
Chapter 327 Try to control himself

After lunch, everyone went back to rest.

Sleeping for a while, she felt bored.

Henson proposed to watch the movie again: "How about we watch it in our room this time?"

She gouged out his eyes, and said unhappily: "You want to watch another movie that you and Daisy like?"

"I'm glad you're jealous, but honestly, I don't know what kind of movies she likes."

She said angrily, "So, what you're trying to say is that the two of you have the same thoughts."

Henson raised his hand and poked the center of her brows, "Woman, you look very cute when you're jealous."

"Don't be like this," She tilted her head, hugging her chest and angrily said, "Speak, the movie you want to see this time is another beautiful memory you watched together."

Watching movie with her? Henson felt that she must have misunderstood something. "I've never seen a movie with her."

"Do you believe that?" She slanted to him.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but what I said was the truth."