
Chapter 123 Rich men are really all playboys.

"Because I was sick. And we just got back from the hospital. Before you go back to the office, you have to send me to the infirmary to have a good rest now."

Wendy frowned to size Howell up. "But you don't like you're sick."

"Do all those cancer sufferers come to the hospital to get a check for they find their diseases from the faces first?"

"What are you saying?" Wendy glared at Howell, "Touch wood now. How could curse yourself?"

Howell laughed for Wendy's nervousness. "Sister Wendy, you are so superstitious."

 Wendy raised her hand to pat on Howell's head. "Just do as I said."

Howell was reluctant to go to the nearest tree and touch it. He then came back and say," Why do I have to cover for your dating? Let's hurry up and leave here now. It's getting too hot."

Wendy burst into laugh.

"Wendy, why are you so late today? We just finished the morning meeting. Mr. Taylor wants you to go find him in his office." Linda said to Wendy when she just walked into the office.