
Mr. Brandon's Duplicate Wife

"I want you to pretend to be my son's wife for a year, after which you have to file for divorce," Elena Brandon said. "Why me?" asked Anne Marie with a confused face. "My son was in a traffic accident with his wife Julia and she looked just like you, he was just woken up from a long coma and he needed to see his wife.” Since then Anne Marie's life changed forever. For the money, she was willing to pretend to be Julia Brandon, the wife of a young billionaire who disappeared after the car accident. At first, everything was going well, until something screwed them up and that thing was called 'Love'

missyanna_ · Urban
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16 Chs

Sacred Night

Joe's heartbeat seemed to be a lullaby for her, bringing her to sleep soundly. She dreamed that someone was touching her lips gently. Seconds later, she was awake because of the breath that she could feel on her skin. She looked up in surprise. Just a few inches in front of her, she could see Joe, who was bringing his face closer to her. She held her breath, feeling so nervous that her palms suddenly became wet.

"You're here..." Joe mumbled almost in a whisper.

"Yeah," she quickly said, pressing her lips to his, kissing him with a burning desire.

Joe looked surprised, but he didn't resist the kiss from her, especially when her hand started to roam his broad chest. "Is anyone going to come in here?" asked Anne Marie, slightly out of breath. Joe looked surprised that Anne Marie suddenly broke the kiss. "No, I mean, I don't know; I don't even know what time it is, Jules," replied Joe, his eyes still staring at Anne Marie's lips, as if it were calling him to crush her again.

Her eyes fell on the nightstand where a digital clock was located; it was 7:00 p.m. Soon the servant would come to deliver their dinner. She had to put off her cravings; everything had to go according to plan.

"Get them to bring some tequila; I want to get drunk with you tonight," she said as she ran her fingers over Joe's chest, preventing him from refusing her request. "Jules, are you sure about it?" asked Joe with slightly furrowed brows. Anne Marie shrugged her shoulders and said, "Yeah! Why not?" she said cheerfully, not understanding why Joe was so taken aback by her request.

Joe shrugged his shoulders briefly. "I don't know Jules; tell me, aren't you the one who never wants to get drunk with me? You seem to have changed your mind," he muttered, his eyes watching Anne Marie, who was looking at him intently. Anne Marie's brain worked quickly, analyzing why Julia, the party lover, was reluctant to get drunk with her husband. Then she remembered what Albert had said about Julia's bad habit: when she was very drunk, she would babble and talk about whatever was on her mind. Maybe she didn't want to get drunk with Joe because she was afraid she'd ramble on about the things she's hidden, like about the men she's having sex with?

"Didn't I tell you, I want to do whatever I never did with you, Joe? Death was so close before my eyes; I don't want to waste my time in vain," she sneered. Of course, she wouldn't be drunk with Joe that night; in fact, she would make Joe so drunk that when they made love, he would not realize about her virginity.

Joe stared at her for a long time. There was a long debate in his head that said to trust the woman in front of him or not to trust her at all. But the first voice always wins; he couldn't escape those facts about Anne Marie; her eyes are exactly the same as Julia's. The way she blinks, the way she smiles, even her voice! That woman must be Julia!

"I don't know if I should be happy or sad, but I'm enjoying our company and your new, completely different personality," said Joe. Anne Marie could see the doubt in his eyes, which is why she rushed forward and rested her head on his broad chest. "I promise I will never let you go."

Joe raised his hand and stroked Anne Marie's hair gently. "Should we tell the servant not to come?" He whispered, his hand moving down her slender neck, almost to the middle of her breasts, but Anne Maria sat up quickly. "But I'm so hungry; we have to eat first, okay?" She said with a wink in her eye that she knew she had already turned Joe on; all she had to do was get him drunk and have sex with him while he was so drunk!

The bell rang thirty minutes later, and Anne Marie was surprised to find that the servant who delivered the food was Agnes and not the one who usually served Joe. She made no eye contact with her and deftly pushed the food trolley next to Joe's bed.

"Would you like me to pour the tequila?" Agnes offered while looking at Joe and Anne Marie alternately.

As if getting a signal, Anne Marie immediately replied, "Yes, please!" She knew Agnes must be up to something, she just didn't know what. "Straight up or On the rocks?" asked Agnes with a smile. "Straight up, please!" Anne Marie looked at Joe with a smile and a wink in her eye.

"Aren't you hungry? Eat something; you can't drink alcohol with a hungry stomach," said Joe earnestly. Joe's attention to Julia made Anne Marie jealous; if only she had a man who loved her like Joe loves Julia.

"We'll eat together!" Anne Marie stretched out her hand, took a plate of sliced steak, and shoved it into Joe's mouth. "Can you stay until I ask you to leave?" asked Anne Maria to Agnes. She didn't know why, but she felt she needed Agnes's help to make things work as they should. She really wanted to have sex with Joe, but she was also overcome with fear because she had never had it in her life.

After finishing one plate of steak, they started drinking the tequila that Agnes poured into the shooter glasses. They didn't realize that Agnes had put aphrodisiacs in each of their glasses. Until the fourth glass, Anne Marie felt her libido churn, and so did Joe. Just looking at Anne Marie, who was biting her lip, was able to make something that was in between his thighs harden. He felt like he wanted to pounce and fondle the woman he thought was Julia at that very moment, but his spine had not improved, so he couldn't move his body as he wanted.

After the tenth shooter,

"Can you call my nurse? I need to pee," said Joe, a little embarrassed; he still wasn't used to saying such words in front of his wife. Although the doctor said the paralysis was only temporary, he felt very inferior to what he was experiencing. "Yes, sir!" Agnes rushed to call the nurse, and soon they disappeared into the toilet.

Anne Marie held her head, which was starting to feel light. She narrowed her eyes as Agnes walked closer to her. "Stop drinking; you have to wake up! Let Mr. Brandon have another three, then you know what you have to do!" Agnes spoke more firmly than usual.

"Yeah, okay!"

Soon Joe returned in his wheelchair. At first he was reluctant to get back into bed, but Anne Marie sulked and forced him. They continued drinking until Joe reached the last glass, which made him completely drunk. Anne Marie told Agnes to go away and then turned off the bedroom light until there was only one nightlight left. Before even starting any movement, her heart was beating uncontrollably.

She sat frozen, staring at Joe, who was lying on the bed with his cheeks flushed from drunkenness. She carefully sat on top of him and became very aroused when she felt something hard touch the outside of her underwear. Joe looked at her with dim eyes. "I want you, Jules," he said in a half-whisper.

'This is it...'

She pulled off the dress she was wearing, then bent down to kiss Joe gently, saying, "Get in me, Joe, get in me."

