam said walking step by step to hug his brothers.

"Well you will have to endure it we are sorry," president Reeds said.

"Last born are you forgetting about the internet world? Of cause, she is our sister and she is the famous unknown princess from the Reeds of cause it's natural for us to know about this " Kevin said.

"And I have to say, she is a big girl now I don't know how to pamper her, she is even richer than all of us here so what can we do to such a demoness of wealth?" Kevin asked.

"Well, I will give her the golf course in Perkin island and the private jet," the president said.

"Well I will give her my first inventory car, this car is a modified car, it might seem to be an old car but trust me what's on the inside is something else," Kevin said.

"Guys since am the last born my sister is richer than the president of the nation and am just a poor doctor I will have to relax and enjoy my sister's wealth and wait for God or King the ancient king to marry my sister,

What am sure of, is no man can match my sister she is much more powerful than the top 200 billionaires put together " Liam exclaimed.

"Idiot if we spot you sucking our sister dry, am warning you," Kevin said.

"No, we are warning you and everyone here in this family too," the president said.

"Is anyone willing to watch him take advantage of our Jem?" Kevin asked the maids, this is something they didn't expect but still, they answered.



"What is happening at home?" A soft and beautiful voice came right from the door.

The room become silent again and she was ogling at them with her large hazel-like eyes.

Is like they are meeting her for the first time, Kevin and president Reeds took their time to size their sister from head to toe, indeed she was beautiful, and she was more beautiful than their mother.

They couldn't believe that this was someone that lived her whole life like a gazelle in the juggle full of prey just waiting for it to appear.

"Yoohhhh...! Beautiful princess of the kingdom..." Kevin came to a realization and stopped. "Hehee, princess how I wish I could show you off like this is my baby sister watch out she is coming" Kevin wrapped her hands around her and hugged her tightly.

"Sister 18 years, since the last time we saw each other, you were very young and cute, you had this pussycat hairstyle, with a doll-like face, now look at you the next time we see each other you are 25 years old lady, sister I missed you and my heart has always been restless," Kevin said.

He was strong before meeting her but now that she is here, he couldn't hold it anymore, he cried on her shoulder.

Audrey was stunned, she doesn't know what to do with a crying brother, so she followed her mother's signal and patted his back.

"Baby sister, are you not seeing your brother over here?" President Reeds said.

"Of cause am seeing you, but being faced with a crying cat what can a poor lady do to save herself?" She said winking at Kevin.

"Hahaaaa, come here to elder brother let me check if a baby sister has always taken good care of herself," he said.

"Oooh..! Dear brother has always taken good care of me," she said.