
That Wasn't Moonlight


“sure, sir.”

It’s not that there’s something to miss inside anyway. The dinner buffet can wait.

I walked towards the vacant seats at the side of the ocean. You know the type everyone would lay down to have a nice tan, something like that. On the other one was an unfinished drink, a Sangria. I picked it up and placed it on the sand, wiping my hands on my dress.

“here, sir.”

I offered the seat to Sir Jiego and he did take the first seat. The one nearest to him.

The moon was bright and beautiful, a new moon, I identified. The waves were crashing to the shore as the moonlight blankets it. The movement of the water, the subtle touch of light rays make the waves appear a little luminescent. A sight for the eyes.

The can of beer still on our grips, Sir Jiego and I were silent for the first minutes. Lullabied by the sea, I let my own thoughts roll out as well. I consumed the beauty of the place for dinner and it was with one sigh from the person next to me that the silence ended. I turned to look and Sir Jiego was already looking.

“I’m sorry for letting you miss the fun inside.” – he said

“it’s fine, sir. I’m not one for parties anyway.”

He nodded and took a sip of his beer.

Again, silence. The waves sang.

“Can I tell you something, Tina?”

I thinned my lips. Perhaps it was the silence of the night which made him melancholic… or maybe it was the beer. Whichever it is, I nodded. A part of me was curious too.

“I’m scared.”

It fell like a bomb. I immediately looked at him.

“what, sir?”

“I admit it… I’m scared.”

“of… of what?”

He took another gulp of his beer. When he did, his Adam’s apple moved.

“this. I don’t know what the media knew about me as a Santiago but since I became a Sy, I… I kind of felt like a misfit. Even tonight I look at these people and it still feel strange. This man beside me during the fire show even whispered to his friend on why am I here. If I heard it correctly, he addressed me as the trying hard Sy.”

I flinched. I did know about his past. There was an article written about him. Some of those who knew him gave their testimonies. I felt bad.

“I couldn’t imagine how hard it is, sir. Also, it’s a cruel world. People are usually jerks. But you, you’re not like that. I’ve witnessed your kindness so many times.”

He smiled. I don’t know if that was only the moonlight but his eyes were glassy. He sniffed and then looked away.

“thank you… these random hits feel worse at unexpected times. I’m still learning, though. I am aware that this isnt going to be easy, but then, I have my entire lifetime to learn being a Sy.”

“you’re doing great, sir. contrary to what some people say. I, for one, am a fan. I admire you.”

“You’re only saying that because I’m your boss.” – he said with a little chuckle

“no. I mean it. You’re inspiring actually. Just like your father.”

He nodded and then looked to the ground.

“I wish I had the chance to know him, you know. In an intensive manner, not just seeing his face on newspapers or the internet. It would’ve been interesting.”

His voice cracked on the last word.

I hate this. I’m usually not good at comforting people nor giving assurances. Yet, listening to what Sir Jiego just said, it stirred my heart. I wish I could do something to make him feel better.

And then I don’t know why I did the next thing I did.

I stood up and walked closer to where he was sitting. He looked up when I was standing in front of him. his eyes were glassy and now being this close, clarity dawned. It wasn’t moonlight on his eyes. They were suppressed tears waiting to fall. With no words, I stepped closer, filling the space between his legs and held him for a hug. His head was on my stomach and gently, he raised both his arms to hug my waist. I felt a tingling sensation rising up my spine, coupled with questions in my head on why was I doing this.

But it felt right in the moment.

In seconds, I got hypersensitive of the fact that his arms were around me. I licked my lips, realizing that I was nervous and that this isn’t what professional employer-employee relationship should be. I may be overstepping some boundaries here.

He let go, and then I stepped back, feeling ashamed of myself.

“d- do you feel better, sir?”

“I kind of needed that. Thank you, Tina.”

He looked up and said that to me. But I couldn’t meet his eyes.

I gave a nod and walked to the seat again, picking up the beer I placed on the sand. I drank successively, as if that would erase what I just did twenty seconds ago.

There’s something wrong with me, I swear.




After ten minutes, the air became chillier and Sir Jiego invited me back to the hall. There were jazz music coming from inside too, no more announcements or anything spoken with the microphone. I guess the preliminaries were over and the guests were enjoying their dinner in peace.

We got in and as what I thought, dinner is served.

“you can stay at our table while I get you food.” – Sir Jiego offered but I shook my head.

“no, sir. I’m your secretary it should be the other way around.”

“Nah. Just let me be a gentleman, Tina.”

And then he turned his back, giving me no opportunity to say something. I sighed, looking around to see that the table we got was now occupied by two elderly couple. I frowned, but found another table with two vacant seats on it. I smiled, recognizing EJ on the same table.

I walked towards him and he stood as I was near enough.

“what did I miss?” – I asked, looking at the half-eaten medium rare T-bone steak on his plate.

“just some sponsorship acknowledgments? And ooh, they gave everyone some souvenirs.”

EJ said, pointing to a small red paper bag on the table.

“what’s in it?”

“haven’t opened it yet.”

I nodded.

“are these seats taken? I’m afraid our table was given to someone else.”

EJ shook his head and sat down. Minutes after, I saw Sir Jiego surveying the place looking for me. I raised my hand to get his attention and then I did. He walked towards the table with two plates on his either hand.

“what happened to our table?”

“taken, sir.”

He grimaced and sat down. He placed a plate in front of me. T-bone steak, the marble potatoes, buttered shrimp, fresh mango slices and a small serve of coleslaw. Waiters come here and there to pour us wine but I refused. I had enough of alcohol for one night. And I can still taste the beer at the back of my tongue.