
Chapter 125 An surprise attack.

On Saturday, Wendy woke up at 9 a.m. after a very good sleep.

But she did not get up immediately. She lied in the bed to browse the web.

Elizabeth's scandals replaced the romantic news about her and Henson to be the hottest issue now.

Just after a single night, the entire world seemed to know her ugly past and begin to hate her.

"She had dated with many boys at a very age, and even got an abortion before."

"She once had a sugar daddy when she was in the college..."

"She never helped any star, but only made things hard fro them."

Some people even dug out her old love rumors with several other young wealthy masters at the same time.

Wendy was surprised to see so many bad news on Elizabeth. What happened now?

And what a rotten day to Elizabeth!

But it seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Wendy then read some other news. About 10: 30, she finally got up to wash up and went downstairs to the grocery store.

She spent a long time in it and bought a full market cart of food.